Why haven't I lost any weight if



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Yes! Working nighshift WILL hinder your weightloss. I've been there! It wreaked havoc on my weightloss and I ended up gaining back almost everything I had lost. Having no good sleep stresses your body, which brings about the evil wretched villain we call cortisol. It keeps you from losing weight and can in fact make you gain weight. I have cushing's syndrome, so I know that little SOB can break it or make it for me if i stress too much. If you really want to lose weight, you will have to make the decision to work during the day and adjust to getting sleep during the night. Once you do adjust, the weight will melt off. :D

    i have been working grave 3 1/2 years and i lost 110lbs..

    Congratulations! You look AMAZING!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    it also depends on the type of food you are eating
    how many calories you are eating ..

    it is not always about calories.

    Nope. It's always about calories.
  • Worthy2bFIT
    Worthy2bFIT Posts: 15 Member
    REALLY ???

    i lost 108 lbs.
    and then i didnt lose any weight for a couple of months cause i was counting calories and not really caring what i was eating and then when i got back on my diet and started counting calories .. WHAT DO YOU KNOW.. I LOST 2LBS IN THE FIRST WEEK..

    i am a GENIUS.. I KNOW..
  • Worthy2bFIT
    Worthy2bFIT Posts: 15 Member
    THANK YOU :)