For those familiar with anti-depressants

I am in the process of researching various anti-depressants and the effects they have on weight loss. I've heard a lot about Welbutrin as a medication that doesn't cause weight gain. For those who are familiar with Welbutrin and have taken them or currently do, what have your experiences been? Are any of you all on any different anti-depressant that doesn't have side effects of weight gain?

Thanks :)


  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    I have been on wellbutrin but found out I'm allergic. Broke out in hives. I've been on prozac and it turned me into a zombie. I'm now on celexa. It helps my depression but it makes losing weight really tough.
  • sassy_2280
    My doctor was concerned about my weight and prescribed me Welbutrin (generic). I have had no weight gain with this medication. I've tried several to find just the right one for me and I love Welbutrin! Everyone is different but in my opinion this is the best! Hope this helps a little. :happy:
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I'm on Wellbutrin extended release. I have been on Lexapro, Prozac, and Celexa, but my doctor looked at my weight history since being put on those medicines, and chose to switch me to Wellbutrin. I'm able to lose weight on it, which is so nice. It supresses your appetite some. For the first few days to few weeks, it's actually hard to eat. Once your body gets used to it, you get your appetite back...mostly. But as far as weight gain, I'd say it's the best one (that I have been on) for avoiding that. And it's effective!
  • littlet22
    hey there :)
    i'm on wellbutrin. i can't honestly say that it has actually aided weigh loss but i haven't gained any like i had with others.
    right now i'm on the time released kind so every thing stays on an even keel.
    it actually helped me quit smoking as well so i suppose it has some affect on "urges" of all sorts.
    i recommend it.. although i'm not a doc or pharmacist. lol.
    good luck to you :)
  • malvakai
    I'm on generic welburtin and while it hasnt prevented me from gaining weight, I've been on it for years and it may be that my body is used to it.
  • princessmedic
    I'm on Welbutrin & Zoloft...I haven't noticed a problem with weight gain related to either.
  • JohnMaile
    I am on Welbutrin right now. What I've noticed is that my appetite is lower, so I could see where I could not eat as much. What is stopping me from doing that is the fact that I'm trying to lose only a small amount of body fat and actually gain muscle, which requires me to eat quite a bit of food. I could definitely see how Welbutrin could lead to weight loss. The form I'm on is extended release.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    hey there :)
    i'm on wellbutrin. i can't honestly say that it has actually aided weigh loss but i haven't gained any like i had with others.
    right now i'm on the time released kind so every thing stays on an even keel.
    it actually helped me quit smoking as well so i suppose it has some affect on "urges" of all sorts.
    i recommend it.. although i'm not a doc or pharmacist. lol.
    good luck to you :)

    Did you know that Bupropion, which is the generic Wellbutrin, is actually the same exact thing as Zyban, a stop-smoking aide? Factoid of the day! And congrats on being a quitter!!!
  • DancingYogini
    I am on weight gain, actually a loss. They are studying it as an actual weight loss drug. It helps with ADHD as well. So I am very pro Wellbutrin. I don't feel like a zombie like I did on Prozac, and actually feel normal for once. It has even been shown to increase your sex drive :blushing: Maybe because your depression is lifted, so you actually feel like being intimate?? Hope that helps.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Thank you all for your responses!
  • SKelley1218
    SKelley1218 Posts: 43 Member
    I dont have experience personally with anti-depressants but I am in pharmacy school so I do know information about them. Wellbutrin causes the least amount of weight gain of all the anti-depressants and may cause weight loss in some patients.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I was on it for a while (5 months), didn't notice much of any difference in anything while taking it. The doc thought it might assist me in quitting smoking, and he thought I might be depressed. I wasn't depressed, I had a couple bulging discs in my back causing pain and I wasn't able to sleep at night. I was grumpy and always tired because I couldn't get any sleep. My boyfriend didn't notice any difference either, except I seemed to be less moist during sex.

    He put me on Lexapro after my dad died, that stuff messed me up! I only took it 3 weeks, at half the strength he told me to take. Very bad hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, and a constant ringing in my ears that is still there 5 years later. Absolutely no sex drive for about 3 months.
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    I was on Welbutrin and went off about 2 months ago (on my own, bad idea). I had lost weight on the Welbutrin and have gained since I went off. I think it is the lack of impulse control, but I'm not sure. Other anti-depressants did cause weight gain, but not the Welbutrin. On a side note, I wish I wouldn't have stopped taking it and now don't know if it is ok to just start back. :( Good luck
  • CaptainJim157
    I'm on Sertraline (Zoloft?) I've not noticed any weight gain, on my Haldol though, wow, lol 40 lbs in a few years :(
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I have been on Effexor for about 6 years now. I did not notice any weight gain when I went on it and have been able to lose weight while on it.
  • JessicaPahl
    I am on celexa 20mg currently... I started out taking it a couple years ago after my mom passed away and i was taking 40 mg in themorning.. it was super tough for me to lose weight i am thinking because when i took it in the am it made me tired and not care and just not want to get out of my also it made me kinda non chalant about what i threw into my gullet... haha
    then once i started taking half a dose and at night time things changed dramatically i slept well... and the side effects of being in a zombie like state were no longer so since i was sleeping when it was at its strongest in my system.. .. the pounds begain to finally come off and i still feel as though it is effective with my depression.:happy:
  • Charlie001
    I have been on wellbutrin but found out I'm allergic. Broke out in hives. I've been on prozac and it turned me into a zombie. I'm now on celexa. It helps my depression but it makes losing weight really tough.

    I was on celexa, stopped because it messed with my a bad way.
  • JessicaPahl
    ya i kinda notice a hard time having a o on the celexa gotta concentrate harder lol ;) (being a woman anyway)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I have taken Prozac, Celexa and trialed Zoloft, Effexor, Wellbutrin XL & SR. I finally had results with Wellbutrin SR, and have been on it for 3 yrs.( the generic, Bupropion) I have not gained any weight...cept when I cease eating healthy and lack of exercise. Wellbutrin has completely freed me of my sobbing episodes, yet I am not depression free. I find that exercise plays a huge part in lifting my spirits. Keeping a consistent routine is where I struggle.
  • prettier_me
    prettier_me Posts: 53 Member
    i've been on lexapro since this february, and have gained 10 pounds. although i'm not sure if that's because i've been lax with my diet/exercise regime, or simply because of the meds :/