Scared to fail



  • pcdragonfly
    OK, so I am new to the weight loss thing, blogging, forums etc. I quit smoking in 2009 after being diagnosed with cancer. I have to say that really sucked but here I am, after radiation and chemo, cancer free . I have gained a rather large sum of weight since then and have recently been to countless physicians, specialists, weight loss centers, programs, surgeons (yes considering surgery) but then I thought what the hell am I doing!? I have not been holding myself accountable and I guess I need to do that sometime. So right now, you are an inspiration to me because you have lost. Don't think of it as only 3, celebrate because you did loose. Hopefully I will follow in your footsteps this week with a loss on my ticker. Keep up the good work.
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    Stick with it, you have more chance of losing weight and being a healthier person if you perservere than you would if not doing anything at all. Don't look at the overall picture ... How far you have to go, it makes it seem more daunting/impossible. Instead set little goals ... Throw them scales away! Then your whole mindset will not rely on them ... Go off inches, the way your clothes fit, the way you feel ... Are you more energetic, less bloated .. All these are great achievements and encourage more than the number on a scale. Good luck in your journey .. You CAN and WILL do this, and we are all here to see your results when you are posting in the success stories section :)
  • lucyaitken33
    hey there, i like many thousands of people have tried in vain for years to loose weight trying everthing under the sun every fad and gimmick with no result.
    last year i came across the 5:2 diet and have to say it is acbsolutly brilliant and it isnt a diet its a way of eating and best of all you only do it 2 days a week. i started in september and reached my first whole stone in december, its slow and up and down but for the first time in many years i have been sucsessfull. all the consultants , specialists and doctors are recommending this. i doesnt just have the benefits of loosing weight either. Any way i would reccomend this to everyone to try and there are now loads of books on it to, Michael Moseley is the man who started it all.
    good luck on your journey x
  • avm1962
    OK, so I am new to the weight loss thing, blogging, forums etc. I quit smoking in 2009 after being diagnosed with cancer. I have to say that really sucked but here I am, after radiation and chemo, cancer free . I have gained a rather large sum of weight since then and have recently been to countless physicians, specialists, weight loss centers, programs, surgeons (yes considering surgery) but then I thought what the hell am I doing!? I have not been holding myself accountable and I guess I need to do that sometime. So right now, you are an inspiration to me because you have lost. Don't think of it as only 3, celebrate because you did loose. Hopefully I will follow in your footsteps this week with a loss on my ticker. Keep up the good work.

    I am humbled - how awesome you are - you beat cancer - you superstar you!! My Dad had lung cancer 20 years ago - he is 84 now - and proved it can be done! So a mega mega mega hug to you! Will join you in your journey :flowerforyou:
  • avm1962
    hey there, i like many thousands of people have tried in vain for years to loose weight trying everthing under the sun every fad and gimmick with no result.
    last year i came across the 5:2 diet and have to say it is acbsolutly brilliant and it isnt a diet its a way of eating and best of all you only do it 2 days a week. i started in september and reached my first whole stone in december, its slow and up and down but for the first time in many years i have been sucsessfull. all the consultants , specialists and doctors are recommending this. i doesnt just have the benefits of loosing weight either. Any way i would reccomend this to everyone to try and there are now loads of books on it to, Michael Moseley is the man who started it all.
    good luck on your journey x

    Actually - my husband did suggest to me yesterday - to give this one month, and if I dont see the results I want - to try 2 days on Total Food Replacement (which is 400-600cals) and five days on this plan. He knows zero about diets - and had no idea what he was suggesting was in fact, similar to a 5:2 diet. I will see how it goes - what do you eat on your 5 days?
  • jasper186
    jasper186 Posts: 134 Member
    First of all welcome to MFP. You will find many supportive people on this site and we are all here for the same reason regardless how much or little we want to lose. I am back for the second time, I lost 14lbs a couple of years ago, kept it off for over a year and then gained it all back again. The reason I gained it all back it I stopped logging and measuring my food and crept back into the bad habits that got me here in the first place. The answer to your question is YES this does work but only if you are completely honest with yourself and log everything you eat. It will take time it will not happen overnight. There are dozens of posts that say "you didn't gain it in a month or two and you won't lose it thay way either". I am finding that patience is the most difficult part of the whole process. I changed from weighing every day to only once per week, that seems to help me because I don't fret over the ups and downs and I'm never sure if I have lost or not leading up to weight day so I try harder to stay on track. I have always believed that to lose weight I had to work out, alot....I am finding this is not true, it is all about calories in and calories out. Someone on one of the forums said it best "I don't work out to lose weight, I work out so I can eat more". I try to walk as much as I can because it makes me feel better but I am finding out it is not necessary for weight loss. Try to set small goals for yourself and put the failure thoughts out of your head, you can do this. I'm sending you a friend request.