New Again! Need friends and help with hypothyroidism

Hi MFP! This is my second time with MFP. Last time here was a couple years ago. I have had several issues with weight loss in the past few years which wrecked my body. I had an eating disorders, depression and just recently found out I have hypothyroidism. I am so frustrated and depressed I cant even explain it. I have been doing everything I have been told! I see a naturalapath. .eat organic religiouly and exercise 5 days a week for an hour. No weight loss and horrible mood!! If anyone has any advice or personal stories of their own it would be appreciated.


  • Siobhan3240
    You can add me. I also have hypothyroid and have lost 57 pounds.
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    Hey - it took me a long time. My Dr is still trying to sort out what all is wrong with me, but I have Hashimoto's, PCOS, high cortisol, insulin resistance (currently in remission), chronic fatigue syndrome/fibro, and looking at possible adrenal gland and/or pituitary gland problems. I also have a history with eating disorders (currently battling EDNOS/BED, anxiety, depression - yay O.o).

    I lost 40 lb before going on anything for any of the above. It took forever (18 months), and I stailled a lot. I also find that my weight range is kind of big, so weighing myself often, in the absence of plotting all of the weights on a graph, makes it look like nothing is happening, though over time the trend line was down even if I'd gain 5 lb out of nowhere.

    As far as food goes, I just ate less of what I normally ate (I was vegetarian before adjusting my diet with the help of my dietitian), and logged EVERYTHING. For most of the time I was losing, I hiked, lifted weights, and occasionally ran. That was more for health, though - the caloric deficit is what makes weight loss.

    I've been seeing a therapist and a dietitian in addition to my Dr to help with my mental health issues. Perhaps your naturopath could refer you to an outpatient ED team? Mine work directly with my Dr, which has been great because all 3 work together to figure out what is going on, rather than me seeing everyone separately in a vacuum. It has really helped a lot.

    Good luck!
  • docbrox87
    Hey! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago (after being having heart problems investigated believe it or not!) and it can be a pain in the butt. It does mean your metabolism will tend to be slower but if you are on correctional medication (which I assume you will be?if not then you should be!) then stick with it, stick with a good diet and keep up the exercise. It can take a little while for things to settle out but once it does you will see a big difference. I've always found it hard to shed weight but since being treated for hypothyroidism it's def got better.
    With regards to weight loss, you say you work out an hour 5 days a week which is fab! What is it that you do? And have you tried incorporating weights/resistance training into your workout? I toootally found that spurred my weight loss on.
    Keep the chin up dudette, it's not an easy road but we are all here to support you!

  • lprincess1970
    Thank you for sharing. I have alot of similar issues that you listed as well I guess I just forgot to list all the of them. I do have a therapist I have been working with and without just recently came out of a partial hospitalization program for my depression and BDD. Since I've been out I have been struggling again. Mainly because of the frustration of trying like crazy and getting no where. I guess I just need to be patient. .dont give up and all the work with the right meds will pay off. Thank you!
  • lprincess1970
    Hi! I do exercise 5 days for an hour. This consists of 30 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio. My question is..can the cardio be too much on the thyroid and cortisol? My Dr.told me to cut back to 30 mins. No more than 4 ir 5 days a week. And weights were good but cardio was too stressful. I dont know. So much conflicting info. As for meds..he just started me in thyrostim to try and boost my thyroid if that doesn't work in 6 weeks he is going to put me in Armour. THANKS!
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I'm currently unmedicated and have hypothyroidism as well. I've lost over 40lbs and maintained that loss over two years. Feel free to add me. :)
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    You can add me. I have Graves disease..Had radiation to remove my thyroid and am now hypothyroid. Harder battle dealing with thyroid for sure. I have been able to lose 55lbs (195-140). I get blood tests every 6 weeks as my thyroid is hard to control. You aren't alone :)
  • lprincess1970
    Thank you! It is good to know im not alone in dealing with this constant battle! Good luc k to you both on your weight loss journey and I look forward to sharing stories of both struggle and definitely PROGRESS!
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    I just posted my starting pic and where I am at today. this morning. It has been a long road..but don't give up!!
  • docbrox87
    Hi! I do exercise 5 days for an hour. This consists of 30 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio. My question is..can the cardio be too much on the thyroid and cortisol? My Dr.told me to cut back to 30 mins. No more than 4 ir 5 days a week. And weights were good but cardio was too stressful. I dont know. So much conflicting info. As for meds..he just started me in thyrostim to try and boost my thyroid if that doesn't work in 6 weeks he is going to put me in Armour. THANKS!

