About 10 minutes aways from giving up!!

THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I clicked the button and because I ate so much today, MFP predicted that within 5 weeks I would actually gain weight. I can't believe I let myself down like this. I have been doing SO WELL until now. Not to mention last week was hard. I'm used to waking up and seeing a smaller number everyday (sometimes its like .2 lb, but I'm okay with that). That is what keeps me going, KNOWING that I'm doing the right thing. And like everyday Thur, Fri, Sat the scale was high. I didn't realize that I was about to start my TOM, so that was probably why, but I let it get to me. Today I ate like I had never seen food before. I did good in the morning, I had good self control in the afternoon, and then this evening I had already eaten when my boyfriend called and asked if I wanted him to bring home Subway. I'm not sure what my problem is and why its hard for me to say no, but I couldn't. It was almost like I didn't want to let him down. :( So he brought subway and I ate the WHOLE DAMN THING...a foot long. Then... he made chocolate chip cookies because I said they sound good. :( And I devoured those...I swear, if i could just be alone, I could lose weight so much faster. I know it isn't his fault, but it is hard for me to say no, I feel like I'm letting them down. I'm pretty sure I am going to go back to telling him that I'll eat by myself and I don't want him to make me anything for the next month. :( We will see what happens I guess. Its around 9:30 and I'm trying to decide if I should go to the gym to try to fix what I have messed up today, at least a little bit. Okay...sorry I needed to let it all out.


  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Breathe.... relax....

    First of all One bad day WILL NOT ruin all your good work... everyone needs a cheat day occasionally otherwise how can you expect to eat 100% healthy for a lifetime... it just wouldnt happen...

    Secondly realise (or remember) that 1 Pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.... did you go over by that much?? if not then please dont worry so much...

    Thirdly... PORTION control.... Everything is ok in moderation.... But maybe try to Log it before you eat it to see if its really worth those 1000 calories... this quite often opens my eyes and then i swap to something more reasonable.

    Another idea to eating alone is that you take over the cooking?? Make something healthy and yummy that both of you can enjoy... Cooking for someone you care for is just another way of showing you love them... dont punish him for showing his love... just try and curb it into the direction you need.... ie: "You know im trying to lose weight so lets see who can make the healthiest yummiest dinner??" Or try "Im trying to reduce my weight and to do so i will need all the support i can get, especially from you." Then talk about what's healthy and acceptable?

    Tomorrow is a brand new day... dont play "catch up"
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    dont worry, that little prediction thing is only if you ate like that ever single day..one bad day in a stream of good days doesnt matter...just think tommorow is a new day!!!!!
  • From your profile:

    My reasons for wanting to change:
    I'm tired of being obese
    I want to be and feel sexy again
    I want my boyfriend to "want" my body again
    I want my daughter to have a good example to follow
    I want to feel good naked & clothed
    I want to feel better about myself.


    Remember that prediction thing says "If EVERY day were like today" we all slip up sometimes.

  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Breathe and re-boot! Just pace yourself. Tomorrow is another day :)
    We all have theres days especially now going into the Holidays upon us.
    You feel bad now & the next time you'll know what to do. You my dear are not alone. Feel free to vent anytime.

    Take care!!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Breathe.... relax....

    First of all One bad day WILL NOT ruin all your good work... everyone needs a cheat day occasionally otherwise how can you expect to eat 100% healthy for a lifetime... it just wouldnt happen...

    Secondly realise (or remember) that 1 Pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.... did you go over by that much?? if not then please dont worry so much...

    Tomorrow is a brand new day... dont play "catch up"

    Well I ate 1300 calories more than I was supposed to, but you have a very good point. that isn't even like 1/2 a lb. Tomorrow is a brand new day.
  • endurowoman
    endurowoman Posts: 23 Member
    I know just how you fell and what you went through. I swear I do well all day and then the evening comes and whamo over I go. I did really well for two months and now the last two weeks have been so hard. I hate this it is agonizing, especially when those one day binges become a string of binges. Just keep trying and know you are not alone, it just never stops and sometimes we get tired of the vigilance and then we slip. Good luck over the holiday!!! Tomorrow morn I am going riding for a while before I start prepping my house and the food for Thursday. I hardly ever cook for T-Day and I am a wreck!!!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Oh hunny! First things first *HUG*

    Second thing...please don't think you are the only person who has done this. Because you aren't. I am thinking back to all of the time that I did this...and wow...yeah, I just ran out of fingers and toes. Night times were always the worst for me and I ALWAYS had a hard time saying no. Especially if I had had a rough day, or a rough week, or if my neighbor had a rough week, or if I had heard that someone, somewhere, sometime, a long long time ago had had a rough day...you get my drift.

