Weight loss nemesis

After a few months off during my wife's recent pregnancy I have to face my nemesis again this week, Airline lounges and good quality aeroplane food and booze.

I have 15 flights between now and the end of March, and in the past I have struggled with the boredom of waiting in lounges and hit the buffet hard. Not so bad in London as BA lay on fruit etc, but in the outstations it tends to be crisps and cheese. And Gin. I rarely have time to do anything in my destinations instead of going to the airport after meetings, and wandering around the shops inevitably results in a telling off about a credit card bill.

Tips welcome, willpower is the issue. How do you deal with your weight loss nemesis?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well take a book a magazine watch a movie take a nap make better choices

    I travelled a lot a few years ago and lost weight travelling...walking around the airport bored...making better choices.

    And it saves money too.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You don't need willpower if you don't feel compelled to eat in the first place.

    You have conditioned yourself to eat. You have a cue: boredom at airline lounges, you have a routine: eating palatable food and you have a reward: pleasure.

    So what to do? Well you have to find another pleasurable activity to indulge in whilst in airline lounges which you routinely trigger when you are bored. At first you have consciously have to hold yourself back from eating but of the non eating reward is strong enough then it won't be a struggle.

    The routine and reward may be a massage to relax you, reading a good book to expand your mind, doing some work so you have more free time overall to do the things you actually like, watching a decent movie so you can zone out and so on.

    There are more pleasurable things in life than just eating. Find out what they are to you and have at it.
  • blgmw2
    blgmw2 Posts: 171 Member
    Pack healthy snacks and possibly meals. I always walk if I have extra time at airports. First and foremost mentally change your life choices.
  • Not sure which airline you are flying with, but most offer different meals based on different diets. Check them out, and maybe you can get a healthier meal on board. ;)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Oh, I hear you. I use to travel for business and you run out of books, etc. in 2012 when I was in the first phases of getting a better lifestyle going (re; losing weight) I decided that I would walk instead of sitting. I would find a way to stand or walk the entire time I was in an airport. I only allowed myself 10 minutes per hour sit time in an airport. I also decided that no matter what, I would not eat bread, potatoes, rice or pasta and it ruled out most airport food. I do like the sashimi at SEATAC, so I plan my meals when traveling to Seattle to eat at the Airport - the food is on my plan and it is exceptional!

    I stopped eating in airports except for coffee and water. I was never without a protein shake single serving envelope. I carried a small empty 8 oz coffee tumbler with a lid. I always do when I travel as I hate coffee in stryofoam cups. This cup was good for dumping the protein powder , adding 3/4 the water, putting it in my rollie bag as I walked the airport. Most fast food places or starbucks will give you ice for free if you have your own cup and ask nice.

    My iPad helped tremendously. I always have a new book downloaded and magazines downloaded. I am green and not bored.

    It's all about planning for success with the minimum of stress.
  • mroliver1980
    mroliver1980 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the responses, ipad full of books/movies are a good option, walking can be a challnge in some of the smaller Euro airports, a lap of Geneva is about 5 or 10 mins max, then security start to get interested I'm sure :)