Any help is appreciated

Hi again so my last post I was pretty confused and you guys helped me out a ton so I really appreciate it. I switched up gears a little bit decided to up my calorie intake to about 1850 from 1200, lets face it 1200 is really low and especially being a guy thats not good at all. So I was pretty much setting myself up for disaster being at that low of a calorie intake. A friend of mine metioned The Paleo diet was wondering what your takes are on it?
The important thing is going through this fitness goal with little stress as possible, so onto what ill be doing outside the kitchen since my calorie intake seems to be fine unless you guys have something to recommend, In order to lose the fat what is the most effective cardio or weight training? Any tips on what I should be focusing on inside the gym I would appreciate it. Again, thank you all for your support and help and Stay motivated toward your fitness goals I believe in you.


  • josstuff
    josstuff Posts: 24 Member
    I personally think paleo is a fad diet that just makes people eat less bad foods, like many fad diets. I don't want to get the paleo hate train going or anything, the diet works for some people. What I've always been told is you need to balance carbs, fats and protein with every meal, any diet that cuts out a portion of balanced meals seems stupid to me, unless you have a dietery health condition that prevents you from that.

    Calories should be based on your BMR, 1200 does sound really low for a guy, its all based on your weight and height. As far as working out, I wouldn't go over board on weight training if that isn't your main goal.
  • mstrhck
    mstrhck Posts: 5 Member
    There is a healthy percentage of the population that finds that eating a high-carb diet makes them fat and causes all sorts of problems. Most likely, I think, if you are fat and eating a regular diet, it would be worth your while looking into reducing your carbs. Paleo is often a step in the low-carb direction, but many paleo dieters eat a ton of carbs. You might be tolerant of a large carb intake, but given the fact that you are overweight now might tell you that you are not.

    Look up people like Dr. Peter Attia, Dr. Stephen Phinney and and Dr. Jeff Volek, see what they have to say and determine if their recommendations make sense to you.

    As far as the gym, anything you do is great. Untrained people go through the worst pain, but improve the fastest, so keep that in mind. I am with you, I am working my *kitten* off on my training plan. I have to go through a **** ton of pain but I improve so quickly that it helps me keep going.

    One big thing I noticed is that when I walked 12 miles I burned 1700 calories (I use a bodybugg). Apparently there is no match for time plus simply moving (without big effort). Good luck buddy.
  • raulafanador
    raulafanador Posts: 18 Member
    Im going to agree with josstuff on the paleo "fad". There is no substitute for good old fashioned clean eating and exercise. People get so wrapped up in fad diets and and other weight loss secrets, when weight loss is as simple as calories in vs. Calories out. Your first step is, find your basal metabolic rate (bmr). Say its 2000, and you are eating a 1500 calorie diet (keeping the numbers simple for the sake of my explanation.) You are now at a 500 calorie deficit. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you maintained the 500 calorie deficit for a week, you will have lost 1 pound of fat. Now that number will vary greatly on the amount of exercise you are willing to put in so find a sustainable goal (i recommend 1 to 2 lbs a week, as it is a lot easier to keep the weight off that way) and stick with it. Running is definitely the best fat burner,unless you love swimming of course, but if you dont normally run you will obviously have to ease into it by walking, jogging, using an ellyptical, etc. Good luck to you, hope my explanation helped
  • dwolfman90
    Thanks once again all of you its funny how different fad diets and exercises there are its confusing, so just sticking with clean diet and exercise
  • dwolfman90
    Makes more sense to me now thanks o know this winter isn't doing me any good but im pushing, I love to skateboard so once the weather gets nice im going to be a lot more active