Is it just an excuse??

I stopped taking birth control about 4 months ago...and I've put on 12 pounds.

I'm also moving, and getting married...there's a lot of stress in my life that's not always there.

I was never one to put the blame of weight loss on anything but my eating habits...but I'm wondering if anyone else had a similar problem.



  • kanea
    kanea Posts: 6
    I stopped taking birth control about 4 months ago...and I've put on 12 pounds.

    I'm also moving, and getting married...there's a lot of stress in my life that's not always there.

    I was never one to put the blame of weight loss on anything but my eating habits...but I'm wondering if anyone else had a similar problem.

  • tweety3
    tweety3 Posts: 118
    Stress is a HUGE (no pun intended) factor in weight gain!!! Find a happy place and try to get at least fiften minutes of total relaxing in for yourself every day! That is sooo important!! Also, remember that everything does not have to be done or perfect. Life will still be life tomorrow so try not to put alot of emphasis on the small stuff!! And one last thing.. EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE!!! Just a little 20-30 minute walk will relieve a ton of stress!! Good luck, hope this helps:)
  • kanea
    kanea Posts: 6
    thank you:)
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I experienced a very similar situation!!! Last year I graduated from college, started a new job, planned a wedding/got married (alot of extra added stress from inlaw issues!!), went through/completed a HUGE training program in six months that normally takes a year and a half, got a promotion and was transfered to another location at work....AND...stopped taking birth control...all within eleven months. I tried really hard to lose weight before the wedding...lost ten pounds from Jan-Sept. and gained it all back on the ONE WEEK honeymoon :sad: After the honeymoon I stopped taking b-control and have since gained an additional 27 pounds. My doctor said that some women's hormones really go crazy when they stop taking birth control (I didn't have a period for three months and had to take medication to start again) and that could contribute to the weight gain. He just told me to watch my carbs and exercise 30 mins per day.

    I haven't really made any progress yet, but my cousin just turned me on to this site...and I am VERY excited about it. I am already addicted and find myself logging on ALL THE TIME!

    Don't worry too much about your wedding; your day will be great no matter what happens!! The point is to be married to the one you love at the end of the day. If you don't get all the little stuff figured out before the big day, don't worry about one knew it was supposed to happen in the first place!!! :wink:

    Good luck...
