Starting and Scared


Hey everyone,

I am justing starting out my fitness journey and I am doing it completely alone. From my own research and what feels right for me. I have a goal to loose 200lbs. Yes, I know it's ambitious but it's my goal. I would love to accept some advice from someone who has been through this process through diet & fitness. I am not to sure what to eat or where to start in the gym so i'm hoping this sight will be helpful.

- Thank you ,


  • Kezza220
    Kezza220 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Calhoun, I'm only a month in, but one thing I have found that helps is the bags of shredded cabbage (coleslaw mix). I dry fry it and mix it in with my rice so I eat less rice and more veggies! Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Just start by seeing what you are eating now and tracking. For most people, just seeing it all there in front of them will help them start eating less.

    In that time, put some thought into what kind of person you are. Do you think you will do better with cold turkey or gradual changes?

    If cold turkey, consider a lifestyle diet like South Beach/ Sonoma/ Mediterranean. These will all fill you up on lean proteins and veggies, with limited fruits and whole grains.

    If you think you will do better with gradual changes. Pick one thing to focus on and set a goal, like eating three servings of protein a day or 5 veggies a day. Once you are consistent with that, pick another goal...

    As for fitness, you are going to have to make the gradual changes. Commit to 10 minutes of exercise every day, even if it is just going for a ten minute walk. When you are consistent with that, add five more minutes...
  • I'm new and all alone too! I started yesterday - yup on Superbowl Sunday. And I even came in 193 calories below goal. I have over 1000 calories left for dinner today, so I will come in under goal today too! (Plus I'm way under all the other goal markers.) I know it is only two days...almost...but gotta be happy about the small victories! That's my newbie to newbie advice - be proud of the small wins! Oh, and I have 120 to lose! (My goal is more than my wife weighs!!!)

    Hang in there, you aren't really alone!
  • Carmenbraun55
    Carmenbraun55 Posts: 50 Member
    I would recommend to read the "in case of a road map" post in the forum, its a great help to start. They have a spread sheet to figure out your numbers and have also great advise. Good luck :)
  • Take one day at a time. I am still in my first week and like a lot about this website. I have a large chunk of weight to loose but more so knowledge I need to gain about what I can and can't eat as much as being honest about how a choice will effect my journey. Keep an eye on the bottom of the food logging screen. What's cool is you can check where you'll be in 5 weeks if every day were like today. You can check on it throughout the day to see if your on track or not. Good luck, take care! Let's do this thing.
  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    You're in the right place! For what it's worth, here's my advice:

    1. Read this post: which will help you no end.
    2. Weigh all of your food so that you can log accurately. It's very easy to underestimate what you're eating if you're eyeballing portions. Only use cups and spoons to measure liquids.
    3. Don't think of your goal as 200 pounds - break it down into smaller goals. Reward yourself (just not with food!) every 10 or 20 pounds. My last mini goal reward was a new pair of running shorts.
    4. Don't try to change everything at once - start out by tracking what you eat. Then, in a couple of weeks once you're in the swing of it, make a healthy change or two (for example, cut out soda). Repeat!
    5. Eat your exercise calories back (a heart rate monitor with chest strap is the best way to measure burns from cardio), or at least some of them. Do some resistance training too so you don't lose muscle mass.
    6. Don't cut out foods you like which are higher calories. Make room in your calorie allowance for a little bit every now and again, or else you'll crave them, cave in and eat the entire block of chocolate. Much better to fit a couple of squares of chocolate into your food log every couple of days.
    7. Be honest and log everything, even if you've gone over.
    8. If and when you do go over your calories, don't beat yourself up - one day won't derail you. Log it, and have a better day tomorrow.