just starting out and need motivation.

Im a 22 year old female and i Wanna lose weight but need motivation. My diary is on private as i dont like being judge on what i eat or how much im eating. I would perferably like motivation from people my own age or around my age. Feel free to just add me if u are around my age.


  • sarahable83
    I think you should listen to some motivational speaker. I will recommend you to listen Jody Urquhart. She speaks about all the industry. She is a funny motivational speaker and you will receive some inspirational thoughts from her. Her speech is the tool to boost morale.
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    You shouldn't worry about being judged here. I was worried it as well, and it kept me from getting into the forums for the first month or so of my weight loss, but I've found that people are here are pretty friendly and genuinely want to help you be healthy and keep you focused. I'm also 22, and you can add me if you like :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well first, take some advice from a 63 year old woman. Your username you have chosen for yourself is gettingthin. I know that I want to lose weight but I also know that that obstacle is to big to think as one big thing. At first I wanted to lose 10 pounds, then another 10 pounds. So far I have done over 5 of them, almost 5 1/2. society nd Hollywood and the music industry make us think that thin is the way to be. Thin is what it says it is, thin. Sometimes that's not healthy. I don't like the word skinny jeans because that says that the person is skinny. Anorexic people are skinny. Healthy weight people may not be skinny. They are of a good healthy weight and body build. Good luck to you. Leaving your diary open and the explanation you gave for it is showing people that you are asking support from them that you really do't want their input. And I hope you don't think I am judging you. I'm not. I know the kind of things that can be said in these forums and it's down right wrong. Maybe it's my age and the wisdom that comes with it.
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    Im a 22 year old female and i Wanna lose weight but need motivation. My diary is on private as i dont like being judge on what i eat or how much im eating. I would perferably like motivation from people my own age or around my age. Feel free to just add me if u are around my age.

    sweety first of all don't be afraid of that! this comunity is here to do the exact opposite! if they see you haven't been doing so good they'll go and tell you you can do better and when you do fine they'll congratulate you! so chill relax work it out and enjoy! :)
    Now if you want to keep it private that's cool, but don't feel like you're being judged k? :D
  • aalcorn379
    I'm 24....I felt the same way when I first started. I was afraid of people judging me for what I eat. I have an awful time being comfortable eating around men too. I always feel like I'm being judged lol I have found that pretty much everyone who is on here are kind and understanding and purely motivational. All of us are trying to do a little better and sure every now and then we all want something unhealthy. But good luck to you. I'm on here because I've never been successful with losing weight in the past. If I did lose it I would end up gaining it back over time. I'm hoping with support and motivation from others like me that I can be successful this time and stay that way.
  • MissClara90
    People will always judge you, even if you do a good thing or a bad one , is just how things are ; but you should waist your time listen to them , you must know what you want and fight for it .