Has anyone lost weight with 'cheat days'?



  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    lost 25 pounds ! cheat every weekend.
  • aluethi1
    aluethi1 Posts: 97 Member
    I have one night a week (bingo night :D) where I eat a bunch of deep fried items. And this past weekend I had a day where I ate 600 calories in chocolate, a big mac, a donught and a tim's sandwich and haven't gained from either of those. The worst that will happen is my weight will stay the same that day.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member
    In fact, I do! I was on paleo for a month but for some reason, it just didn't work for me this time (did paleo for half a year last year and it worked wonders at helping me break a plateau. But I got off of it because of a rough end to the year. But I got back to it and its worked but hasn't worked as it did before. Since I have Cushing's Syndrome, I gain weight easily with stress (thanks to excess cortisol). Decided that I'll break off from paleo and just eat whatever I want (but only natural homemade food, or food made from scratch at restaurants etc), and doing so made the scale move after months of it staying a 4 lb rage (189-192). And I had DEVOURED so many calories a few days prior (since I am actually lifting and such, I figured my body would also need the many calories I am eating now). So cheat days are beneficial to your mental health (less stress, weigh less). :D
  • MissMeMandaLee
    MissMeMandaLee Posts: 18 Member
    I have pizza and breadsticks with my sister every Friday night . I used to use all of Friday as my "cheat" day, but I try to stick with my Friday night cheat MEAL.I eat pretty light the rest of the day on Friday (Greek yogurt for breakfast, progresso soup for lunch, no afternoon snack) . I am still losing. In fact, I have done this since I started and I have lost every week. I find that looking forward to my weekly splurge makes it easier for me to stick to healthy eating the rest of the week. If I want something greasy on Thursday, I say "No. you get a treat tomorrow."
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    I pretty much whatever I want just smaller portions and more veggies thrown in. I don't really have actual cheat days because I still eat things I like everyday...I dont feel like I need a cheat day (for me I think it would bring me back to old habits). Every once in awhile I go out to eat for dinner and will go over calories but I eat healthier during the day since I know I'll be going out.

    This. :happy:
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days. But I also don't believe in denial of foods. I set a healthy deficit, refuse to go down to 1200, and eat within my calorie goals for the day. If I go over a bit, I either eat less the next day or workout a bit more. I make my food work for me -- it's fuel for my body, so I give it plenty, and if I'm craving a chocolate bar, I have one. If I want pizza, I have it. I just make it fit my calories and macros. For me, this is way more long-term sustainable than trying to figure out 'cheat days' which often turn into bigger binges than planned because the mentality becomes "I can do WHATEVER today!"
  • brad2021hk
    I average 200-250 exercise calories per day over 6 days. I don't eat those back typically on Monday through Thursday. Friday and Saturday, I tend to go over target. I make an attempt to at least stay close to maintenance calories on those days. Sunday, I generally pull it back together and generally go under target. Once it all averaged out, I hit or go slightly below weekly target.

    In maintenance and for the rest of your life, you're going to have "cheat days." Weddings, parties, nice restaurants, vacations, etc. Might as well learn how to deal with that now. How to moderate leading into planned events. How to deal with unplanned events. How to recover from a high-calorie day. Maintenance is harder than losing. Maintenance takes longer.
  • tommx
    tommx Posts: 1 Member
    The way I approach cheat days is similar to my approach to counting calories: I earn them with exercise.

    Think of it as a game: Every morning you are given a set of calories to spend on food. You only have so many calories, and you have to be sure to spend them wisely so that you'll get everything you need for the day. You need to make sure you invest in things like protein, omega 3s, etc.

    Let's say you don't feel like you have enough calories to spend on all of the things you want to eat. That's where exercise comes in.

    With every minute of exercise (cardiovascular exercise specifically) you earn that many more calories that you can spend. Now you can't just spend those extra calories on anything, as your body will need extra nutrients to compensate for the exercise, but you get where I'm going with this.

    On average, I burn a minimum of 500 calories per workout. (Usually more). I may use those extra calories or I may not. I may just eat the same amount I was going to eat that day and leave it at that. If I do, then my excess fat burns those calories.

    Over the period of a week, assuming I stay true to my goals, that tends to leave me with at least one days worth of calories that I've burned. Assuming I plan my cheat days well, I don't make too much of a dent in that "reserve" of calories that I've burned, and I have a successful week.

    Every now and then, I do have a week that might not be as successful as I like, but that's why it's so important to stay with what I'm doing. If I maintain the rest of the time, then a cheat day or even a cheat weekend won't hobble me too much.
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    I have two cheat meals per week, but not full cheat days. When I was shredding and not maintaining I had ZERO cheat meals for several months and went from a size 10 to a 2. It was tough at first because you have to make the decision to get fit multiple times a day when temptations come your way. The good news is that for me it actually got easy. I had a set diet and brought my food every day. Food became fuel and not for pleasure. That was the key to my success. I basically stopped "treating" myself to food, and celebrated my success with extra workout time, which I came to love. Hope this helps you.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    I try to avoid it, since it throws my low carb diet out of the window, and I have to go through the adjustment period, also I feel ill on a"regular" diets. I get awful acid reflux and tend to throw up after meals a lot.

