Depression medication

I am on Zoloft for depression and I was wondering anyone is on this medication and have you had any bad side effects of gaining weight..


  • lostmetalchicken
    I took Zoloft in my 20s for depression. I lost a bunch of weight. But I also was not depressed anymore so I stopped comfort eating and started exercising. Later in my late 30 I was placed on Zoloft to help with chronic headaches. In was not depressed and did not change my eating habits and I gained weight. So for me it seemed when taking it for depression I was ok, but when I did not need it I gained weight with it. I hope that helps a bit
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I did not gain weight on it, although everyone can be different with meds.
  • nyki06
    I have noticed it having the opposite affect for me. I went off of mine for a month (don't ever do this!) and I found myself binge eating as a way of self medicating all of the time. Now that I'm back on it I feel like I have control over what I eat again.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I could not tell. I was on it during my pregnancy. I stopped taking it a while ago but started my fitness now.
    I've heard it is not likely to put on weight as much as other antidepressants will.