Postcard Challenge 12!!! Starting 11/18/10



  • havfaith
    I'm in :) Weighing in at 189....Good Luck Everyone :)
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    Weighing in at 211lbs....Good Luck all!!
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    I weighed 167lbs this morning!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I weighed in at 208 this morning (gained 3 lbs over the last couple weeks, not too bad... considering all the crap I've had to deal with I thought the number was going to be much higher). Hoping to knock that number down a lot over the next two weeks... I want to get to ONEderland. Hopefully I can reach that during the next challenge =)

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • Mari1969
    Almost forgot to post my weight! I am in at 210 as of this morning. Good Luck everyone!
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    WooHoo!! I am actually getting in on time :) I am at 174.6 and I've been stuck here for weeks, hopefully I can break this plateau.
  • odatcindy
    I'll try to catch you on the next one. I swore off the scale for the month of November and focused on inches since I started strength training with a trainer. Good luck, everyone.

    Good Luck to you as well on the inches! Feel free to come back and share with us in two weeks how you did!

    Thanks, Julia - I'll do that.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Count me in! Starting weight - 131 lb.

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    i'm in 193 pounds
  • JAGWIRE13579
    soulds like fun, is it too late to join? What should I do to get started? My weight today was 265.
  • storybookcreator
    how is everyone doing? thanksgiving is just a few days away? how are you planning to stay on track while those out of town guests are in or when you are the one traveling?
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    how is everyone doing? thanksgiving is just a few days away? how are you planning to stay on track while those out of town guests are in or when you are the one traveling?

    I don't do Thanksgiving, being a Brit, but JuliaRose73 has very kindly made me an Honorary American for this challenge:bigsmile: . I have promised to join in (if I can find some pumpkin pie, if not I'll have some carrot cake):wink: .
  • JuliaRose73
    Good Morning One and All,

    Well, we made it a cardio morning at the gym today and I burned 1,000 calories so the machines told me! For the first time the sweat that covered my face, neck, chest, back, and arms didn't feel good and exciting... but just felt GROSS! Great workout, but the sweat just made me feel icky. The joys of getting some good workouts in prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. However, I did notice that my gym is open the day before, day of and day after... so I should at least be able to get in twice during those three days. Maybe not as early however.... Julia needs some sleeping in time!

    So tomorrow is our official first week of our two week challenges. I hope that everyone sees some scale movement! Just as an FYI we have 22 people in our challenge with a combined weight of 4,582.6 pounds. I say we should challenge ourselves as a group to get that combined weight under 4,500 by the end of this challenge. Remember, you do not need to post your 1st week changes but if you want to post any motivational, funny, cry for help postings we are here to be motivated, laugh, and help motivate you as well.

    I did on a side note, receive my post card from the last challenge! It's proudly on my fridge reminding me to keep the door closed if I'm just bored at home!

    Everyone have a wonderful Tuesday!!!
  • JuliaRose73
    soulds like fun, is it too late to join? What should I do to get started? My weight today was 265.

    Of course not, I have you on the list with the other 21 of us!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I don't know how I am going to stay the course over Thanksgiving!!! I will be spending the early afternoon with one side of the family and evening wih the other!!!!!! I am planning on just eating veggies and maybe a small amount of turkey. Then do the same at my family's in the evening. Then spend the next three days working off all the calories that I didn't plan on.:blushing:

    Good luck to everyone and have a Happy Safe and Sane Thanksgiving.
  • storybookcreator
    well, I know we don't need to post our 1 week weigh in (1 week minus 1 day), but I'm still at the same weight I was last I guess that is good. I was hoping to be a little less, but I guess I'll have to wait until the Dec 2 weigh in for that.

    Good luck with your weight loss everyone!
  • odatcindy
    I don't know how I am going to stay the course over Thanksgiving!!! I will be spending the early afternoon with one side of the family and evening wih the other!!!!!! I am planning on just eating veggies and maybe a small amount of turkey. Then do the same at my family's in the evening. Then spend the next three days working off all the calories that I didn't plan on.:blushing:

    Good luck to everyone and have a Happy Safe and Sane Thanksgiving.

    Sounds like a very good plan!!
  • odatcindy
    Although I'm not part of this challenge, because I swore off the scale for November, I do have a plan to join the next challenge. So here are my thoughts about tomorrow - eat a banana with almond butter for breakfast to give me some energy and protein, then (since we will be eating early) have some turkey, candied sweet potatoes, stuffing, applesauce, and pineapple cake. For dinner, I will stick with some turkey and brown rice, along with steamed veggies. I also plan on running a minumum of three miles in the morning and doing my upper body workout at home because the gym is closed.

    I know the food is super tempting, everyone, but just place one spoonful of those items you have to have on your plate, fill it up with the veggies (not the ones with all the butter and cream), and indulge in small portions of the desserts. We can all do this!!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you across the pond. Have not been able to find any pumpkin pie on this side of the water and the only carrot cake I could find was a large one, which I though would be too tempting. So, as an Honorary American, I am celebrating Thanksgiving with a Pecan and Maple Danish. Hopefully tonights swimming session will burn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pam :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you across the pond. Have not been able to find any pumpkin pie on this side of the water and the only carrot cake I could find was a large one, which I though would be too tempting. So, as an Honorary American, I am celebrating Thanksgiving with a Pecan and Maple Danish. Hopefully tonights swimming session will burn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pam :smile: :smile: :smile:

    OOOOOH! sounds goooooood!!!!!!