    On Keto I don't get any health problems, so for my health not just my weight it is important. Though I do, at least once or twice a month go out for birthdays or whatever other things come up.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I eat what ever the HELL I want to as long as it fits into my calorie budget. There may be weeks when I have really maintained a smaller deficit than normal, I will allow myself a "re-feed day" just so my old metabolism doesnt get out of whack!! And plus I like me some foooooood!!!!!!! I will do this every month or two!! The more I have learned to try not to obsess over the numbers, the better I have done!! So no it wont kill you or hinder your progress, just dont make a habit out of it and you will be totes magoats fine!!!
  • wriri7_x
    wriri7_x Posts: 94 Member
    One other thing....
    What is height, weight, activity level, and age??

    right now, 1200 over 6 days is 7200 calories

    My height is 5ft 4
    Weight : 170lbs
    Age 19
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Yup. I frequently have days where I can hit 3,000 calories or more. As long as I stay active (walking and hiking) I can eat well over 2,000 calories per day and still lose.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok, based on your info, and about 4 days of exercise.....
    Your TDEE is ~2150 - 2180 / day
    So if weight loss is the goal, and you are doing -20%, your intake would be about 1700 - 1740

    So if you were to do 1700 7 days / week == 11,900 calories
    So if you are doing 1200 / 6 days == 7200 calories
    You technically still have about 4700 calories you can play with to still be in deficit of 20% for the week....

    Something to consider....
    Me personally, I would not pound down 4700 calories in one day if I were losing weight....

    I would opt to bring up my daily caloric intake to maybe 1500 or something, and fit my desired foods into those calories...
  • wriri7_x
    wriri7_x Posts: 94 Member
    Ok, based on your info, and about 4 days of exercise.....
    Your TDEE is ~2150 - 2180 / day
    So if weight loss is the goal, and you are doing -20%, your intake would be about 1700 - 1740

    So if you were to do 1700 7 days / week == 11,900 calories
    So if you are doing 1200 / 6 days == 7200 calories
    You technically still have about 4700 calories you can play with to still be in deficit of 20% for the week....

    Something to consider....
    Me personally, I would not pound down 4700 calories in one day if I were losing weight....

    I would opt to bring up my daily caloric intake to maybe 1500 or something, and fit my desired foods into those calories...

    I've had 1900 calories today, on the days I do overeat I wont go over 2200 calories. Also thanks for working that out for me I may increase my calories in the future :-)
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    I cheat once a week every sunday. I do it mostly because it crushes my cravings that week so whatever I'm really craving I eat. It also shocks your body, allowing you to continue losing weight.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Ok, based on your info, and about 4 days of exercise.....
    Your TDEE is ~2150 - 2180 / day
    So if weight loss is the goal, and you are doing -20%, your intake would be about 1700 - 1740

    So if you were to do 1700 7 days / week == 11,900 calories
    So if you are doing 1200 / 6 days == 7200 calories
    You technically still have about 4700 calories you can play with to still be in deficit of 20% for the week....

    Something to consider....
    Me personally, I would not pound down 4700 calories in one day if I were losing weight....

    I would opt to bring up my daily caloric intake to maybe 1500 or something, and fit my desired foods into those calories...

    I've had 1900 calories today, on the days I do overeat I wont go over 2200 calories. Also thanks for working that out for me I may increase my calories in the future :-)

    Give it a shot and track things.
    Very important to track things, and see which way you are going..... :wink:
  • DevinJean123
    DevinJean123 Posts: 18 Member
    I typically eat 1200 calories each day and then one or two days i will have 1800. That extra 600 could be whatever you want and it feels like a lot more when the other days are so restricted. Cheat days are good as long as its not a binge everything in sight kind of day. I still monitor my cheat days I just dont worry as much!
  • cherub_72
    cherub_72 Posts: 45 Member
    I am only a month in and have lost 4 lbs...1 lb per week which is exactly my goal. If you check my logs...I am all over the place. One day I eat real well...the next I don't...one day I work out like a mad woman and the next I sit on the couch. I don't worry about it. I pay attention to what is going into my mouth and shoot for my calorie goal every day. Some days I make it some days I don't. I make sure that I work out at least 3 times a week and when I do...I work out HARD. What I try to keep in mind is ....will my net calories average out under my goal?...if so...I'm good. If not...time to hit the treadmill or throw in a P90X work out. It is ok to eat what you want as long as you work it off. I don't believe in denying myself...I get myself into trouble that way cause then instead of having 1 meal that is over my goal, I have a DAY or a WEEK where I gorge myself.

    Give yourself grace and mercy...small changes over time is what is going to make a sustaining weight loss. Or at least that is what I am banking everything on.

    Good luck! I wish you well on your journey. Try not to be hard on yourself. We are all in this together.
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