Need friends - need to lose 100+

Hello! I am new to MFP - and I would love support. 15 years agao I was in a group and lost 100 pounds and kept it off for 7 years. In the last 8 years I have gained 140 pounds! I have lots of excuses, but two awesome reasons to lose this weight and keep it off - my two sons - ages 12 and 9. I'm an older mom, and I want to live a long life for them and for me. And I REALLY want to buy clothes size 18 and under and fit comfortably in to theater seats and airplane seats. I know I can do it one day at a time with help. I have already lost 9 lbs.! Thanks for listening!


  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member

    Congratulations on losing te 9 lbs. That is the begining!! I have at least 80 lbs to lose and I haven't been doing as well as I'd hope.

    There is great support here at MFP. I'm so happy to be here.

    Feel free to add me!!

    Paula :)
  • luvbeasty25
    Hey there! I am also in need of some friends on this site. There are not to many people on here that I know personally and I would love to support others and be supported! My goal is to lose 40+ pounds, I've lost 10 so far but have seem to level out at that. I would love to have some buddies to push me into reaching my goal!
  • Valleydachs
    Leesa, you have a fantastic attitude. I want to support YOU. My tidbit of the day....keep it simple and keep it fresh. NO Frankenfood (artificial garbage) YOU can do this for.......YOU. I'm sending a Friend request. I have 30 to lose. I hope we can root each other on.
  • lizyoface
    lizyoface Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on losing 9 pounds - what an accomplishment! I began tracking my diet and foods about a month ago and it has been amazing what can happen when you get into the flow of things.

    Feel free to add me and I look forward to hearing of more successes for you :) Welcome to myfitnesspal.
  • VeggieGal777
    VeggieGal777 Posts: 51 Member

    Congratulations on losing nine pound!

    Feel free to add me, I'm new here and no chums as yet!
  • emmagiffard5
    emmagiffard5 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I have over 80lbs to lose, i'll send you a friend request, I too have lost it all before and gained it back , in the last 5 years and since i had my son i've put on 84 lbs. Well done on your loss and good luck on your journey. Having positive, motivational friends on here is very helpful :)
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    I've been using MFP for about 2 weeks and have already lost 10 pounds. I'm looking for friends to keep me motivate as well so feel free to add me. My goal is to loose 100 pounds. My weight has gone up and down all my live. But the past 10 years, it has gone up, up, up! Diabetes runs in my family, so staying healthy is my motivation.
  • celesteoglesby
    Wonderful attitude. I would love to be along for your journey. One day at a time and you will succeed.
  • akdollie
    akdollie Posts: 69 Member
    This is a great place to be for support and to also help support others. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome!! Good luck , you got this!!
  • shayl995
    You can definitely do this! It's all about the mind and how much you want to do it and motivate yourself. I'm here for you whenever you feel down and keep your head up! Set small goals for yourself aswell. I'm sure your sons will love to have you around longer and they will! Good Luck :-)
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    MFP is a great place with tons of support. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Short_scrivy
    Short_scrivy Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm a newbie too, but so far it has been awesome! I'll send you a request, everyone needs all the support they can get! I hear you on kids being a motivator. I'm losing weight to keep up with my toddler! your boys are a great age to get active with! you can lose weight while having fun with them it's a win-win!
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me :) I'm always ready to give encouragement and support. I've got about 89 pounds to lose myself.
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    Congrats on getting started, feel free to add me if you like!
  • lulucata
    Congrats on the 9 lbs. I started MFP: at 352 lbs and am now down to 317.5. It helps to know that others are struggling with their weight to get healthy. I have arthritis in my spine, knees, and hips and want to decrease my pain levels and get more energetic. Having some problems with the exercise part but am taking it slow. Keep up the good work and know you're not alone.