New here, hello!

Hey everyone! So, as the title (and message board) says, I'm new here and I'm hoping MFP will help me in staying on track with my weight loss.

A little about myself, I'm a 27 year old guy from NYC and I've struggled with my weight most of my life. At my heaviest, I was 370 lbs. During my senior year of HS, when I realized I was about to hit 400 lbs, I decided I had to do something about it. Of course, there were also other reasons (i.e. health complications), but I hadn't been mentally prepared to take control of my weight until then.

Well, long story short, I went from 370 to 150 in about 2 years (working out a lot, making healthy substitutions, removing unhealthy items from my diet). I started lifting to get some muscle about 5 years ago and went up to 180. Then last year I started stress eating and I'm now 220 lbs... so yeah... now I'm here.

I'm still getting used to everything, but I'd love to make some friends who I can support and with whom I can commiserate =)


  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    Hi !
    I am new too :)

    I am 29 F and I gained most of my weight 2012 and 2013.
    My lowest was 117 and my highest is now (183). My approach is going to be calorie deficit. I hate exercising so I am starting with 2 miles walking daily at any pace I like. It is a start! I hope to do this 5-7 days a week as it is light.

    Good luck to us!!!
  • Hi there!

    I truly despise cardio exercise, so I'm going to try with calorie deficit as well. Good luck to you too!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Hi to both of you :)

    I'm not new here but congrats on your previous weight loss. Have either one of you thought about doing Zumba or Just Dance 2014 for your cardio? I agree that exercise is tough but dancing is rather fun. I started with 5 mins in November - now I do 2 - 1 hr segments every day, sometimes with weights.

    GL to both of you. Oh and I sent you both an invite to the group I founded - Lose 10 lbs a Month. GL! :)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    Hi to both of you :)

    I'm not new here but congrats on your previous weight loss. Have either one of you thought about doing Zumba or Just Dance 2014 for your cardio? I agree that exercise is tough but dancing is rather fun. I started with 5 mins in November - now I do 2 - 1 hr segments every day, sometimes with weights.

    GL to both of you. Oh and I sent you both an invite to the group I founded - Lose 10 lbs a Month. GL! :)

    Thank you I joined! :)

    How funny I tried my first 20 minutes of zumba (ever in my life) from a video last night!!

    I felt silly and it was way harder than it looks but it totally did the trick to get 20 minutes of indoor sweating going on! The music is great for getting your mind off the difficulty!

    I think I am game for another 20 minutes tonight :D