Postnatal Group - November 2010



  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Waiting to weigh myself tomorrow. I've been bad and weighing myself almost every day hoping to see the numbers change. It goes down 2.5 lb and then back up....makes me sad. :mad:

    Congrats Ang - with your weight loss! I'm sure the breastfeeding is helping. I had to stop, because my little munchkin was way to hungry for me to keep up. I was super sad about it. But I did it for 8 weeks. I guess it's better than nothing.

    I running a 10k race on Thanksgiving morning. I set this goal when I was preggers. I told myself that I would get back in shape (based on how my delivery/recovery went) in time to run again this year on Thanksgiving. I must say I'm pretty proud that I stuck with it. I don't think my time will be the same as last year, but my goal is to run the entire 6.2 without stopping. I've done it twice since I started running a few months back, so I'm hoping to have a good run that morning. Wish me luck!
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    Tomorrow my husband and I are starting p90x...we couldn't help but be inspired by some recent photo's in the success section. We have spent the last 2 days taking a peek at what we are embarking on, luckily we seem to know 97% of the moves, its actually doing them near as well as the people on the dvd right lol. I am a tad frightened as I have NO CORE, my abs have been destroyed, chewed up and spat out. Any suggestions on some "lighter" lunch ideas? I am finding my lunch time calories seem to get really large, I am not going over but it sure limits what I might be able to have for supps. Thanks Ladies!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    shoppingqueen - I go crazy when I weigh myself too often. I try to do it only once a week or else I get too discouraged. *sigh, let us know how the weigh in goes! The upcoming 10k! That's an awesome accomplishment! I'm hoping to do a 5k soon. :-)

    Boopa - I'm really interested in p90x, but am afraid to spend that much money and then not use it. I'm not very strong and it sounds like it calls for pull ups and other things I can't even do one of. lol let me know how it goes and if you think it's worth it. I know tehre are a lot of people on MFP who are huge fans and swear by it.

    Soups and salads are great ideas for light lunches, just be careful with what you put in them or they can get very high in calories. Chili can be healthy and very filling if you make it yourself :-)
  • I am so glad someone told me about this post. I just had my son 11 weeks ago although I have lost all of my pregnancy weight I was overweight prior to getting pregnant so I am trying to get to a better BMI which means I need to lose about 70lbs! Well I will just take it one day at a time.
  • I like this thread as well!

    My baby girl is 15 months old. I started the pregnancy at 5'5'' and 150 lb, I delivered at 190 lb. When she was 6 months old I was back to 150 lb (yay me) however since then I have gained weight (up to 165 lb) I am currently working on losing it. My current weight is 152, however I would like to be in the 140s NLT Christmas and look GOOD in a bikini by February (3 year anniversary trip to Hawaii).
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Weighed myself today and down .5. Better than nothing. Let's hope this weekend I can keep that off and maybe get another .5 off!

    Happy Turkey Day to all!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I officially lost every ounce of the baby weight Saturday-11/13/10. Now I have the 30 pounds that I needed to lose pre-baby to concentrate on. I know that it took a while to put on but wow I just want to be able to be happy with my body. Deep down I wonder if I ever will be since it looks like my stomach was attacked by a tiger due to the lovely stretch marks.

    Congradulations! I have 3 more pounds left to be saying the same thing. Can't wait to get there.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I have a 2 1/2 year old, and I have been struggling for a while to lose the last of the baby weight. I can now say I have 3 more pounds to go. I am excited to be so close, although my body is stubborn to lose weight. I am thrilled to be in this group.
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!, I am new to the thread too with plenty to lose to get to a healthy BMI
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    Angela- For the p90x you require resistance bands/dumbells. A pull up bar is usefull but the bands can be used in its place. We also happen to have lol wife speak work out equipment with the bars to get the same effect more or less. At least we assume. If its apparent we actualyl do need a pull up bar we will get one then. It wasn't terribly priced but its definately not cheap. its recommended to have a heart rate monitor so we are considering getting one. I have been switching up exercises between, stationary bike riding, wii fitness games(ea active(more), fit plus, jillian michaels), Zumba express. I think I will pull out my "sweating to the oldies" to not get too bored in what I am doing for cardio :).
    P90X starts this evening and I am STOKED! oh and scared! lol
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, I'm glad this group is here. Sounds like just what I need. I had my second (and final) child last May, so she's 6 months old. My older daughter is a little over two years old now. I only gained 16 lbs with this last pregnancy b/c I ended up with gestational diabetes. I gained 36 with my first prenancy. I had another 10 lbs or so to go when I got pregnant with my second child before I finally had a healthy BMI. So here I am today. I have just stopped breastfeeding. I think my boobs each weigh a couple pounds each. They kinda hurt when I move so I haven't been doing too much in the way of exercise for the last week. I was hoping once these puppies dry up to try the couch to 5K routine. I've always wanted to do one, but I am so utterly out of shape it's ridiculous. So I'm 5'8" and I currently weigh in at 172.5 lbs. which is a pound shy of my PP weight, so close enough. I would love to get back down to 140. Thanks for starting this thread!!

