Returning again

HI, I am Bryan and I am 33.....just a brief note...I have been on MFP for awhile but failed....and failed because my heart wasn't in it. When I was married-divorced in 08 I weighed 258lbs......through divorce and life changing attitude I got down to 190 and maintained around 205 for awhile.....2 years ago I quit smoking and have since ballooned up to 278 pounds.
I am tired all the time and ashamed I have let this happen.

I played hockey even with all this weight but have finally stopped because I felt really bad on the ice.........I tried last April, and lost 15 lbs and felt good, but I have a mentality of- if I don't go over the top with nutrition and exercise I will fail...I cannot have just a cheat snack- it will ruin my whole day...

I am looking for a support network....keep me going, and I will do the same for you as we go along...please add me, and I look forward to finding friends here.


  • AndreaMP12
    AndreaMP12 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been on here a long time too and have failed time and time again. The good thing is we never stop trying! We're here now and we can do this! It's so simple really, eat less and exercise more. Well it's easier said than done! Instead of trying fad diets and failing like I've been doing, I'm going to just take it simple, log my calories and exercise and try not to go over. It's so hard to do sometimes, especially because I have the same mentality that having one bad thing ruins the whole day, so I may as well eat the whole world! But if we realize what we're doing and stop that nonsense, just log our calories and try to not go over, we will lose weight and reach our goals. Let's do this :)

    Also, I have to commend you for quitting smoking. That's seriously amazing. If you can do that, you can do anything.
  • beachcalsix
    beachcalsix Posts: 23 Member
    Everyone has their bad days and fails, they just don't admit it :)
    I was on here last summer from July to September but ended up quitting in October after getting the flu. I regret it a lot
    because I could have lost so much weight by now. Instead of kicking myself though I am starting again, I've lost 14 lbs since Christmas and will keep going. Great job quitting smoking! I think that's harder then quitting chocolate lol. Anyways
    good luck!
  • NicolleDawn
    There is a quote I have always loved....."Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift."
    Try not to let the past setbacks get your down Bryan. Today you made the decision to keep trying and change your life for the better and that is all that matters now. The first and most important step is deciding to make a change. Good for you for not giving up!
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome back!! Good luck , you got this!!
  • kateq321
    kateq321 Posts: 97 Member
    I've only just returned to myfitnesspal too so feel free to add me. My weight crept back up in recent months & I'm determined to get back in shape. Don't feel ashamed or down...everybody has their bad days (bloody hell, I had a bad year!!! eating and drinking all round me! :ohwell: ) The only way is up from here on in & you will get there.
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    Here's another person who got on the wagon, fell off the wagon, got back on the wagon, fell off AGAIN and is back again! I agree that the most important thing is to stay committed to living healthier! Lost a total of 11 kilo's, then put some back on, lost some again, and now here we go again. You get the picture.

    Just keep at it! We can all do this if we just put our minds to it!

    Would love to have some more support from friends 'who've been there'. :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I think its just the nature of the beast...we are going ot have slips and sometimes we stay down longer than we hope...but as long as you keep getting back on
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    dont go on a 'diet' and then you wont need to 'cheat'

    think healthy lifestyle and everything in moderation.

    you might want to look up IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)
  • granuaile3525
    granuaile3525 Posts: 10 Member
    As long as you keep coming back you are doing great. I've constantly fallen off the wagon, but I've learned that you can't be too harsh with yourself. Just keep up or jumpstart the motivation in some way.
  • Robynkep87
    Robynkep87 Posts: 39 Member
    I too am returning again. I have had success with myfitnesspal. In 2011, I lost 50 using myfitnesspal. I was logging everything I ate and exercising 5days a week. I believed I was able to stop logging and just maintain on my own. Big mistake! I gained 10 pounds within a couple months become pregnant with my 3rd child and gained the weight back. Try not to over do it. Take it one day, one pound at a time. We can do this!!
  • heidimaggott1
    heidimaggott1 Posts: 11 Member
    Ian also a returnee to mfp. Please feel free to add me as I also need encouragement ( that goes for anyone else who is interested too)