Need to lose 30 pounds-just getting started

sunnykb Posts: 27 Member
Hello and Happy Monday,

I've just about had it with being over weight. I need and want to lose 30 pounds and was hoping I could get tips on food intake such as meal plans and exercise plan. I'm 5 ft 6 inches and currently weight 170. My ideal weight is 140 lbs.

Thank you in advance!



  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome! You are in the right place. Has worked pretty well for me so far. If you want to friend me feel free. I think it's a daily learning experience. :bigsmile:
  • leahconfere
    leahconfere Posts: 5 Member
    I'm actually almost done doing the same. I was 165 to start and I'm going for 135 at this point. Just log EVERYTHING that you eat, no matter how small you think it is, and go for a walk as much as you're able. That's what I've been doing.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    Losing weight can be overwhelming. My advice is baby steps. Start by logging what you eat. You will learn a lot. Some of the foods you eat now are perfect.....don't change a thing. Other foods will surprise you. Eat foods you enjoy so you don't feel deprived.

    Portion control....this is key. Measure your food.....don't just "eyeball" it.

    Start exercise slowly ......after you've got a handle on the whole food thing. Lots of free stuff to (health & fitness channel) - Youtube, your local (or cheap) stuff is great for figuring out what you like. "What you like" is important here too. Exercise will help you keep weight from creeping back up.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Sunny! I'm 5'5", started at 159 (this time around... and was a little over 160 before that 159 weigh in) in November, am currently around 144 (weighing in tomorrow - I weigh in officially once a week but unofficially every day) and aiming to end somewhere around 125-129, depending on if I gain some muscle/feel toned/etc, so I have approximately 15lb left of my 30lb to lose :-)

    Feel free to add me! My "secrets to success" for these past few months have been working out 6x/wk - mostly cardio, though will increase the resistance training as I get closer to my goal weight - and healthy eating... for me, healthy eating is lots of veggies, lean meats, some fruits, very little dairy and very little breads/pastas/starches. I don't even have a full kitchen right now but have made some incredibly yummy - and incredibly easy - healthy meals in the crock pot lately :-)

    Feel free to add me and ask any questions you may have! I have to say... losing the weight is feeling good :-)
  • Melissa132129
    Melissa132129 Posts: 205 Member
    I just started again on her Jan. 1st. I'm starting at 150 lbs and want to lose 30 lbs as well. Goal weight is 120lbs. It really helps to log your food and exercise to see what you need to work on. I'd say if your starting out....take a walk whenever you can get a chance to no matter how small of a distance it is. Try to find time in your day to plan to exercise. I don't eat off a meal plan. I've just been trying to eat better and staying under or right around 1200 calories.

    Good Luck and you can add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    When you use it and stick to it, it works! I lost 30 pounds using MFP the first time. The community helps, when I lost touch with the system I gained back the 30 pounds I lost. Here to do it again!

    5'2 - 150lbs now

    What everyone says is accurate. Log everything, do as much physical activity as possible in a day and keep in touch with your MFP pals.

    Best of luck on your endeavors!

    Cheers! :)
  • jakenlu2
    Hi. I just started a couple of weeks ago so feel free to add me as a friend. I think the daily food diary is really helpful. It really makes me stop and think before I put something in my mouth. Sometimes that moment or two of decision making can mean the difference between a good or a not-so-good choice. :)
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    I too want to lose about 30 pound. I lost 28 pounds back in 2012, but gained most of that back this past year. I really loved how I felt when I lost the weight, so I need to do that again. Let's do this! I'm starting today because my job is starting a Biggest Loser contest today. So that gives me some motivation, plus I got rid of all my fat clothes, so nothing fits me anymore and I REFUSE to buy all those sizes again. haha.

