Love my FITBIT!



  • jbabbitts
    jbabbitts Posts: 7 Member
    I LOVE my FORCE... I have had no problems with the strap closing or staying on.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I am confused about how these work. Is it just a bracelet you wear? I'm assuming you wear them to bed since they track sleep as well.

    the Zip is a small almost round device that you clip on your bra, waistband, or put in your pocket. the FitBIT ONE also is a clip on. the Flex and Force are bracelet type devices. You can go to and see them all.

    the Zip is only about $50 and does not track sleep. I have no need to track the quality of my sleep right now, so it was the one for me. The other ones are around $100 to $129.

    I know my sleep is awful, so there's probably no point in tracking it - lol.

    Sounds like the zip is what I need.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have had mine 2 years and the excitement has not worn off. I am on my forth one, the first one came apart and they sent me a new one, which I busted in the subway in DC, I lost my 3rd one on the streets of India and my husband just bought me a force, which is my favorite by far!

    I see my fitbit as one of the best investments into my health and wellness I have ever made.
  • cabrerva
    cabrerva Posts: 33 Member
    I returned mine about 2 weeks ago. Strap was extremely hard to close at first. I also started to develop that rash on my wrist despite cleaning it everyday.

    Personally, I found it to be an expensive gadget that was over counting my steps and number of stairs climbed. Perhaps I would have kept had it been cheaper. I'm going for an HRM now. Too much data that I wasn't putting to good use with the force.
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    I've had my FitBit One for a couple weeks now and LOVE it! Found it on eBay for $67!! Best $$ I've spent in a long time!!
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for the feedback on the Force. I think I'm getting close to making the leap, just was concerned about losing it on a regular basis.
  • dewaltfan
    dewaltfan Posts: 66 Member
    I started out with the One and loved it and the challenge of seeing how many steps I could get in every day. Just before Christmas I bought the Force for myself as an early Christmas present and really like it, but...

    If you are thinking about getting the Force a word of caution, they have found that in some people the Nickel in the surgical steel backing can cause irritations and burns. Fitbit is willing to do an exchange or refund for the people who are experiencing this.

    I was unfortunately one of those who broke out from the force and am now waiting to hear back from them on the matter. I chose to replace my Force with the One and a partial refund.

    The issue that some people are having with the clasp not staying closed is one that I have not had any issue with so cannot comment on that.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I started out with the One and loved it and the challenge of seeing how many steps I could get in every day. Just before Christmas I bought the Force for myself as an early Christmas present and really like it, but...

    If you are thinking about getting the Force a word of caution, they have found that in some people the Nickel in the surgical steel backing can cause irritations and burns. Fitbit is willing to do an exchange or refund for the people who are experiencing this.

    I was unfortunately one of those who broke out from the force and am now waiting to hear back from them on the matter. I chose to replace my Force with the One and a partial refund.

    The issue that some people are having with the clasp not staying closed is one that I have not had any issue with so cannot comment on that.

    I am not having an allergic reaction but am having the issue with it staying on.

    The reason I lost my ONE is because I switched it from my bra to my pants. I was having soreness on my breast where my fitbit was and it scared the living crap out of me, especially since my mom is undergoing treatment this very moment for breast cancer. When I moved it the pain went away.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I love my fitbit one!
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    I've been thinking of getting a Fitbit One but I also like wearing a heart rate monitor during exercise. Does anyone still wear their HRM's with their Fitbit? Do the devices interfere with each other?
  • Panthers89
    Panthers89 Posts: 153 Member
    I have worn my FitBit Force for nearly a week now. Like a lot of posters previously said, it really does keep you motivated to hit the daily goals set. I have not had any bad experiences with the strap and it seemed to clasp easier each day. I wear mine as I would a wristwatch.