  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Check-in day!

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    stenochick - I've done the couch to 5k before and am currently working on it again. It's the PERFECT training regimen for someone who is not in shape and not naturally a runner. I highly recommend it. If you have an iphone or an ipod touch there is an application for the couch to 5k which I HIGHLY recommend. It does all the countdowns for you and keeps track of what day your on. I love it! :-)

    So for my check-in:
    This week: -0.6lbs
    Total Pregnancy weightloss: 43.2lbs
    Current weight:165.8lbs
    3.8lbs til pre-pregnancy weight, 30.8lbs until goal weight

    Even though I'm so close to my pre-pregnancy weight I'm no where close to my pre-pregnancy jeans :-(
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    i havent read all these posts yet but ill join! with my first son, i started at 135 lbs and lost all the baby weight within a few months after, going down to 135 again. then once i got back to work i gaiend 30 lbs then decided to get pregnant. my prepregancy weight with my daughter was 167.

    i got up to 200lbs when pregnant, after giving birth, and about a week later i was 185. i am not 167 again (well 167.8 but ill count it as less :P)
    so i have lost all the "baby weight". now just want to kick that other 32lbs out of here before my wedding in may, and hopefully keep it off!!

    my daughter is almost 3.5 months old. i didnt start actively working out until just over a month ago and lost 8lbs just in that time, so im doing pretty good it hink, but seem to hit a wall every few weeks where the weight doesnt move BUT the inches are definitely coming off since people are noticing and commenting on it.

    but with 32lbs to lose i want it to show on the scale too! anyone else having that problem? or do you have ideas on how to shed the weight faster?

    i am NOT breastfeeding. did for a few weeks at the beginning but stopped.

    thanks! and great idea for starting this group :)
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    The weight WILL come off. It is normal for there to be weeks with no weightloss, especially if the week before you lost a larger number. Your body sometimes has to readjust to your current state. Make sure to drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day or your body may start to retain water causing your weight to stay the same or even go up! ;-) I usually recommend measuring yourself every 2-4 weeks so you can see the difference in inches AND take a picture once a month so you can see the changes! I've done all this before and it kept me motivated and not discouraged and am doing it again this time around. Remember too that muscle sometimes weighs more than fat, so as muscle builds there might be a week when there's not change for this reason.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    completed my daily work out and already plugged in dinner calories in hopes of preventing myself from overdoing it. :-) I refuse to take a break today! A change of lifestyle is an everyday thing!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    My weight loss is not happening quickly, but I am looking a lot slimmer. That makes me happy and keeps me motivated.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    same here, my post pregnancy jeans are fitting a little looser, even though the weight loss is slow. I'll take everything I can get. :-D
  • tmargolis
    tmargolis Posts: 6 Member
    i'd love to join in! my son is 19 months old. i was 136 pre-pregnancy and got to 164. i am back at 132.5 (as of this past Wed.), but at 5'0', i'd be happier around 125. my biggest challenge is tracking my food.... it's so hard to stay at 1200 cal a day! i do workout 3x a week with a trainer for 60 minutes, doing a mix of cardio and weights, but food is my biggest hang up... i'm a snacker and i love junk food! trying to track everything, eat more protein and less carbs, and drink my water... also sneak in some more cardio so i can eat a little more some days... i do see my body shape changing, so that makes me feel good! keep up the good work ladies!
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    i have been having some frustration the past week, I don't officially weigh in daily or weekly but I do check on days I am feeling particularily "skinny". My scale has gone up. I am pretty sure I am retaining water as someone is expected any day now. Its frustrating because I think the last 15 days I have worked the hardest I ever have on exercising and eating properly and it doesn't seem as tho anything is budging. I am not giving up just venting about the frustation. I am on day 4 of the p90x and am keep up pretty well, my hrm has been a tremendous help in calculating calories burned. Today I partake in Yoga X but think I may have to do some cardio outside of the p90. It can't hurt right :). Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • emtaha
    emtaha Posts: 10
    i'm glad there is a postnatal group. i gave birth to my second child 3 months ago and wanting to loose my baby weight. my weight pre-preg was 57kg and after i gave birth i weighed 72kg . Now i'm 64.5kg so i still got some kgs to loose i'm dying to fit into my skinny jeans!!!!
    i'm confused right now i dont know if my flabby stomach is from my weight gain or does my stomach still needs time to go down?
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