Weight Loss Hypnosis

Has anyone used weight loss hypnosis to help with weight loss? I think it would help me if I found the right one.


  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I had an instructor that was a hypotherapist. Want to know the kicker? They can't hypnotize you into doing anything you don't actually want to do. So, if weight loss is something you truly want, there's nothing they can really do for you, that you can't do for yourself. Well, they can take a lot of your money, but their "job" is to convince you to do the things you already want to do. That's it. As he told us "I got paid to tell people they wanted to do the things they wanted to do, it was great!" <_<
  • djnusch
    djnusch Posts: 19 Member
    That is true about hypnosis and not forcing you to do anything you don't what to do, but ......
    This year I decided to look into hypnosis a little closer to see if I could rewire my subconscious, because I seem to eat when I don't want to. Hypnosis or some form of it has been around a long time, and I won't bore you with the details, but bottom line, I think it can have a place in a persons plan to lose weight. While not proof, and far from doing this a long time (2 weeks) I'm pleasantly surprised by my New self-control while eating food. I have read a few books, and have been listening to one CD that seems be helping me, but way too early to know the final results. I joined MyFitnessPal last year and lost quite a bit of weight, but Put it back on by the end of this year I'm trying this hypnosis thing this year to see if I can change the way I think about food.