What's your BEST way to start a day?

I'm about to head to sleep and I want to know your BEST way for guaranteeing you are going to have a good day tomorrow.

Mine? I will wake up, drink water, brush my teeth, and MAKE MY BED! It sounds silly, but doing those basic things helps me get my ducks in a row and feel like I can take on the day prepared (and with less plaque).

What's yours??

p.s. I'm new to MFP and am trying to build a supportive community to motivate and be motivated... so I might add you if you reply!


  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    I wake, drink 20 ounces of water in bed, brush hair, wash face, make breakfast and coffee.

    I always have to have a very clean house before going to.bed or it ruins the next day for me.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Oh man. This is probably going to be TMI, but if I make a visit to the ladies room early in the morning, my day isn't as great. My workouts too. I'd also have to say having something sweet. I've always loved fruit and cereal for breakfast, but now I've switched to Nutella oatmeal and a fruit and kale smoothie. It really perks me up to have a great breakfast. Oh, and after I shower, if I don't put on my face and body lotion, I'm itchy all day. So proper moisturizing is a big part of making my day great!
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    Get up early (even though Im in grad school and nobody cares when i show up at the office, so it takes extra motivation on my part!), grind/french press some coffee, eat some yogurt and granola, and read Game of Thrones on my 30 min bus ride to campus! When it's sunny, lovely view of the mountains over the strait.. oh, and pack snacks so I dont spend $$$ buying crap on campus :)
  • Bassopottomous
    When I was in my early 20's, a commanding officer I had while in the military asked me how I was doing. I told him, "kind of having a bad day sir." He looked at me, and told me, "Every morning you wake up is a good day. If you live through it, it's a great day, because life can change in the blink of an eye, and you're never guaranteed one single second of it." So there you have it, that's how I view the best way of having a good day.
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I have a skin care regime (wash, exfoliate, moisturize) that I have to follow every day! I also make a delicious green smoothie which keeps me full till lunchtime.
  • bahdayy
    bahdayy Posts: 8 Member
    Would you post your green smoothie recipe? Sounds delicious!
  • bahdayy
    bahdayy Posts: 8 Member
    @Aquarabbit - I'm a lotion fiend so I totally understand. I actually just read that it's better to put lotion on damp skin rather than totally dry skin to help it soothe your skin more! Crazy.
  • ronbo62098
    ronbo62098 Posts: 59 Member
    I didn't realize until reading your post just how predictable my mornings are. When I get up its: bathroom break, feed the woodstove (assuming it's winter), eat breakfast (cereal & coffee), wake the girls up for school, make the bed, shave, brush teeth, shower, dress, take girls to school bus. Assuming all of the above goes smoothly, the rest of the day seems to pass without incident.

    BEST way is on the weekends: bathroom, woodstove, then back into bed to curl up next to my wife and snooze until we "have to" get up.
  • desireecl
    desireecl Posts: 73 Member
    sex, then showering and going out for breakfast together.:blushing:

    but if I'm solo, I drink some water, take care of basic hygeine, have a good workout followed by either a homemade smoothie or carnation instant breakfast and fruit, shower, and get on with the day.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wake, run, shake, shower. That's about it.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    COFFEE :drinker:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have this huge obsession with my morning bath. Tubful of hot hot water. The ONLY way to start my day. I soak, relax, and turn into a happier person by the end.

    When I travel, I ensure that no matter what kind of lodging I have, there will be a bath tub. I've stayed in dive motels with awesome bath tubs!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    wake up.. lay in bed.. do some stretching before i even get out of bed. helps get my juices flowing,, brush my teeth, brush my hair, splash my face, meditate..drink some water.. get in part of my workout. than have a breakfast usually a green smoothie , or oats with dates and walnuts..
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Personally, I find the weather has a huge impact on my day, in the summer I tend to wake up happy and energized most days if it's sunny, but in the winter when it's darker and colder I tend to wake up always feeling like I didn't get nearly enough sleep, even though I definitely did. There are the odd exceptions for any season, but for me waking up with lots of sunlight is so much nicer.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I think the forums are supposed to be PG-13, right? So I'll simply say the *best* way to start the day involves waking up at 7 with my husband next to me and neither of us getting up until about 10. :blushing:

    Since that can't happen most days, any morning that involves strong coffee has its merits.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    To wake up on my own... not by alarm or children...
    Hasn't happened in a few years :grumble:
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    A shmoke und a pancake
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    I like to get up have a black coffee and a weetabix with milk. This is def a good start to the day as my breakfast is under 100 cals and then i like to take the dog for a nice walk. X
  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    potty, brush teeth, shave, shower and tell the person the mirror how awesome they are!
    Life is a great day if I am looking at the roses from the blooming side.
  • CookieEmporium
    CookieEmporium Posts: 74 Member
    Exactly what I do every morning, including the weekends because it starts my day off right: wake up at 4:45, use the bathroom and brush my teeth, have a big drink of water with lemon or lemon Vitamin Water Zero if I have it in the house, do 20 minutes of Pilates to wake me up and get my body energized (I lay out the yoga mat the night before and do Pilates in my pjs!). Then my day starts for real. Also, all my dishes have to be done the night before because I hate seeing them in the morning!