How does everyone fit in exercise????



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    OK I am sympathetic. Everytime I change my schedule it takes me awhile to get the exercise to fit. I only have school and parenting right now and it took me a few weeks to get a schedule together and it was less than before but I adjusted my calories accordingly and am losing slowly which is better than the quarter before when I kept the weight off till the last weeks and gained 2 lbs. This is why I like MFP. It gives us the tools to adjust to changes. More exercise less calories and vise versa. Not that I do not think you should get your exercise in. Some days I have had to go on YouTube and find a video to exercise with to keep under. I go to an exercise class a few nights a week and Saturday mornings and take a long walk 1-2 times a week, the other days I try to take short walks. Sometimes life happens. It snowed here so I am walking in the snow since my school is closed. Good luck just keep trying. I have finally gotten most of the weight I gained when I was working, had a long commute and parenting so yes everyone is right it is worth the effort. However even when I did start exercisinng the weight didn't come off. It took the logging tools on MFP for me to start losing.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    So after falling of the weight lose wagon I am back again. However my life has changed a little. I am now a full time student as well as working 40 hours a week. This leave little to no time for any exercise routine. This is very hard for me to realize as I was a regular yoga student practicing 6 days a week. On top of everything I am doing I have always been an extremly tired person. If I sit down I fall asleep. When I get home from work I have to start super right away beacuse if I sit on the couch I will fall asleep. This has nothing to do with how busy I am as I have been like this for a while.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for quick workouts that really work? I love yoga but I just can not afford the 2hrs it would take up every night.

    Wake up early or stay up late. If you can wake up early get in 1hr before you go to work. If you cannot wake up early (like me) then do it when you get home. When I get home from work I spend some time with the kids then I play video games until 10:00. After that I go for an hour run until 11:00 and then go to sleep at 12:00 or 1:00.

    You could even do an hour of running on your lunch break. Well 45min realistically.
  • Its easy to make time for stuff you want to do. I don't think there is really a way for us to answer your question. Get up an hour earlier? work out when you are on lunch at your job? Make it that last thing you do at night? Who knows? If you are motivated enuf you will find a way.

    I totally agree. I was always the one with lots of excuses why I couldn't do this, or that etc. Until i realized i had to want something bad enough that excuses were no longer an option. We always make time for things that are important to us (example: food! few of us have reasons why we don't have time to/won't eat LOL)
  • I, like you, have issues fitting in exercise. I am a full time student and am under contract to work at least 45 hours a week. I have a friend who is getting ready for the police academy, so I found my partner in helping me along this journey, but just like you, we had to discuss how to find time to work in exercise. The best time we found was right before we start our day. Usually I have to be at work at 6:30, so we get up at 5:00am to workout. The hardest part of the 5:00am exercise is the actual waking up. After you begin it really isnt difficult. I will have to admit I dont know if I would do the early mornings without a partner though lol. Good luck to you.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    So after falling of the weight lose wagon I am back again. However my life has changed a little. I am now a full time student as well as working 40 hours a week. This leave little to no time for any exercise routine. This is very hard for me to realize as I was a regular yoga student practicing 6 days a week. On top of everything I am doing I have always been an extremly tired person. If I sit down I fall asleep. When I get home from work I have to start super right away beacuse if I sit on the couch I will fall asleep. This has nothing to do with how busy I am as I have been like this for a while.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for quick workouts that really work? I love yoga but I just can not afford the 2hrs it would take up every night.

    Wake up early or stay up late. If you can wake up early get in 1hr before you go to work. If you cannot wake up early (like me) then do it when you get home. When I get home from work I spend some time with the kids then I play video games until 10:00. After that I go for an hour run until 11:00 and then go to sleep at 12:00 or 1:00.

