Just Getting Started

Hey all! I am a 24 year old Mom and wife who really wants to drop atleast 40 pounds by the summer... My biggest weakness is motivation I want it sooo bad but have such a hard time not snacking at night and sticking to y workouts- im hoping that this will help me and am MORE then open to any tried and true suggestions for things that have worked for you!!
Thanks! Im Excited :)


  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I think you will find that your goal is totally attainable. The going theme on MyFitnessPal seems to be to set smaller intermediate goals so that each small success builds on another. Break down the 6-7 months until summer into at least 4-8 smaller goals, and adjust as you go along. Incremental growth is definitely the way to do it.
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    Hey all! I am a 24 year old Mom and wife who really wants to drop atleast 40 pounds by the summer... My biggest weakness is motivation I want it sooo bad but have such a hard time not snacking at night and sticking to y workouts- im hoping that this will help me and am MORE then open to any tried and true suggestions for things that have worked for you!!
    Thanks! Im Excited :)

    Want Too and Planning.

    What do you want more? Those snacks or losing that 40lbs. Of course you will say the 40lbs but deep down only you know the true answer. Its all about what you WANT TOO

    Next you need to prepared to plan plan plan. I plan every meal so every day I know what I am going to eat and when. I eat 5 small meals a day every 3-4 hrs. When I am hungry I know its just a matter of minutes or an hour till I can eat again. I have a work out schedule. I treat it as I would my job. I wouldn't skip work I don't skip my work outs. I strength train 3 days a week and run 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. Same days every week etc.

    Thats what want too and planning looks like. Good luck.
  • JulieBoBoo
    My method is to cut out as much processed food as I can and to make sure I get plenty of fruits and veggies. I also make sure to stay within a healthy calorie intake to make sure my metabolism doesn't slow down.

    My biggest suggestions are 1) don't skip breakfast, 2) drink plenty of water, 3) start small with the exercise but try to get some activity in (even if it's just housework) every day and then build on that from week to week and finally 4) Orville Rendenbocker's Smart Pop for night time snaking. It keeps me sane.

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    If you eat properly during the day, you won't even feel like snacking at night...that was my biggest weakness too...i eat breakfast at 6:30, snack at 9:00, lunch at 12:00 and supper at 6:00...paired with lots of water you won't be hungry any more. Breakfast is manditory...if you hate "eating" then drink your calories...if I'm in a hurry I'll down some chocolate almond milk...but everyone is right, the biggest thing is planning...if you're out Christmas shopping all day, pack some fruit and granola or something in your purse...that way you can avoid the food courts and resturants. It's freakin' hard my friend...and it's going to take some practice getting use to your lifestyle change. You're going to fall off the wagon, or have "bad days" but the key is to have ONE bad day...not a bad week...the bad day should be motivation enough for you to get back on the wagon...and that's why we're here...good luck! I'm here if you need me.
  • Crosby2010
    Crosby2010 Posts: 6 Member
    I like what you said.....you are right, it IS freakin hard. Good idea on packing a snack for Xmas shopping. I'm going to keep that in mind and try to ignore the smells from the food court, lol.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think you have a reasonable goal. I'm trying to do the same and have many similar stumbling blocks. I usually eat four times a day, three normal timed meals, and a night time snack. I always have a late night snack craving, so I figure I might as well save my snack craving for that time slot.

    I also have trouble motivating myself to get to the gym. I can't go in the morning, because I'm a teacher and my schedule just doesn't match to do that (plus I'm not exactly a morning person). I usually put my bag in the car and go right after work, that way I can't sit and relax.... which means I get tired and end up not going.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • TheMomm
    THanks everyone!!
    I look forward to getting to know you all and getting rid of the jiggle in my wiggle!!

    Its going to be hard because not only am i a mother and wife with a husband who works out of town 5 days a week I am also a part time teacher and a full time unniversity student ... i basically feel like im alwayyyysss on the go!

    Im excited for the motivation from great people like you!!
