Let me start this one out on a positive note: I love to food prep. I think it's a fantastic, cost-effective way to nearly guarantee you stay on track. Downside: monotony/lack of creativity...both of which I'm suffering from.

From mid-September last year to around the first week of November, I food prepped pretty dilligently. I was able to lose 7 lbs this way, which was great. I loved seeing the results, and knowing that I was feeding my body with good nutrition. The problem was that I started to become bored and almost grossed out by my food. Furthermore, I felt like if i didn't eat exactly what I was eating, my progess would stop. FYI: every day went like this:

B: Toast with peanut butter + hard boiled egg
snack: protein shake
L: Either turkey with veggies or chicken with veggies
snack: protein shake
D: Same as lunch

...i mean...who WOULDNT get sick of that?! But i was seeing loss!! I was happy. But then gave up. Since then, I managed to somewhat maintain my loss give or take a pound. I've been counting calories pretty much. But I want to see the loss again.

SO that brings me to yesterday. I made the decision to start prepping again since I know it works. I made:
-Seasoned chicken breasts
-turkey burgers
-asparagus, green beans, zucchini
-sweet potatoes
-hard boiled eggs

and bought:
-greek yogurt
-hummus cups
-carrots for dipping

...that's what i'm eating this week. I planned out 2 "cheat" meals.

Here's my grand question. To those of you who are very successful with food prepping, where do you find your creativity and still keep the meals healthy?? Any sites or resources you especially like? Any tips for me?? How do I come up with some variety here? I really want to make this a lasting part of my life.



  • stpt_guy
    stpt_guy Posts: 7 Member
    I findinspiration in cook books, pinterest, facebook, pretty much all over online. Don't be afraid to broaden your food base though. You would be surprised at how much healthy nutritious food is out there and I find that if there is something I am not on board with something in the recipe (high fat/sugar/sodium/calorie ingredient), I find something that I can substitue that item with and try a new recipe. The worse that happens is you don't like what you made!

    I keep a fairly consistent diet and when I find something on sale at the grocery store, then I try adding new things and typically stock up.