instant oatmeal

If you eat instant oatmeal, how many packets fills you up?

And yes I understand there are better options for oats but I dont have control of what comes in my house as groceries.

today, ill be busy all day and wont have time for lunch,
and I thought maybe I could stick those calories in for breakfast.

would 2 packets of instant oatmeal hurt me?


  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    It depends. Are you JUST eating the oatmeal, or are you eating it with nuts/peanut butter/fruit? Are you making it with water or some sort of milk?

    I'd need more than just one packet if you're eating it plain.
  • HealthyMakeover
    HealthyMakeover Posts: 142 Member
    I make it with water and I usually add a small dollop of peanut butter
  • jaecobb86
    jaecobb86 Posts: 25 Member
    i use one pack of reduced sugar made with water and add some peanut butter and yogurt. Not only am I full, but am held over until lunchtime. Sometimes I will add mashed up bananas or apples as well.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When I take the time, I prefer steel cut oats because they keep me full longer than the instant stuff. For convenience, I use Quaker Oats weight control, maple and brown sugar. It has more oats and less sugar than the other varieties. The medium setting on my Keurig dispenses the exact amount of hot water it takes. Yay. It keeps me full much longer than the little, sugar packed kind.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When I take the time, I prefer steel cut oats because they keep me full longer than the instant stuff. For convenience, I use Quaker Oats weight control, maple and brown sugar. It has more oats and less sugar than the other varieties, and the medium setting on my Keurig dispenses the exact amount of hot water it takes. Yay. It keeps me full much longer than the little, sugar packed kind.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    If you can, I'd add more stuffs to it. I had oatmeal this morning, but made it with almond milk and added nuts and fruit. I ate around 730 and I still feel pretty decent.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Instant oatmeal with protein powder works for me. 1 or 2 packets with half a scoop :D
  • Lissettecruz724
    Lissettecruz724 Posts: 2 Member
    I typically add fruit to plain or flavored instant oatmeal. I don't like it with water so I opt for 1% or 2% lowfat milk. (others use soy) I do get full adding fruit & nuts) with one packet. Hopefully whomever buys your groceries can bring you weight control instanat oatmeal. It has less calories/sugar. But if you're not able to take your lunch then 2 packets should give you the energy and sustain you until you are able to eat a healthy snack or even dinner; which is the great thing about oatmeal for breakfast (at least it is for me). You'll eventually stumble onto or figure out what works best for your body. Good luck!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    if two packets fit into your goals eat two - or try adding some chopped apple and cinnamon or have a piece a fruit or yogurt on the side with it
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    You know, you can cook regular oats just like instant, and they don't contain all that other crap. Weigh it out in a baggie and take to work.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I eat two packets with milk and usually add some nuts or fruit, especially if I have to skip lunch. If you add protein powder add it after you cook the oats or the texture can be very, well, um, different. Speaking from experience there because I often add protein powder as well.
  • tamelakaye79
    tamelakaye79 Posts: 70 Member
    I love the skinny taste recipe for overnight oats in a jar..and I HATE oatmeal!!!
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Hurt you how? I don't follow.