Weight Seesaw, Ready to Trend Downward!

Hey folks, I've been a member of this site for awhile, signing in on occasion and doing well, then abandoning it all-together and gaining it all back (and then some). Repeat process. I'm finally thinking that I can do this for real, not as a diet but as a real lifestyle change... It's time to get healthy! I'm thinking some community friends on here would help with the motivation, so I'm sending out an open invite if anyone would be interested in adding me as a friend. Looking forward to some good advice and motivation in the coming months, and am happy to dish it right back at ya as well :)


  • MomOfRose
    MomOfRose Posts: 89 Member
    Request sent! I'm in the same boat: I lose 15, I stop and gain it back. It's slowly sinking in that this is not a diet.
  • Here is your new buddy. I need to stay motivated and loss 10 kilo so count me in. I realise my biggest weight gain is from wine so having just returned from a six week trip to Europe and gaining 5 kilos I need to get real. Count me in
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member

    I saw the words 'Trend' and 'Weight' and thought here's another person using Trendweight ,www.trendweight.com. Welcome to the MFP community - I have been here since early 2011 and have lost a total of 20kg (about 50lbs) - not a lot but I am trying to keep to a sustainable nutritional lifestyle with lots of exercise etc.

    The forums are great places to get good advice - you will get all sorts so sift through it and you will realise who are the great motivators and who have the wisdom. Keep an eye out for Ed Davenport http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1103164-3-yrs-312lbs-lost-1yr-from-bodylift-and-maintenance - he has gone from 500lbs and lost more than 300lbs!

    Also, and I don't exactly remember the full link but there are some great posts with a subject of 'in place of a roadmap' http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet which are great for understanding how we can eat with a mind to the 'future me'.

    I have discovered Trendweight recently and it is a great tool for seeing how are weight is treding over time rather than just looking at today's weight. You will need a Fitbit account though but you don't need a Fitbit device or scale to have a Fitbit or Trendweight account. You put your weight into your Fitbit account (daily or weekly is good) and it uses an algorithm to show you a trend for your weight, allowing for fluctuations. I love it!

    Feel free to add me as a friend - I am a 60 year old female in New Zealand
  • michaeldpaulus
    michaeldpaulus Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Just got on myfitnesspal and happy to meet others doing what I am - changing my trajectory of weight gain and all the lovely things that come with that. Thanks for all your suggestions and always enjoy hearing from you!

  • Friend me!!