Calorie intake questions

So I have been working on losing weight for about a week and a half now and I have some questions on calorie intake. First my calorie intake on MFP is about 2180 per day, now for about a week now I didn't realize that taking in too few calories could hinder your weight loss. Now I am currently eating six times a day, usually breakfast morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack. My snacks are usually yogurt, fiber one bars, or fruit. Breakfast I usually eat a small bowl of cereal, lunch usually a half a sandwich, and dinner I eat normal I just choose healthier choices and eat it in moderation. Clearly eating these things are not bringing me to my calorie goal of 2180, but usually 13-1500. So I realize that I have been wrong but what are some ways or foods I should eat to help bring my calorie intake up? I have always figured it was good to eat less calories b/c MFP treats it as though it is a good thing when it posts that you were under you calorie intake goal. I definitely don't want to stop losing weight so I want to make sure I am doing this right. Also one of my friends is in pretty good shape and he eats all the time so that is why for me wanting to get in better shape I figured the less calories the better.


  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    When I started 8 months ago I was put on 2100 a day. Its worked fine for me. Ive lost nearly 70lbs and am still eating around 2000 a day (my goal is 1950 but tend to go over a little).

    Why deprive yourself of food when you could be eating lots more and still losing weight. Give it a go for a few weeks and see how your losses are.
  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    eating "too little calories" is damaging to you health regardless of your goal. But 1300-1500 isn't too little, so you should be fine. Unless you're eating less than 800 cals/day, you should be fine. Good luck though, keep it up!