Newbie seeking friends with 100lbs or more to lose...

Hi Im Julie.. I have never joined anything like this before. I am overwhelmed by the amount of weight I need to lose but determined to do it.. I feel life is passing me by. Because of my weight I rarely leave that house and have developed some pretty serious anxiety. I feel ashamed of my size. I am a single mother of 2 teenage daughters and I want to make sure I am alive and well to be in their lives for as long as I possibly can. I hate that I am missing out on so much.. I use to love to swim and shop and go to theme parks and now I dont do anything. Too self conscious or just too big to enjoy things anymore.. It hurts so bad to feel like this.. Time to let the healing begin. Would love to meet people that feel the same. I also love to hear success stories.. I find them most motivating.


  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    You are in the right place.

    Join forces with me - I still have about 100 lbs to go (give or take - I'm not much of a goal setter lately - final destination to be determined).

    Check out my profile - I'm going slow and easy and sustainable. No weird or extreme rules (well, not many). Start where you are and make tweaks to improve it. Just start logging and looking to improve.

    If you friend me - talk to me when you are ready to quit (or not) because I've been there and found my way through it. I remember and can help.

    For me it's not about motivation or big grand declarations (my obsessing gets in the way and I just don't do drama) - it's about just making progress and not stopping.
  • emilypalmer2014
    emilypalmer2014 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Julie,

    I'm about to start working towards my goal of losing 40kg (just under 100 lbs I believe) . I know exactly how you feel - too self conscious to enjoy things!

    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Guineagirl913
    Guineagirl913 Posts: 77 Member

    I can definitely relate to how you feel. I am a mother to two teenage girls, one adolescent
    Boy and a preschooler. We recently relocated to another country for my husband's job. I would love to embrace the lifestyle here but I am embarrassed because of my weight and lack of being fit. I joined MFP about a week ago and started doing some walking DVDs in the house to get myself started. Fortunately, it is easy to eat healthy here so that helps! Please feel free to add me and we can all motivate each other.
  • joetalk
    joetalk Posts: 37 Member
    hi julie.

    first off welcome

    second, im so proud of you, and wish i had your courage, your post is giving me the courage to come back to the forum again

    im back for the third time, but i refuse to give up, im 119 pounds from my goal and today was the first day

    i would love to share the ups and downs with some others and would welcome your friend status if it came my way


  • rascals84

    This is my first time posting on the forum - eek!

    I have lost just over 4 stone since August 2013 and have another 4 to go. It can be done it just takes determination. I have just started walking and swimming again since having my little girls - I used to feel self conscious but now I don't care who sees my wobbly bits - I have even signed up to the local gym and it's no where near as bad as I thought it would be - everyone is so nice! I also go yo aqua Zumba and aqua aerobics once a week - it's a great laugh and a good workout!

    You will get there - it just takes time.

    Good luck.

  • rascals84
    Should add I have only being doing my fitness pal for a few weeks, before that I just weighed my portions.

  • Kayzia_M
    Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
    Hi! im looking to lose about 110 pounds. i have only been actively logging my food intake for a month and i am already seeing results. slow and steady like :) add me
  • Geschenkpapier

    So far I've already lost almost 75 pounds - but still at least 50 to go!
    Friend me if you like, I'd be happy to support you on your journey :)

  • lizcraft
    lizcraft Posts: 35 Member
    Hey there, I am Liz...first let me say that it is great to have you here. A lot of support is on its way. The number you are at now is not going to be there anymore. You are starting here only. You will not see this number again. It is truly overwhelming when you look at the overall picture. Try not to focus on this number. Choose 5 pound incriments at a time instead. That way it is not so overwhelming for you. I tend to focus on the large overall number and that makes me anxious and want to quit...and till now i always quit. It caused me to doubt myself. This way 5 pounds is a very reasonable goal. Do less if it helps. 2 pounds at a time if you need to. Whatever makes you feel ok with. I have found that I dont care what people think about me. I used to and would never go out in public. I have been overweight for 30 years now. I hung on to the weight because I was comfortable with being heavy. It was a crutch. Now I dont care. I do what I want to do. If people don't like it that is their problem. I know how you are feeling so well. I felt the same way before I put myself first. This is the first time in my life that I have put myself before anyone else. And honestly it feels amazing. I still have my issues on days that I am feeling low. But it does get better. I promise. Please friend me. I would love to give you the support that you need.
  • kjocrow
    kjocrow Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I've lost about 85 pounds so far over the past year and a half, still about 15-20 pounds to go I think. Would love to help support you and give advice if needed. Just remember that slow and steady wins the race. You'll get there if you just keep working at it.
  • gvrbabygirl
    gvrbabygirl Posts: 12 Member

    I'm a first time mom tired of STILL wearing my maternity jeans even though my child is turning 2 in 2 months. I had an eating disorder when I became pregnant and ended up gaining 120 pounds with the pregnancy. I still have a long way to go to get back to where I was in a healthy way. :(

    While I'm not new to MFP, I've only been consistantly logging for a little over a week and have been being very honest with myself for the first time in years. I've been getting some results and would really love to have friends to talk to when I'm feeling weak. I've been doing very well with not relapsing into my disorder, but I still struggle with binge behavior.

    I have faith that with the support of this wonderful community and the great resource we've found in MFP, there is success in our future!

    Welcome aboard Julie, we can do this!!!! :flowerforyou: