Need Accountability!!!!

My name is Luke, i am 25 years old weighing in at 214. until a year ago i work a very physically demanding job and never had to worry about fitness, now i work in an office tied to a desk for most of the day and after i just dont feel like going to the gym and the easy option of ordering something for dinner is always appealing lol. i am married and have a 5 month old baby boy, and those two are my motivation. i want to be a very active father and not be held back from doing activities with him in the future because of weight or lack of energy. I really enjoy physical activity when i actually get out there and do it but getting off my butt is the problem and then there is my diet........ filled with chicken wings, pizza, chinese and any other fried or fatty food you can think of, oh and dont forget the sweet tea lol what i think i need is accountability someone to check in with every day or maybe a few times a week to tell me good job or maybe give me a swift kick in the pants when i mess up....... Any suggestions are welcome


  • rubyred138
    rubyred138 Posts: 22 Member
    What works for me is to plan out all of my meals for 2 weeks before I go grocery shopping. This way I won't be tempted to just grab random stuff ie: the good stuff that is super bad for you. I use the recipe creator on the app so that it automatically tells me how many calories are in each serving. I also try to switch things up, like not eating the same thing for breakfast every day, I rotate things so I dont get bored.
  • lsadler1217
    That is my plan, first cut out the soda and the ordering out and plan my lunches and dinners before I am wore out from my day. I am curious about breakfast though, should I have a big (healthy) breakfast to keep me full for a while or have something small and more often??