Periods & food. How do you stay in control?

Hi all,

I have been over weight, for about 4 years since I went smokefree. I hate every bit of it!! I want and need to be health. I suffered from epilepsy from a child and curvature of the spine came to me 7 years ago. My question is How do I keep in control when I have periods? I have pains all the time.


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    When you want it badly enough, you'll do what's necessary to achieve it.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I refuse to let my uterus be the boss of me.
  • I refuse to let my uterus be the boss of me.

    This! Unless you have a serious condition such as pmdd, you really kind of just need to suck it up buttercup and not let being on your period consume your willpower and determination to lose weight. Exercise can sometimes help with pain too. And bonus! If you exercise you get to eat a little bit more!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hi all,

    I have been over weight, for about 4 years since I went smokefree. I hate every bit of it!! I want and need to be health. I suffered from epilepsy from a child and curvature of the spine came to me 7 years ago. My question is How do I keep in control when I have periods? I have pains all the time.

    I'm unsure about what the epilepsy and spine issues have to do with your period. Are you saying that you are on medications for these that make your period worse? Or is your period worsened because of these conditions in which it makes it harder to control your intake?
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Sometimes I keep it in check, and sometimes I don't. This month I didn't..... oops.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Well when i get my period, i think to myself:

    Am i really extra hungry or just extra miserable and angry at the world and my genitals? If i decide that i am really hungry, I eat.
    If not, i make my boyfriend's life hell for a couple of days.

    Just figure out what your uterus really needs.
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    This sounds a bit odd but I'm awful with chocolate.

    Instead of eating a big bar of normal Cadbury's chocolate, I buy the bubbly stuff. I get the same feeling of eating a load of chocolate, but for 420 cals instead of 800.
  • Well when i get my period, i think to myself:

    Am i really extra hungry or just extra miserable and angry at the world and my genitals? If i decide that i am really hungry, I eat.
    If not, i make my boyfriend's life hell for a couple of days.

    Just figure out what your uterus really needs.

    Oh my gosh, I love it! Don't let your body/mind control you, YOU control it (when it comes to things you can control that is). A craving is a craving, a want.....not a need. Decide if it is worth it to you and then act on your choice :-)
  • CupcakeGangsta
    CupcakeGangsta Posts: 18 Member
    I just remind myself of my goals and calories. I always know I get extra hungry around that time so I don't buy the junk and snack on healthier choices. You can eat as much plant based foods as you want without feeling like a fatty following your period. - I'm not trying to sound mean because it's true. You already feel bloated and uncomfortable and the last thing you want is feeling like you gained more weight. I sometimes will drink more water and/or caffeine free tea to curb the hunger cravings. I eat more foods containing iron since I'm losing iron. This helps give me more energy and feel less sluggish. But sometimes I do give in and indulge but I always work those calories off. So basically you can eat whatever you want if you are willing to put in the work to burn it off.

    Working out does help with the pain and cramps if that is a problem. Birth control can help reduce heavy periods if that is an issue too. But some birth controls also increase your appetite. So if you go that route you may have to try a few different brands until you find one you are comfortable with.
  • I am looking for good snacks to munch on just daily.
    however when i'm getting close to that time of month, I try to work out more so I can eat more if I need too. been doing this for two weeks and i'm down 7lbs. I am feeling the munchies pretty bad today! lol
  • drinkthe8
    drinkthe8 Posts: 5 Member
    I was pretty much the same way at first. When that time of the month came around I pretty much just wanted everything sweet and salty, but I found a chart online that when you crave a food your body actually wants/needs something else so whenever I wanted chocolate I'd eat something else (That was way healthier) and I'd give myself a big glass of water to go with it... It worked wonders and now I don't worry about my period, I recommend working out on your period---It really helps ease cramps in my opinion :)
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    I also say Willpower.

    Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Well when i get my period, i think to myself:

    Am i really extra hungry or just extra miserable and angry at the world and my genitals? If i decide that i am really hungry, I eat.
    If not, i make my boyfriend's life hell for a couple of days.

    Just figure out what your uterus really needs.

    HAHA!!! Great stuff but so true. I'm struggling w my woman parts and cravings today, too. I'd say keep your goals in mind and WHY you want to attain those goals help you to put that bag of chips down. I'm not gonna lie, I had half a slice of pizza right after I finished my lunch but I stopped myself when thinking how long it's going to take me it burn those calories off at the gym.

    Oh! Warm tea with lemon also helps the cravings for me!
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I'm on Mirena. I don't get them anymore.
  • beachcalsix
    beachcalsix Posts: 23 Member
    ugh I know where you're coming from. The cravings suck, just had mine last week and weighed myself. Only lost 1lb grr but better then nothing. The weird thing is I didn't overeat and I exercised because it helped my cramps but I guess bloating does that sometimes... idk. Anyways I loved reading this thread and getting lots of tips for next time.
    Whenever I get mine I work out as early as possible in the day so it's over with and then I can enjoy my misery for the rest of the day lol.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    You just have to have willpower. if you want to lose weight/maintain weight bad enough, you will do what it takes.

    It was hard for me to not eat sweets and other unhealthy things all the time until I got really insecure about the way my body looked. Every time I looked at myself naked in the mirror it reminded me of why I wanted to lose weight in the first place. That's what keeps me in line.
  • Braz76
    Braz76 Posts: 28 Member
    Last year I got my new best friend Mirena inserted, since then I still get crazy mood swings and still can eat everything in the house those certain days. Alternating between sweet to savoury. I like to give in a little with my preferred cravings. This is not a pass to go crazy. I like to go with the Australian campaign of ‘Swap it, Don’t stop it’. So instead of that three scoops of ice-cream I allow one decent size one. I eat it slowly and I enjoy every bite.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I will be testing all your tips for the next 4 days.
    My body seems to flush everything out during my period - front and backside so I think that actually could be a benefit.

    I am sure I will have some popcorn this week too.
    More worried about lethargy than anything else
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    In regards to control food intake and food cravings, I make sure I have meals prepped and ready to go at all times so I have no excuses to reach for something unhealthy and I eat small meals every 3-4 hours (make sure to get lots of protein) to keep blood sugar levels well, level. I didn't believe it could work, but I have been eating like this for 6 weeks now and I have had ZERO cravings for sugar for the first time ever. Even through my PMS week last week.

    I get really irritable when I'm PMSing, so I head to the gym and punish the weights with my anger. It pretty much saves everyone around me.

    Willpower does have something to with it, but that wasn't enough for me until I put a plan in place that I knew I couldn't weasel out of (this applies to weight loss in general, but PMS too).
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    That is a real good point. My blood sugar levels are crazy shifty during my TOM. That does not help with the cravings. Great idea.