Calling all runners - Odd Pain in my Hip from Running

Hi All,

I have this odd pain in my hip, upper left thigh area. It's a shooting sort of pain, almost like I pulled something. I can't figure out what it is. I've done that hip stretch where you lay on your back, cross the leg over the other, and pull towards you. It helps in the moment but not after. I've also iced the area.

For some background, I'm a pretty avid runner, though I fell off the wagon when I got pregnant and had my first baby (hence my presense on this site!). To get back into shape (and lose those stubborn lbs) I've gotten into running again, but nothing crazy, maybe 3 miles four times a week plus a longer (6/7 miles) run on the weekend. My weekday run DOES include hills, which isn't normal for me.

Any idea what this is and how to fix it? It's driving me nuts...though oddly enough doesn't bug when I run...only when I'm sitting still


  • marieparker11
    marieparker11 Posts: 1 Member
    I had a very similar pain last year - but mine was in my right hip. Initially, it only hurt following a run, but after some time mine did begin to hurt when I ran. I could run through it though - just hurt for the first mile and then it improved. I tried to keep running and eventually, the pain got so bad throughout the day that I couldn't. I did go in to see a sports medicine doctor and it turned out I had a hip flexor strain. I made the mistake of continuing to push through the pain and I hurt myself more. It took me about 4 months for the pain to stop after I quit running (which was not an easy pill for me to swallow as I am an avid runner). I was able to do some heavy cardio on the elliptical at the gym to get me through the recovery and keep my fitness on track. My advice would be to listen to your body - if you are experiencing pain, switch up your workouts and try to give your hip a break. It's telling you something! Good luck :)