natural back pain relief

It all started on Monday, got up did a workout and got the kids ready for school. Then the walk to school began, and because my daughter is still to little to walk the whole way she goes in the stroller, then because of people that don't like to shovel I end up carrying my 30lb daughter and her stroller for 2.5 blocks. Needless to say I did something to my back and feel totally off because I haven't been able to do my workout for the past 3 days. So does anyone know what I can do to help relief the pain? Today it seems to be mostly in between my shoulders and up my neck a bit. Thank you for the help.


  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    Try light strength training a LOT of stretching. What's important is that you keep moving so it doesn't sieze up or swell.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    You might think about getting a foam roller. I've had mine for a few months and use it almost daily. I have a spot across the middle right part of my back that gets really stiff and sore, and rolling on the roller helps me to get it out. My back problems are related to scoliosis, and finally I had to have a chiropractic adjustment, but the foam roller has helped since then, too. I also use it for my glutes and hamstrings after really tough leg days.

    A heating pad might also help. If it's not doing better in a few more days, you might want to go see your doctor. You want to make sure you don't have an injury that will need more rest or PT before you start exercising again.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member

    Also, I was shown this trick of tieing a tennis ball into the center of a knee-high sock. Then, like, you can kinda lean against a wall or hard chair with the tennis ball between your neck/back and the chair, and then using to free ends of the socks to hold onto, you can kinda direct the ball where your sore spots are and rub them yourself. Hard to visualize maybe. Kinda like this combined with this So alternate doing that with some nice heating pad.
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    If you have a tennis ball or any kind of ball put that ball underneath the sore area. If it is the lower back do not use the ball. If it is the upper back put ball underneath one of your shoulder blade and raise arm up to the side the ball is on just to the point of tenderness. Hold for a 30 seconds and perform this several times. Put tennis ball on other side and repeat!
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Heat and stretching are helpful. If you have chronic upper back pain like I do, I recommend getting one of these bad boys:


    It's called a Bed of Nails pillow and has really helped me. You lay on a flat surface with it under your neck - it works kind of like acupuncture by increasing blood flow to the area. Search Bed of Nails products for more information. (I know it sounds weird, but my mom bought me one when nothing was working for my back pain - even intense physical therapy - and this product provides me much needed relief). It can be used under your lower back for that type of pain, too.
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    thank you everyone I will definitely try these out.