    You could even do an hour of running on your lunch break. Well 45min realistically.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    So after falling of the weight lose wagon I am back again. However my life has changed a little. I am now a full time student as well as working 40 hours a week. This leave little to no time for any exercise routine. This is very hard for me to realize as I was a regular yoga student practicing 6 days a week. On top of everything I am doing I have always been an extremly tired person. If I sit down I fall asleep. When I get home from work I have to start super right away beacuse if I sit on the couch I will fall asleep. This has nothing to do with how busy I am as I have been like this for a while.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for quick workouts that really work? I love yoga but I just can not afford the 2hrs it would take up every night.

    Wake up early or stay up late. If you can wake up early get in 1hr before you go to work. If you cannot wake up early (like me) then do it when you get home. When I get home from work I spend some time with the kids then I play video games until 10:00. After that I go for an hour run until 11:00 and then go to sleep at 12:00 or 1:00.

    You could even do an hour of running on your lunch break. Well 45min realistically.
  • shellywoodworth
    shellywoodworth Posts: 75 Member
    I use my lunch break at work to take a walk.
  • i actually posted a similar topic a couple weeks ago. i have toddlers drive an hour to hour and a half to work my husband's schedule rotates so i didnt know how i could, but i just did it. i also have netflix and they have 10 minute solutions pilates, yoga,aerobics. most have 50 min long videos broken up into 10 minutes each so you can do 1 section or 2 depending how much time you have, i also do 100push-up program, C25K, and 200 sit ups.. they each take 10-30 min each
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    * Do wall sits during your work breaks
    * Work out while you work! Do bicep curls at your desk
    * Stuck in traffic? breathe in, then gently draw your navel towards your spine as you exhale. Repeat until traffic starts moving. This can also be done standing or lying down.
    * Gas station pump up: While fueling your car tone your abs and glutes by contracting and holding those muscles until your fuel tank is filled.
    * Take the stairs instead of the elevator (try to take 2 stairs at a time)
    * Take a 10 minute walk
    * Carry your groceries to the car (If you can.. park in the back of the parking lot)
    * Chase your kids around the yard

    Just get creative you can always find time to fit in a little extra activity. Also here is a great website I found with quick workout routines, even a holiday weight management survival guide!

    Happy Holidays <3

    Great ideas! Thanks for sharing.
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I have class at 9am on MWF and 8am on TR so go to the gym at 6 on MWF and 5 on TR so I can get ready there. I just bring a protein shake and some form of oatmeal to-go bar that I can have while I get ready. I have found I feel really productive and motivated for the rest of the day! I also like that when I get home from work I can just eat dinner and relax with my boyfriend and not have to go work out.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    First, Congrats on making the decision to get back on the wagon. Pretty much it is what it is... as everyone else said, you have to make time. I find the mornings work best because I am not in the throws of the day.... I also try to do something at lunch and if possible, go for a walk after work. You could get a step platform and do that while watching your favorite show and do some push-ups, sit-ups, or yoga poses during commercial breaks. It may not be practical this time of year but perhaps you could ride your bike or walk to work a couple days per week.

    You mentioned a lack of energy, and of course, regular exercise will increase your energy. I also recommend Royal Jelly Bee Pollen. I use YS Organic. I take it in the morning. Its an aquired taste but it helps me get moving when I would rather sleep in. You may also want to look at your diet. If you are eating on the run -- are you making wise choices? Do you eat a lot of refined carbs?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You just have to make time for it. If you get up earlier in the morning and do a good cardio workout, even just 30 minutes, you'll be getting the exercise you need and you'll also have tons more energy.

    I'm a stay at home mom and until my husband starts school in January he's home too. So it's pretty easy for me to take off to the gym for an hour after I've put my baby down for a nap. I have no idea what his school schedule will be, I think I may have to get up super early to work out before he leaves since my gym doesn't offer child care. :(
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • sedric
    sedric Posts: 48 Member
    My schedule is similar to yours. I found myself at the same crossroad you are at now after we had a baby and the only way for me to fit in a workout was to get my butt up earlier. So now I am up at 0430 every morning and I found that i am no more tired than before. I tried going at the end of the day, but I would be yawning and drowsy in the gym. Hope this helps!
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