lifting weights and gaining weight?

Hey everyone, I am a newbie here so hopefully I can get some insight on what is happening to my body. I am 48 years young, 5'4 and weigh 132. I have been using weights and machines for the past 4 years. I was going to the gym 3xwk. up until a few months ago due to my hours at work. So for two months I was only able to go train 1xwk. I weighed 124, so I gained 8 lbs. But the odd thing is I can lift heavier now and my clothes fit the same. I do have more of a belly than before which I hate and trying hard to get rid of it. Now my concern is that my body is taking on a whole new transformation. Is this more fat I gained or muscle? I detest getting on the scale and seeing this number! I feel like a slob!


  • josstuff
    josstuff Posts: 24 Member
    Only way you will find out is by measuring your lean muscle mass and body fat. Hard to say if you gained muscle or fat, it all depends on how you were eating.
  • I eat fairly healthy and have my cheats as well. But my food portions have been trimmed down. I do not eat big meals but snack during the day. I make sure I eat plenty of protein and drink half my weight in water.
  • josstuff
    josstuff Posts: 24 Member
    If you are trying to gain muscle mass, you don't just have to worry about protein. You need to balance protein, fat and carbs which are the building blocks for nutrition. Protein is very important, but make sure not to cut out the other stuff. I would research it on Google, there is specific protein needs every person needs, its different for everyone.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    unless you are eating at a caloric surplus and lifting heavy you are not gaining muscle...esp 8lbs...for a woman that would take probably a year if not optimal conditions...

    Lots of food, lots of heavy lifting (and by heavy I mean all lifts over 100lbs), lots of protien and lots of time at the gym.
  • I did more research and found that this is normal. It is actually water weight from my lifting heavier. It is pretty interesting all I learned how the small muscle tears cause the water to form. If that makes sense how I shared this lol. Now today I feel the belly bloat has subsided quite a bit :-) Our bodies are so complex, but beautiful when you take care of it. I am looking forward to my new transformation with anticipation :-) I will post a before/after pic when I achieve my goal.