Beginner to Pro

I'm wondering,
I am quite the beginner for Exercising and Fitness and clean eating and everything. I have work out DVDs and I do Zumba and in the Summer I do more stuff outside, however I find it really hard to keep myself motivated because I can't do nearly as much as they do on the workout DVDs and I just feel pretty crappy after doing them because I stopped half way through.

Is there any advice on what to do so your body will get used to it and you will be able to do more? I'm kind of at a stand still.


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Rather than quitting when you reach a limit, just do toe touches for until you get your breath back, then pick back up. Eventually, they will get to the cool down, which is important.

    What DVDs are you doing right now? You may be able to find ones that are more suited for your level. Last week, I googled Chris Powell's Extreme Weight Loss workout 1. It was only fifteen minutes and even with my back bothering me, I could do all but one of the exercises.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Pretty much keep doing it mate. Like most things the more you do it the better you get at it. Make the DVD goals for example smaller, aim for 5mins more then you did last time and just push for that.
  • dpwdash
    dpwdash Posts: 29 Member
    Unfortunately there is nothing that will make you better at working out except doing more. I freaking hate burpees, with a passion. Mainly, because I do them so badly. So I made a calendar one day and decided I would do at least 5 of the dang things everyday doe 30 days.
    Fast forward to today, I still hate burpees but my form has improved and they are not as nearly as horrible as they were before. Now when I know my group leader is going to make us do them I don't try to hide, I am loud and proud counting them off.

    Good luck, remember this is the long game not and overnight thing.