    My wife commented on it about the 2nd day I had it on and began asking me questions so I ordered a Force for her on Monday. It must be very popular because it is on backorder and I got a 4-6 week delivery lead time. I got mine in 5 days, so I must have been pretty lucky.
  • Nyeslonye
    Nyeslonye Posts: 29 Member
    I totally agree with you! I just got mine set up on Saturday and every nite it's fun to see how many steps and calories burned. I was just curious since I just got it synced with MFP, what time of the day do the calories burned go over to MFP?? Or do I enter them at the end of my day?
  • Nyeslonye
    Nyeslonye Posts: 29 Member
    I totally agree with you! I just got mine set up on Saturday and every nite it's fun to see how many steps and calories burned. I was just curious since I just got it synced with MFP, what time of the day do the calories burned go over to MFP?? Or do I enter them at the end of my day?
    if you have synced your fitbit with MFP, then when you upload your fitbit to the computer, it will automatically put in your adjustments. If you upload early in the day it estimates by how many steps you have had and calories burned at that point to determine whether to add extra calories to your day. I usually upload my fitbit zip after I have been on the treadmill in the morning and then upload again after dinner. Then I know what would make for a good evening snack. I have not lost my motivation with my fitbit.....if anything it has made me extremely motivated! Enjoy!
  • Got my FitBit One in mid January as well as the scale. In November was diagnosed at age 70 with breast cancer. Stage one, had lumpectomy and 5 days, 2 times a day brachytherapy radiation and now on hormone therapy for 5 years,a Then at the beginning of January crossed the line into Type 2 Diabetes as well as cholesterols outside the norms, Talk about "Wake Up Call, Plus I refuse to take statins, So made big lifestyle changes with diet and 45 to 60 minutes of exercise programs at the local YMCA 5-6 days a week and monitoring weight, blood glucose, blood pressure, weight, and sleep; iti is time to monitor food items starting today with adding My Fittness Pal. Goal is to lose 72 lbs. So far blood glucose and blood pressure have been well within normal limits. The biggest change has been no soft drinks of any kind since Jan. 6th and don't miss them.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I've had a Fitbit for almost three years now, instead of getting tired of the novelty, I'm utterly addicted to my Fitbit feedback. I've even got many of my family on board (my two oldest boys, my parents, three brothers, three SIL) ... we are a Fitbit Family, there is a but of a competition going ... no one can beat me in steps!

    In regards to the OP wondering about 1700 total burn in on an inactive day ... that sounds about right for me (it depends on your size, age, sex ... I'm 5'5", 43 year old female, 150 pounds. If I just have a regular day but no dedicated exercise, that is about where I end up. That lines up with MFP, which gives me a 1200 calorie intake limit (1700-500) to try and lose a pound a week). But I AM active, and try to get my total burn to 3000 many days.

    Someone else asked about Fitbit & a HRM. I wear my Fitbit and HRM together a lot, they don't interfere at all. It's really interesting to compare the two. Sometimes they are so close (even identical) in calorie burn estimate, other times they are WAY off. While I do like the HRM feedback, it is NOT something I would (or should) wear for the entire day. It's uncomfortable, I sometimes don't wear it because I just don't want to bother putting it on (the strap is cold and you need to wet the electrodes), put on the watch, remember to turn it on/off ... the Fitbit is so easy, I wear it 24/7 (recharging it when I take a shower).

    I'm a Fitbit fan ... it's the topic of several posts on my blog
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I had problems with the force band coming off at random times, made me uncomfortable all the time thinking it may have fallen off. Even to the point I would reach for it in my sleep and knock it off. I developed bitbelt to fix this problem and would ask anyone who would like to add some security to their investment to check us out and spread the word. Facebook/fitbitfix

    Can you provide the complete link for the facebook page? I can not seem to find it.
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    I've been thinking of getting a Fitbit One but I also like wearing a heart rate monitor during exercise. Does anyone still wear their HRM's with their Fitbit? Do the devices interfere with each other?

    I wear my Fitbit Zip all the time and use my HRM during dedicated workouts. The Fitbit is best at recording step-based exercise, so walking, running and everyday moving around while you conduct your daily business. I do a variety of exercise DVDs with different styles of movement, so I prefer to use my HRM for those in order to get a more accurate burn estimate. I then record that exercise in MFP with the start time and length of workout, which causes the calorie burn I entered (from my HRM) to override whatever Fitbit registered for that time period.

    This combination has been very effective for me.
  • klab11
    klab11 Posts: 7 Member
    I have both the HRM and the fitbit Flex. Do I need to link the two together in order for them to work with eachother? Or when I go to input my exercise workout to MFP from my HRM do they automatically figure it out and work together?
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I got my fitbit flex on January 15, but a week or so ago, I put in all the numbers since I started:
    cals burned per fitbit minus food input per MFP, and divided that by the 3500 cals per lb, and compared it to my actual weight loss and it was .2 lbs difference. Pretty close!!! The difference is probably from a low estimate on food, but overall, I was happy with the numbers the fitbit is giving me. :)
  • uptomoonandback
    uptomoonandback Posts: 35 Member
    The fitbit makes you think of things differently. I have a sit-down job so I don't get a lot of steps in, but it makes me think about what I need to do and when you excited about going to walmart just so you can get more steps in you know your addicted :).