    In March, I'm going to begin training for a half marathon that I'm doing in september. AHHHH!!
  • AndreaIteka
    Hi !! I'm looking to lose 30-35 pounds for the summer and reach the half way mark by march before my birthday :) I already lost roughly 33 lbs and currently weigh 169 . I'm 5'9 .I lost 16lbs two summers ago doing a low carb high protein diet for the duration of one and a half months and another 16 lbs previous to that doing other diets ( Special K , 5:2 etc ) . Ive struggled to maintain due to not changing mu lifestyle completely :( I'm sick of these fad diets and want to lose the last 2st and 7lbs the healthy way !!! Planning on joining slimming world combining it with MFP. Exercise wise I'm currently doing C25K it's great I highly recommend it @ BrownsFan19 !! They have free apps and a C210K program too :) feel free to add me
  • Crystalena1
    I need to lose 30 pounds as well I just joined this site tonight I am about 5'5 and weigh 172 I wanna lose 30 pounds but my main area is my belly I do have 4 kids youngest is 21 months and had csection then had bladder surgery in August so I am just now being able to work out again but all my weight is tummy and hips I am no good at dieting
  • elonwyhickey
    I downloaded the MFP app to my phone. It totally helped me on Wed when I was at work (I work at a restaurant) and they brought us out a bowl of chips (fries). I looked up how much they would cost in my day and only ate 6. Before I would have just snacked away at them in passing until they were gone.
  • dramamug
    dramamug Posts: 8 Member
    hi just started mfp and 5 ft 1 inch i am 158 lb need to loose 35 lb . logging everything but having some off days. i am 34 f asian and yes currys, chocolate and fried food has done this to me.

    If anyone would like to add me. Thanks
  • bjaune
    bjaune Posts: 7 Member
    Today is day 1 for me today (again) I stepped on the scale and just wanted to cry!!!! 30 pounds exactly needs to go and tired of my knees and body hurting!! I love to exercise but my eating habits are horrible!!
  • fitdiva1day
    fitdiva1day Posts: 22 Member
    Chrystalina I just recently joined and would love to lose 40 pounds by june but will gladly take 30! We are both the same height and weight so I would love it if we could motivate each other...and anyone else who wants a buddy here...add me if ya want :-)
  • JiggleWhenIWalk
    JiggleWhenIWalk Posts: 9 Member
    I am in the same boat as most of you here. I want to lose 30 lbs I have been lugging it around since childbirth. Please friend me
    Anyone who wants to) so we can stay on track together. 5'5" 176 lbs
  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    I just started MFP last week and I love the meal tracking and all the support that I have found here! I am 5'6 and weigh 157.. I am looking to be fit and toned as well as lose weight, my goal is 140 -145.
  • karleigh55
    I'm in the same boat. Need to lose 30 pounds. I am 5'6.5 and currently weigh 170. I weighed 245 at one point and managed to lose over 100 pounds and keep it off for seven years. I was at 140 to 145 for seven years. This past year I have put on 30 pounds due to eating badly and not working out. I joined MFP some time ago but didn't stick with it until just recently. I am having a hard time staying true to my calorie count. Really looking for friends that have the same 30 pound weight loss goal. It seems harder this time. I agree that logging what I eat and exercising is the way to get there. The 30 pounds has landed right around my middle. I fit better into junior jeans and was in a size 5 or 7 depending on the brand and am now in a very tight size 11 or 13 - UGHHH!
  • JordanInMT
    JordanInMT Posts: 29 Member
    Sunny, you WILL do it! Welcome!
  • wadevb1
    I too decided to set a thirty pound goal. I originally found this site looking for a calorie calculator and discovered there is much more to learn. My local hospital has a preventative program and for a measly $10, I get my BMI measured and discuss my goals, food consumption (I refuse to say diet) and my current exercise program with a registered dietitian.Thanks to MFP, I came to realize the importance of knowing your BMR and TDEE, all which will be discussed during my consultation with the RD.

    I came close to reaching my goal on a few occasions, but believe I sabotaged my efforts due to my lack of understanding the value knowing how and when to match caloric intake to your body's needs.
  • FeIsMe75
    FeIsMe75 Posts: 6 Member
    I started on my journey on May 20th. First and foremost, I cut out all sugary drinks and no pop. I only drink water with lemon juice and sweet n low or unsweetened tea. I am still sticking to this regimen and believe it is the reason I have maintained my weight loss when I quit working out and counting cals. I started at 216 lbs and got down to 158 lbs by October 1st. My mother passed away October 10th after a very short illness and it has definitely set me back.
    So here I sit at 164 lbs and ready to start it back up. I want to lose the last of my weight. My original goal was 145 lbs but I would much rather be at 135lbs.
    Exercise and counting calories is key. Count every calorie and measure everything until you get comfortable with eyeballing it. I started off small with working out 10 minutes a day and increased it every week by 5 minutes. I loved doing all the dance workouts and Shaun T Hip Hop Abs was the main reason I stayed with working out.
    Good luck to you and just know you are not alone :)