

  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    How long have you been at it? Maybe it's too soon for you to tell how much you like or dislike it or for your boss to see how effective you are. If that's not the case then consider this:

    Are you doing yourself any favors by putting yourself (and your car) through this commute and job every day?
    Would it reflect more negatively on your sister for you to quit a job with which you are unhappy or to be ineffective in a position which she helped you get?

    In the end, the decision is yours to make. I don't know your sister, I don't know your boss and I'm not in your situation but it's way better to be happy and broke (although it sounds like you'll be fine) than working and miserable. It was for me anyway.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I know you are mad, and that is why you are calling them the dropouts. But don't! I would just stand strong and remind your idiot boss that their perception of you is not a reflection of your job, but their attitudes, especially because they are in a career college. And discuss it with the students too, ask them what they want from a teacher, and what it looks like also, they probably don't even have a problem with you and are just misdirecting their attitudes. But don't call them dropouts, that is toxic!
    She's basing her assessment of me on the comments made by the dropouts. Every month they have a survey to take and a couple of them just don't like me so they talk ****. She is believing them over me.

    I know I am an excellent teacher. I just hate this situation. I hate that she is making me doubt myself.
  • swaby
    swaby Posts: 51
    You seem to enjoy live journal alot
  • swaby
    swaby Posts: 51
    You seem to enjoy live journal alot
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I really do, I have been stressed and with no venue to just share my experience. Even if it is never read it feels good to even reread about my day.

    Maybe you should start an lj Lucky!!
    You seem to enjoy live journal alot
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I started there in July. I pretty much could tell right away that I do not belong at a for-profit school. All they care about is whether the kids show up, not whether they learn. It's all $$$ with them, and as a teacher I am used to being measured on my teaching performance, not spanked over poor attendance. I feel powerless to change the attendance and that's all that matters.

    I am beating my car to hell, and after the gas expense I am working for half what they pay me, which is stupid.

    My sister means the world to me, and I would not want to embarass her or reflect poorly on her. She loves this school and wants to make a career for herself there (she's at a different campus, but same company)

    Every day I dread getting in the car for that drive.

    Sigh. Thanks for listening...
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    I know you are mad, and that is why you are calling them the dropouts. But don't! I would just stand strong and remind your idiot boss that their perception of you is not a reflection of your job, but their attitudes, especially because they are in a career college. And discuss it with the students too, ask them what they want from a teacher, and what it looks like also, they probably don't even have a problem with you and are just misdirecting their attitudes. But don't call them dropouts, that is toxic!
    She's basing her assessment of me on the comments made by the dropouts. Every month they have a survey to take and a couple of them just don't like me so they talk ****. She is believing them over me.

    I know I am an excellent teacher. I just hate this situation. I hate that she is making me doubt myself.

    First off: see my "you guys are hot" post. That is a non-sequitur. Second: I can totally see the psych in you coming out. Third: Some teachers are always hated becaus of their methods but they help students learn, others are hated and don't help them learn and some are loved and completely ineffective. I prefer the tough but fair teachers who don't take crap but it's getting harder and harder for those types of teachers to find positions when schools and universities move towards different philosophies and goals than they originally endorsed. One of my favorite professors in undergrad left my school because they thought he was spending too much time teaching and not enough time doing research.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Yeah so what I just said about philosophies and $$$ definitely applies. I can certainly empathize with your frustration, but unless I'm just being naive again (which I have been in the past), I don't think it would be so detrimental for your sister for you to quit. Less detrimental anyway than having your boss pressure you to change your style to meet a bottom line.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I know you are mad, and that is why you are calling them the dropouts. But don't! I would just stand strong and remind your idiot boss that their perception of you is not a reflection of your job, but their attitudes, especially because they are in a career college. And discuss it with the students too, ask them what they want from a teacher, and what it looks like also, they probably don't even have a problem with you and are just misdirecting their attitudes. But don't call them dropouts, that is toxic!

    You're right. It's hard not to feel mad at them, when their lack of attendance is the reason I'm in hot water. The ones I have the most trouble with, and have to be extra firm with, are the ones who are making up stories.

    I am definitely the firm but fair teacher that students respect. In every classroom I've ever led, my students have started off disliking the strictness, but ended up loving me.

    I have never dealt with "adults" though. (I use the term loosely. They are of age, but extremely immature.) My 7th graders were more responsible.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    it is always interesting to see how different people respond differently to different groups. the dynamic can completely change. i love working with adults, i don't even know how to speak with youth, i try, but i feel that I don't engage them as best as they could be engaged. I work really well with adults though, just remember they are people, and because it is a career college, really unmotivated, discouraged, demoralized, people.

    I know you are mad, and that is why you are calling them the dropouts. But don't! I would just stand strong and remind your idiot boss that their perception of you is not a reflection of your job, but their attitudes, especially because they are in a career college. And discuss it with the students too, ask them what they want from a teacher, and what it looks like also, they probably don't even have a problem with you and are just misdirecting their attitudes. But don't call them dropouts, that is toxic!

    You're right. It's hard not to feel mad at them, when their lack of attendance is the reason I'm in hot water. The ones I have the most trouble with, and have to be extra firm with, are the ones who are making up stories.

    I am definitely the firm but fair teacher that students respect. In every classroom I've ever led, my students have started off disliking the strictness, but ended up loving me.

    I have never dealt with "adults" though. (I use the term loosely. They are of age, but extremely immature.) My 7th graders were more responsible.
  • swaby
    swaby Posts: 51
    I gotta go now thank you everyone for your friendship
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i love the hot post, i think a lot of time we all need to remember that we are beautiful, when I think I am a fat ugmo I eat more.
    I know you are mad, and that is why you are calling them the dropouts. But don't! I would just stand strong and remind your idiot boss that their perception of you is not a reflection of your job, but their attitudes, especially because they are in a career college. And discuss it with the students too, ask them what they want from a teacher, and what it looks like also, they probably don't even have a problem with you and are just misdirecting their attitudes. But don't call them dropouts, that is toxic!
    She's basing her assessment of me on the comments made by the dropouts. Every month they have a survey to take and a couple of them just don't like me so they talk ****. She is believing them over me.

    I know I am an excellent teacher. I just hate this situation. I hate that she is making me doubt myself.

    First off: see my "you guys are hot" post. That is a non-sequitur. Second: I can totally see the psych in you coming out. Third: Some teachers are always hated becaus of their methods but they help students learn, others are hated and don't help them learn and some are loved and completely ineffective. I prefer the tough but fair teachers who don't take crap but it's getting harder and harder for those types of teachers to find positions when schools and universities move towards different philosophies and goals than they originally endorsed. One of my favorite professors in undergrad left my school because they thought he was spending too much time teaching and not enough time doing research.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    thanks you guys, for listening and giving advice. I need to go to bed now before I go looking in the fridge for a solution that isn't there.

    I appreciate the sympathetic ears....saved me from stuffing my face tonight :heart:
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    LOL goodnight you guys. Think I'm going to hit the hay as well.