    I'm not an expert but I don't think the cardio should be too much for your thyroid. If anything you want to up the metabolism to counteract the slowing action of the underactive thyroid. I used to do a lot of cardio but recently changed my training to 45 min cardio sessions twice a week (HIIT) and 3 days of weight training. Building more lean muscle mass by weight training has def helped me shed a few pounds and has really changed my body shape. There are people on here who are much more qualified to advise you in this area that I am! But upping your weight training and splitting your cardio/ weight days might be something to think about?
    It's also important to try and fire up your metabolism - do you eat small, regular meals? Like 5-6 a day? Again that can definitely help shift the weight.
    With regards to medication, I'm not familiar with Thyrostim - is it a thyroxine replacement medication? I'm in the UK and I take Levothyroxine which basically replaces the thyroxine that I can't make naturally and it's def helped me, not only with weight but I feel less tired/irritable/down. Sounds like the ARMOUR stuff is similar so maybe you'll see benefits from that. It does take a while for your levels to buildup though so don't lose heart! Stick with it! :)
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I've lost over 100 lbs with hypothyroidism (hashimotos). However, since switching from generic to name brand Synthroid the weight has been coming off much faster, mood is better, improved focus and concentration, and have a lot more energy.

    As for exercise, I've heard that high-intensity cardio can be bad for the thyroid but I don't know how true this is. You could try scaling back the intensity rather than amount of time to see if it helps. I tend to think finding the right medication would make a bigger difference though. I do 5 days of weight training (alternating routines) and 30-45 minutes of light to moderate intensity cardio at the gym and then sometimes 30-60 minutes of very light cardio at home.
  • lprincess1970
    Thank you for your advice. ?.I appreciate it. As for my meals I do eat 6 small meals/snacks each day. You said you do 45 mins. Of cardio is that twice a week on the days you dont do weights? The other 3 days 45 mins weights?
  • lprincess1970
    Wow! Congrats to you on your weight loss! I agree I think that getting on the right meds in combination with the eating and working out would be much more efficient. I think im going to try what the Dr. Said about shorter sessions first..but do them at a higher pace and see what happens. Thank you!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey hon, I started meds for hypothyroid about a week ago. I'm always exhausted. Can't lose weight. No libido (tmi... but it's a problem....) So... I'm hoping meds will help. I've been extremely frustrated and feeling like a failure... I read on here that weights are good when on the meds....
    Stay hopeful ;)
  • docbrox87
    Thank you for your advice. ?.I appreciate it. As for my meals I do eat 6 small meals/snacks each day. You said you do 45 mins. Of cardio is that twice a week on the days you dont do weights? The other 3 days 45 mins weights?

    No probs! That's great that you eat at regular intervals, def helps :) Yes I do my 45 min cardio on days I'm not lifting. My schedule is usually:

    Mon: 45 min-1hr cardio
    Tues: 45 min weight training
    Thurs: 45 min-1hr cardio
    Fri: 45 min weight training
    Sat: xfit (which kinda does cardio and weights in one!)
    Sun: Rest

    On lifting days I only do about 5 mins cardio when I get to the gym to warm my body up and then finish with mayb 5 mins of sprint or cycling intervals but never any longer than 10 mins. I'm sure other folk have other ways of doing it but I find having the split means you can really focus on explosive cardio one day and really bust out the weights on another, so that way you don't totally exhaust yourself in one session :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Once you get on the right meds for hypothyroidism, there are no restrictions regarding your activities. I have lived with Hashimotos for 20 years now, and there have been periods where I spent hours at the gym per day. Be patient, it can take about 6 months for the dr to get you to a dose that works for you and for your body to start getting back to nornal.
  • lprincess1970
    Thank you! Actually that is pretty much what t will be doing now for my workout schedule. I was doing both cardio and weights in one session and apparently that can be too much. So good luck to both of us :)
  • lprincess1970
    Thank you! I am not typically a very patient person..but I am quickly learning that with this disease I don't have much of a choice. I will continue to kick butt in the gym and hopefully. ? will pay off!
  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    Just my experience: I have been batteling hypothyroidism. I am on synthroid. Over as year ago, I joined mfp. I would get up at six a.m. work out and eat healthy. I did this for THREE MONTHS and NO WEIGHT LOSS!!! I was so fraustrated, but kept going. I went to a Metobolic Research Center and was put on Meformin. I am NOT diabetic, but she said it would regulate my sugar. I started to drop weight...not quickly, but slowly with eating right, MFP and excercise. I got to the point where she took me off Meformin because I did not need it anymore. Cinnnemon is good for blood sugar regulation and chromium picolante. I take both. I am just starting again today. I feel super disguisted because of my gain of ten pounds after my surgery and I pigged out on ice cream and pizza last night. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. One good thing: I got rid of all my HEAVIER clothes. I will absolutely NOT buy a bigger size!!!
  • jenie70
    jenie70 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, have you ever been prescribed LEVOTHYROXINE. I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 5 days ago and I have been taking the 3rd day I was feeling extremely tired, I slept off and on most of the day. I had no energy at all. Today is the 5th day and I am still very tired. I take the medicine at 8am and I wait one hour to eat. But the medicine does suppress my appetite which is good for me.. I am not sure if my Doctor has to change my medication. But before taking it..I use to feel very tired and I had no energy and I always craved carbs and soda. I now have NO cravings for carbs or soda.