Jamie Eason's LiveFit

Hi guys!
So I started Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12 week challenge 2 weeks ago. So far I've really enjoyed it! But lately I just have been feeling really bloated in the stomach area and it's driving me nuts! I know that I need to stick with it all the way until phase 3 to actually see results...but when will this bloating go away?? Do I need to count calories? I've been eating extremely clean and drinking lots of water. Is there anyone out there that has either completed the program or are currently attempting it with any comments?
Thank you so much!


  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't know a whole lot about the plan. Does it include nutrition advice/ Does she say how much you're supposed to be eating?
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I did that plan, or half of it. It's a good way to get introduced to lifting. The eating requirement is a challenge. Yes, count calories. I wouldn't go above maintenance. The first part is about putting on muscle and increasing endurance. Hence the no cardio.

    Are you the supplements she recommends? Make sure you drink lot of water and take fish oil pills. this will help with the bloating and keep your digestive tract moving along.
  • Well it gives a recommended meal plan, which is just basically protein meals with a serving of carbs and unlimited veggies and suppose to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours. But in addition to that is gives out a whole list of foods that we can eat which is just basically fruits, lean protein, starches such as oats, rice cakes, etc, veggies and diary items like greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Basically we just need to avoid processed foods and high fructose ingredients, just a whole lot of clean eating :)
  • I did the program last year... it was a really great introduction to weight lifting but I only lost about 5lbs the entire 12 weeks. By the end of it, my pants were a bit tighter, though overall I looked better. I think its a great program, but mentally it was hard to see all the water fluctuations from my body retaining water to repair muscles.
  • I did that plan, or half of it. It's a good way to get introduced to lifting. The eating requirement is a challenge. Yes, count calories. I wouldn't go above maintenance. The first part is about putting on muscle and increasing endurance. Hence the no cardio.

    Are you the supplements she recommends? Make sure you drink lot of water and take fish oil pills. this will help with the bloating and keep your digestive tract moving along.

    What would be above maintenance for calories then?
    Yes, I am taking the recommended supplements such as fish oil and a multivitamin :)
  • I did the program last year... it was a really great introduction to weight lifting but I only lost about 5lbs the entire 12 weeks. By the end of it, my pants were a bit tighter, though overall I looked better. I think its a great program, but mentally it was hard to see all the water fluctuations from my body retaining water to repair muscles.

    Oh okay, thank you for your input! :)
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Well it gives a recommended meal plan, which is just basically protein meals with a serving of carbs and unlimited veggies and suppose to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours. But in addition to that is gives out a whole list of foods that we can eat which is just basically fruits, lean protein, starches such as oats, rice cakes, etc, veggies and diary items like greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Basically we just need to avoid processed foods and high fructose ingredients, just a whole lot of clean eating :)

    I just ate whatever I had on hand that was nutrient dense and "clean". I, personally, think it helped readjust my metabolism. Before I was only eating 1 meal a day and a snack at night. I switched to whole grains for the carbs I did eat, bought a ton of fruit, and upped the protein. I highly recommend sticking with the every 3 hour rule. It helped with my energy levels and mood.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I did that plan, or half of it. It's a good way to get introduced to lifting. The eating requirement is a challenge. Yes, count calories. I wouldn't go above maintenance. The first part is about putting on muscle and increasing endurance. Hence the no cardio.

    Are you the supplements she recommends? Make sure you drink lot of water and take fish oil pills. this will help with the bloating and keep your digestive tract moving along.

    What would be above maintenance for calories then?
    Yes, I am taking the recommended supplements such as fish oil and a multivitamin :)

    It depends on your weight, height and activity level. Use this to calculate your BMR. Then BMR to calculate caloric needs. It's all on this site. Look for the hyper link.

  • Jamie Eason's Live-Fit Trainer is a great program. She has a line of supplements that she just came out with. One of those items is an Anti-Bloat supplement. I bought if off of bodybuilding.com, and it actually just got delivered to my house today. I'm going to give it a try. Drink lots of water. Seems like an oxymoron to drink water while bloated, but you may need to just flush your system.
  • I did that plan, or half of it. It's a good way to get introduced to lifting. The eating requirement is a challenge. Yes, count calories. I wouldn't go above maintenance. The first part is about putting on muscle and increasing endurance. Hence the no cardio.

    Are you the supplements she recommends? Make sure you drink lot of water and take fish oil pills. this will help with the bloating and keep your digestive tract moving along.

    What would be above maintenance for calories then?
    Yes, I am taking the recommended supplements such as fish oil and a multivitamin :)

    It depends on your weight, height and activity level. Use this to calculate your BMR. Then BMR to calculate caloric needs. It's all on this site. Look for the hyper link.


    Thank you!
  • Jamie Eason's Live-Fit Trainer is a great program. She has a line of supplements that she just came out with. One of those items is an Anti-Bloat supplement. I bought if off of bodybuilding.com, and it actually just got delivered to my house today. I'm going to give it a try. Drink lots of water. Seems like an oxymoron to drink water while bloated, but you may need to just flush your system.

    Awesome! I will have to check that out. Yeah it could be a water issue, I'll have to keep tract of how much I'm drinking throughout the day. Thank you :)
  • I am completing the program for the second time. I am currently on Day 75 and have seen over 6 lbs lost during the past 3 weeks. I know in the beginning it feels like you are gaining but trust me when I say you will see results if you stick to the plan. I did not add supplements and have followed the calorie recommendations in Phase 2 and 3. I wish you the best of luck and suggest you don't fight the program mentally...it really isn't that bad in the long run :)
  • I am completing the program for the second time. I am currently on Day 75 and have seen over 6 lbs lost during the past 3 weeks. I know in the beginning it feels like you are gaining but trust me when I say you will see results if you stick to the plan. I did not add supplements and have followed the calorie recommendations in Phase 2 and 3. I wish you the best of luck and suggest you don't fight the program mentally...it really isn't that bad in the long run :)

    Wow, good for you for sticking with it for a 2nd round! Okay I just wanted to make sure that this feeling of gaining is "normal" for this stage. Now there isn't any calorie recommendations for phase 1 right?
    Thank you so much :)
  • Jen8D
    Jen8D Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone willing to friend me to provide mutual support for the LiveFit program? I am on Day 2, only. Thanks! :smile:
  • yjackson08
    yjackson08 Posts: 12 Member
    I think we're at abotu the same timeframe. I just did Day 16 this morning!