Hypothyroid and weights or cardio?

I've been reading a lot of posts about hypothyroid (recently joined that club). Have you had more success losing weight with lifting or cardio?


  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    I have hypothyroidism and my body seems to have better results with lifting than with cardio. I think it has something to do with the fact that putting on more muscle helps to burn calories more efficiently and increases ones metabolism. I love the way a long cardio sesh feels but I just don't seem to get the same results just doing cardio alone.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I guess that's why I was asking. It seems as if I've read that a lot lately... on a different note, are you on meds? Did you notice a difference once you started taking them? If so, after how long? I started a week ago, and I still feel exhausted all the time, and just kinda wondering when benefits are gonna kick in.
  • lprincess1970
    I too had the same question on exercises. I have been told by the Dr.s to do both but to keep each workout session to only 30 mins. I just started on Thyrostim a week ago and I too am still tied with low mood. I think its a matter of getting the right meds in combination with exercise.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    I do both and love it! I find most of my success is a healthy combination of the two as well as watching my simple carb intake. :smile:
  • Nakedgrass
    Nakedgrass Posts: 7 Member
    I have Cushing's but take T3 and have some of the same hurdles as someone with hypothyroid only on an extreme level. I do both cardio and resistance training with bands, instead of weights. I also do pool therapy and use water weights and cardio in the pool, since it is very little impact, but a powerhouse of activity.
    I think it is necessary to keep a good balance. Cardio helps more with burning the calories and strength training helps tone up the flabby places that arise from losing the bulk. They kind of work hand in hand. I try to combine both into a single session as much as possible.
  • Chase1113
    I am hypothyroid and have been on Synthroid since 1991. I find just exercise whatever it is works well for me.
  • trouble007
    trouble007 Posts: 18 Member
    This is actually my second real go 'round on MFP. I lost about 40 lbs the first time in 2010-2011 before I discovered I had stage III thyroid cancer. I had been diagnosed hypo before then but between the right dosage (which in itself takes some time for a lot of folks) and lots of cardio and eating right I shed my weight at a reasonable pace. I kept my cardio short, but I did it 4 to 5 times a week. Personally, though, I'm the type who bulks up very quickly with weights, even the cardio variety, so running has always been my go-to when I need to shrink a little.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your input :)
    I too am a "bulker-upper", but I kinda like it :)
    I think I'll keep running, at least until my 13.1 is done... and see what I feel like from there.
    Would love to keep in touch and hear what's working and not working for you guys...