    I think eventually I decided that not eating someone's food really shouldn't hurt their feelings. I'm not rejecting them by not eating. I'm just deciding that I don't need any more food for my body. I would thank them so much for the offer or the thought but I'm good! Thanks! My biggest change came when I decided no more after dinner snacks. No eating after 7 or 8. Once your boyfriend understands this it should be pretty easy to follow! He doesn't have to, but maybe its a guideline you can try! Maybe you can follow it Sunday thur Thursday and take a break Friday and Saturday? Thats how I started!

    You can do this hunny!!! :o) Give yourself a great self talk to back yourself with. :o) You have got this! We believe in you!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I actually just talked to my boyfriend about it. He said he wouldn't have been mad if I would have said I didn't want Subway or if I wouldn't have eaten the cookies. Does anyone know why I might be "scared" to say no to food when dealing with him? I literally feel like I'm letting him down.
  • Haleyedwyna
    Haleyedwyna Posts: 2 Member
    We are all human, and we all make mistakes... it is not the end of the world even though it may kinda feel like it. I think if you talk to your boyfriend he will be supportive about this, after all he made you cookies just because you said they sounded good. But you need to explain it to him, help him to understand why you are doing this and that you need his support. You'll never get rid of all temptations but if he will back you in not offering up things that you should not be eating, it will certainly make it a whole lot easier. (I know... my husband is junk food junkie, but he respects that I am doing something good for myself and has tried to cut back and does not try to get me to eat things I should not)

    Tomorrow is another day... get back on the horse :-)
  • most diets fail because we react to slip-ups but this time we are on a life style change. so just remember 10% is the slipup and 90% is your reaction...one bad meal does not have to lead up to every meal being bad. just put the bad meal or day in the past and move on.
    and as for your boyfriend i wouldnt tell him you are going to eat on your own instead ask him for his help if you guys are going to be a partnership you need to work together. the only way we can get support is if we ask for it.
    i am talking from experiance my family was never really supportive, my brother would always bring me back mcdonalds french fries and of course i couldnt say no, who would. then one day i just asked him if he would please not bring me fries that it is just to hard to say no but if its not there then i dont have to worry about having a choice. and guess what he stopped bring me french fries. we just need to learn to ask for what we need.
    good luck and dont give up just learn something from each bump in the road thats the only way we can get to the end of our journeys and stay there
  • Breathe.... relax....

    First of all One bad day WILL NOT ruin all your good work... everyone needs a cheat day occasionally otherwise how can you expect to eat 100% healthy for a lifetime... it just wouldnt happen...

    Secondly realise (or remember) that 1 Pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.... did you go over by that much?? if not then please dont worry so much...

    Tomorrow is a brand new day... dont play "catch up"

    Well I ate 1300 calories more than I was supposed to, but you have a very good point. that isn't even like 1/2 a lb. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

    If I can't give up, then you CAN"T EITHER. We will both make it through. :flowerforyou:
  • Everyone has given you such good advice. I don't know what else I can offer you - other than - I've been there. I can TOTALLY relate. I would venture to say that just about everyone here has days like you've had. Learn from them and just keep on going. At the very next meal - immediately "start over." Learn to say no. Explain why. If you're boyfriend truly cares - he'll give you the support you need. He may slip up and not think sometimes and bring you something "bad." Or suggest something "bad." You don't HAVE to go along with it. Or if you must - like someone else mentioned - use portion control.

    YOU CAN DO THIS! :) I wish you all the best! :)
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Breathe.... relax....

    First of all One bad day WILL NOT ruin all your good work... everyone needs a cheat day occasionally otherwise how can you expect to eat 100% healthy for a lifetime... it just wouldnt happen...

    Secondly realise (or remember) that 1 Pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.... did you go over by that much?? if not then please dont worry so much...

    Tomorrow is a brand new day... dont play "catch up"

    Well I ate 1300 calories more than I was supposed to, but you have a very good point. that isn't even like 1/2 a lb. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

    If I can't give up, then you CAN"T EITHER. We will both make it through. :flowerforyou:

    Very true! :) I'm not going to give up. And-- I'm putting my scale away until this coming Sunday. I'm literally putting it up in the closet. I'm going to work out everyday, twice a day maybe and then see what the result is on Sunday. :)
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    This happened to me the other day! I worked night shift and ate a ton, but I was really proud of myself for putting a stop to the madness that same day by eating a healthy dinner. We should learn to pat ourselves on the back when we put bad days behind us and start again, not just when we see the numbers go down on the scale!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day and get right back to it. You are a great person and I know you are strong!
  • Hang in there. We all fall down. The next time he offers you subway, take the salad, no cheese, with dressing on side. Dip your fork and then stab your salad THEN EAT it. OR keep the sprintzer dressings handy (they are great). And try this too for breakfast, it's not bad at all. 1 cucumber peeled, 1 small lemon, 1 celery stick, 1/2 sweet apple, 1 pkg splenda 8 - 12 oz of water. Put all in blender and drink it. Your body will eliminate excess water and it's a very filling breakfast. If you need protein add a boiled egg.
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