Bad Weekend - Overindulgence

Hey everyone: I am new on this site, and I am coming off of a pretty bad weekend of overindulgence. Superbowl in particular. I realize that it probably should have been better with healthier snacks, fruits, etc, but hey, I live in Wisconsin where beer, brats and cheese are a must. Anyway...sitting with a lot of guilt today and did get 30 minutes of exercise in but not as motivated as usual. Any thoughts?


  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Keep a positive attitude...SuperBowl only happens once a year thankgoodness! (I ate enough calories for 2 days yesterday myself!) it would take many many more days of overindulgence for it to have a huge impact and that means it's ok--just NOT all the time.
    The next meal/day is the important one, lighten it up and eat EXTRA healthy for a day. You got some exercise in, try for a little more or at the very least take the stairs more, park farther away from your destinations...every little bit counts.

    Remember confuscious: It does not matter how fast you go as long as you don't stop.
    Strength: A river cuts through rock not because of it's power but it's persistence.

    You got this! Keep on keeping on! :bigsmile:
  • SelfLoveMamma
    I think most people had a bad weekend due to the Super Bowl but don't let it get you down. today is a new day! drink lots of water to help rid the bloat.

    adding you!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    It happens, just focus on your next meal and get back on track - regular portions, healthier foods etc...Get your water in today and you already got some exercise in - just stay with it and you will be back on track in no time!
  • jazzynina
    I agree keep a positive attitude, I was also doing great when I first started on this website then I had a bad week! My Birthday and Super bowl got the best of me so now I'm looking forward to getting back on track. Don't give up keep going and soon enough we'll see results. Trying walking especially in an are that has a great view. :-)
  • tubaman58
    Don't get let it get you down, and I wouldn't try to "Make up" for it, just keep going..... drink a little extra water and some extra fruit to help you feel "cleaned out" and forge ahead....
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Do better starting now.

    Everyone's gonna overeat sometimes. Feeling guilt over eating crappy once in awhile isn't beneficial to you. Just do well most of the time, and accept that nobody is perfect.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Don't get down about it, I didn't eat so great yesterday either but it happened and Im moving on. Just be positive :)
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    It's Just go forward from here. Today is a new day and you're off to a great start!
  • somethinginherair
    somethinginherair Posts: 14 Member
    Stick with it! Every day is new. Every "meal time" is a new chance. Don't get too down on yourself for it. You're going to slip up and fall down a few times. Nobody is perfect. :)
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    The best thing you can do is strive to do better today. There's nothing wrong with indulging once in a while. Don't let it get to you too much! Get back into a healthy routine today and do your best during the week so you feel less guilty on the weekends.
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    Sure. At the soonest chance, put together lots of healthy foods for yourself. Splurge and get the stuff you really like that is good for you. You deserve it. Give yourself a chance to do the right thing
  • shannettegoodas
    i know just how u feel i had one of those weekends too but im back on track today will be doing my exercise routine at 6 and also did my fruits and veggies today. dont kick urself it happens to the best of us
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    My thoughts? Here's my view on cheat days/meals.

    A lb of fat equates to approximately 3500 Calories. To lose 1 lb of fat in one week, we need a 500 Calorie per day deficit (7 x 500 = 3500).

    If you eat @ that 500 Calorie deficit for 6 days, you are at a weekly deficit of 3000 Calories.

    If you "cheat" and end up eating maintenance Calories (no deficit, but not @ surplus) for one day, you keep that 3000 Calorie weekly deficit. This means you can expect to lose 0.86 lbs that week.

    If you "cheat" and end up eating a 500 Calorie surplus for one day, you now have a 2500 Calorie weekly deficit. This means you can expect to lose 0.71 lbs that week.

    In both cases, you'll likely lose more than 1/2 lb of fat that week. Not bad, right? Maybe not as much as you hoped, but it's progress in the right direction. And that’s what’s really important.

    If your goal for weight/fat loss is different, then the numbers change - but the principal is still the same.
  • Debsea01
    Debsea01 Posts: 7 Member
    I know these posts are old but they're just what I needed. id just started to see some results but then had a weekend away where there was nothing but bad food options!! Felt demoralised but now intend to do as advised above... Thank you