Breakfast suggestions needed for the breakfast impared



  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    I cook egg whites in a small skillet ahead of time for a weeks worth of breakfasts and heat them up at work. I use tortillas but you could use without. Add shredded zucchini, or broccoli or mushrooms to make more hearty. Add something spicy like salsa or peppers. Lots of things you can add to shake things up and not get too bored.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    As I say - I am running out foods to stop eating. (and whine whine whine - I still am not losing weight)

    This suggests that you are focusing on food type restriction to lose weight (aside from whatever diet for whatever medical condition you might or might not have). It isn't the easier strategy and often lead to disordered eating - much like you are displaying in this thread.
  • bdrabik71
    Make yourself pancakes without the yeast!

    Slice then mash one banana with two whole eggs (yolk and all) - whip in the blender with a bit of cinnamon, and pour onto a hot griddle.

    Cook like pancakes!

    I love these because you can roll them up and just eat them on the go.
  • bdrabik71
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What do you eat for lunch and dinner? Just have that for breakfast.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Might I direct you to this webite:

    There's lots of yummy recipes for the eater with a very restricted diet :)