Mini Elliptical under desk

So on recommendation from my SIL, I bought a mini elliptical to put under my desk. Im debating whether I want to log the calories burned for using it. Im going to just be doing it at a slow but steady pae the closest thing I could find in he database would be "Stationary Bike - Very light effort". I plan on upping my calories a bit.

If I am doing it very slow but steadily for 5 - 6 hours a day, how should I log it, if at all?


  • Bumping.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    If you can keep that up for 5-6 hours a day, you're a better woman than I am, Fluffy! (with apology to Kipling) Choose a time to use it and actually log the time for a week or two to find out how much you really use it.

    Good luck with it! Where did you find it? and how much, if you don't mind, did it cost?
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    I think that you've got it right with what you have! Good luck doing it for that long!
  • If you can keep that up for 5-6 hours a day, you're a better woman than I am, Fluffy! (with apology to Kipling) Choose a time to use it and actually log the time for a week or two to find out how much you really use it.

    Good luck with it! Where did you find it? and how much, if you don't mind, did it cost?

    I bought it off Amazon. It's called the Stamina 55-1610 InMotion E1000 Elliptical Trainer. It was $87.00.

    It's SUPER quiet and it has a resistance setting. It counts calories, but I kinda of just ignore that factor cuz I think it's counting based on working out on it while standing. I've been able to get it in for at LEAST 2 hours, usually about 3 to 4. I've found I definitely am doing more than "very light effort" but I've been logging using MFP's very light effort with half the minutes that I actually do. I figure that'll give enough room for error.
  • ejminer84
    Hi Fluffy! :)

    Disregard -- I totally missed your last post! Keep up the GREAT work!

    I know you posted this a few months ago but I was curious to know what you ended up doing. I literally just bought an under the deck mini elliptical and was trying to figure out how or if I should log that as exercise on My Fitness Pal. I too was going to use "Stationery Bike, Very Light Effort." Thoughts?

  • sbziegler
    I bought one myself last week and was searching how to count calories and when I googled it your post came up. I do fitness pal as well and curious how you think this worked after a few weeks. I do about 5 hours a day peddling as fast as I can. It has to better then just sitting down all day doing nothing?
  • candersen12
    candersen12 Posts: 3 Member
    I just bought one as well - same product and price range.
    I created a new exercise on MFP and I go on it all day long - about 6-7 hours! For calories, I cut whatever it says in half. I agree that I'm sure those calories are being logged for someone standing.
    EVEN cutting them in half, I managed to gain another 1000 calories for my day? Hmm... Sounds like I could eat pizza twice per day and still lose weight??
    Maybe I should only record 1/3 of the calories recorded!
    It's only my first day - and it's definitely not replacing my regular exercise at the gym.
    But I do love it =)