Another hello!!

jusso99 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

Just joined after finding this app on my iPhone4. Looks like it could be really handy as I have gotten to a stage where losing the weight is getting harder. I'm from Australia and been training and dieting for the past 9 months now. So far I have lost 40+ kg about 88lb. Funny when I look back to where I was and how I struggled walking 5km about 3.1 mile and how sore I was during this walk and now I jog this distance with relative ease. Anyway I hope this app/site will help me lose the rest of this damn weight that seem to be hanging on for dear life :o(


  • Hello Jusso, welcome, you will really enjoy this site, l am fairly new but was on here last year for a short time. But this time l have come on last month and l log in everyday, and am in this for a life time. Hope you enjoy this site and make sure you check in everyday. :)

    Good luck
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
  • jusso99
    jusso99 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Tamara and evawilkerson,

    It's already motivated me again. Although I have been pretty steady with my diet and exercise. I did just have a week off from everything and ate really badly. Felt like I put 10lb on and just felt unmotivated and discouraged. So this site is just what I've being looking for and needed.
  • Welcome jusso!

    This is DEFINATELY the right place to be! Everyone here is so helpful, supportive and extremely uplifting!!! You will love it here :o)
  • jusso99
    jusso99 Posts: 9 Member
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