Fabulous at 50

Hi all!

This year is going to be fabulous. I am starting college in the Fall in search of a new career and all kinds of things are changing. I've really looked forward to turning 50. What I hadn't been counting on, was the weight gain. I weigh more now than I did while pregnant and I don't feel good. I've been menopausal for 2 years. I've always eaten well, but I've led a very sedentary life. I was always on the slim side - between 20 and 40 I went from 100 to 130 lbs with two kids in between. In the last 10 years I have gained 40 lbs!! I wrote all my reasons for starting on this path on my blog. I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of changes I can make in my health - I'm not so concerned with exactly how much I lose - 20 lbs I think is reasonable - but I really need to feel better and have more energy. I have 2 special needs kids, one in a treatment home, and with going to school now (I am taking University level Biology and Chemistry online in order to pass the entrance exam I will take in March), and looking for work (I am currently unemployed and seeking contract positions until September) I feel exercise and eating really well will help on all levels. Glad to be here and hoping to connect with some others on the journey!!


  • imaginejac05
    Hi ! I turn 50 this year AUGHHHH! I never thought I would have to worry about weight but the last 10 years I have become more and more sedentary - a big part of this due to MS - I had to leave my job as an RN 1 1/2 years ago as I could not keep up with the demands of the job. I admire you for going back to school - I really miss learning ! Best of luck on your journey - try and focus on the good habits your creating instead of the numbers on the scale! I've found this helps as those darn numbers aren't moving as fast down as they did up !!!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    i applaud you for embracing the journey to a healthy lifestyle. I made the choice 30 days ago myself. I will turn 50 in October this year and my presen to myself is to have 75 lbs gone by then. I have 60 to go, then another 25 after that for my Christmas present to myself, then another 50 by Summer 2015.
    Keep at it young lady. LETS DO THIS!!!! :bigsmile:
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Yep 50. We're closer to leaving then starting out in life. Not trying to sound negative. I got married again right after my 50th birthday to an awesome woman! But more physicals and blood work show that we are not made like we used to be. Time to really start taking care of what we have. Medications? Blood sugar. It's not just about fitting into skinny jeans and swimsuits. It's not like a 50 something fit body is all that attractive. My wake up was getting put on Metformin. Trying to get off of it. After losing almost 60 lbs it feels relatively good getting on the eliptical and getting the heart rate up to 145-150bpm. i've had to empty my closet practically. ARC and Goodwill have become my friends. Buying pants and then redonating them because they outgrew me! A new sportcoat! Not as creaky knees. Working on getting ready for my "retirement passion" by actually selling some of my artwork in a gallery! Trying to improve my golf game so I am respectable by retirement! Let's keep doing this!! :bigsmile:
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Howdy and Pshaw! I was worried about 50 when I was 49. Positively morose I was! I turned 52 last September and have since realized t'ain't no big thang! Life is a wonderful journey with many ups and downs. Congrats on going back to school - I have done that twice! I first started using the mfp app last January and had lost 15lbs by my son's wedding in June. Stopped watching my intake and am back at 195! Not the first time either - I do more yoyoing than Tommy Smothers. I have fought with my weight pretty much all my life, I love to eat, I love to cook and I love beer. I'm hoping to get myself back to at least 180 before the summer. I am currently running twice a week, weights twice and yoga twice. Hope to expand on that as the year progresses and as I get smaller.