Not Losing - Suggestions?

I am 50 years young lol. I am in pretty healthy and only need to lose about 5 or 6 lbs. I have been logging my food and exercise for a month and a half, but I am not having much luck at losing weight (lost 2 lbs in the beginning, but now nothing). I work out about 6 days per week (exercise has been part of my routine for a long time though). I am logging the food calories as accurately as possible by scanning (sometimes weighing the meat) to get used to seeing portion sizes. I also have not been eating back all of my exercise calories because I am going by mfp calculations and heard that it calculates high. I am trying to drink more water, but not logging that and probably not drinking 8 glasses per day (more like 4 per day) besides my other drinks. I do drink a little alcohol on the weekends mainly and have unhealthy snacks when I have a craving. I don't like to diet, but prefer to eat what I want, just less of it. If you have any suggestions that might help, please let me know. Thanks!


  • Hi there! My only comment would be that ensure you are accurately tracking every bite and every drink accurately. I know that made a big difference to me. I work out all the time but unless I am tracking everything that goes into my mouth, I become derailed. A snack or drink that seems minor and insignificant to your daily calorie count can have more impact than you think. It definitely seems more difficult for me to lose weight as well now that I am in my late 40's so I feel your pain!
  • Hi it is harder when you only have a little to lose. Maybe you need to look at your exercise routine and change it up either intensity or duration. It depends what you are already doing.
  • Chmabi
    Chmabi Posts: 7 Member
    I would get a heart rate monitor. If you have been exercising for a long time, your body could get used to it and not burn as many calories. This will give you a more accurate reading!
  • Thanks for all of the suggestions! I may need to look into the heart rate monitor and maybe start weighing my food more. I am trying not to eat all of my exercise calories too. My hormones are a little crazy too so that doesn't help. Thanks for all the support! I will keep trying.....
  • Forget what your did in the past. Look to tomorrow.

    I need you to go take photos of yourself (front, side and back). Then get on the scale and take measurement to calculate your body fat percentage. Change your "Report" options to include all of the stats.

    Once or twice a week record you weight. Once or twice a month take measurements to calculate your body fat percentage. Once a month take another set of pictures. At the end of 30 days compare.

    Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't get hung up on it. Weight is subjective. Body Fat Percentage is truth. Also, pictures do not lie. If you maintain your proper intake and exercise, you will see a difference. Maybe not on the scale, but if a dress fits like never before or you get into a new pair of jeans... that is improvement, no matter what the scale says.

    Add me as a friend if you like :) I look forward to hearing about your success!!