
sometimes i'm too sad to eat (just broke 25 hours not eating) and other times i'm so sad i binge (thousands of calories at a time). really don't know what to do. i only just had lunch (279cals) because i know my boyfriend would worry about me.
now everyone at lunch is talking about food and chocolate and fast food and calories in a biscuit and i feel so guilty for eating now.
what should i tell myself if i'm too sad to eat? having real trouble getting calories up. i know it sounds stupid as i'm aiming to lose weight but i'm so frustrated at myself for letting my anxiety and depression get the better of me. i know food is fuel and i need it to live but nothing is really helping.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I suggest seeking professional help.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    You should get some professional help dealing with your ED.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I suggest seeking professional help.

    ^ --- Truth.

    Except I don't suggest. You obviously need to if you're to "sad" to eat, whatever that means.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I'm so sorry you're suffering. :frown: But unfortunately there is little we can do for you hear. Please tell a love one and look for a professional to help you.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    sometimes i'm too sad to eat (just broke 25 hours not eating) and other times i'm so sad i binge (thousands of calories at a time). really don't know what to do. i only just had lunch (279cals) because i know my boyfriend would worry about me.
    now everyone at lunch is talking about food and chocolate and fast food and calories in a biscuit and i feel so guilty for eating now.
    what should i tell myself if i'm too sad to eat? having real trouble getting calories up. i know it sounds stupid as i'm aiming to lose weight but i'm so frustrated at myself for letting my anxiety and depression get the better of me. i know food is fuel and i need it to live but nothing is really helping.

    this is severe clinical depression, and nothing is going to help you but medical help. Please seek some immediately.
  • thanks everyone.. i have seeked help before (prescribed prozac) but i got better and discontinued use. now i'm getting counselling but i'm so sceptical.
    sorry to unload this, i'm totally reaching breaking point and my eating is going crazy.. was simply wondering if anyone understood or had been through something similar
  • Ktmax456
    Ktmax456 Posts: 26 Member
    Honey I suffer from anxiety and depression too. It has made me binge eat and cause so many food problems in my life. I know how hard it is. A lot of people just don't understand. Once I started counseling and got on the righy medications (wellbutrin and abilify) I have turned into a whole new person. Don't give up. There is relief out there. You just need to seek it. Messege me if you ever need tp just talk!
  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    Honey I suffer from anxiety and depression too. It has made me binge eat and cause so many food problems in my life. I know how hard it is. A lot of people just don't understand. Once I started counseling and got on the righy medications (wellbutrin and abilify) I have turned into a whole new person. Don't give up. There is relief out there. You just need to seek it. Messege me if you ever need tp just talk!
    ^^this. Time to get back on the Prozac or start a new course of meds. Dont be too proud or stubborn to do what you need to do to be healthy - physically and emotionally.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I agree, please get professional help. My close family member suffered from depression for 14 years because he thought he could "handle" it. Finally it became so bad that he agreed to go to counseling. He had appetite swings as well and a severe case of insomnia and no energy. He rarely left the house and hated to be around people. After several months, three antidepressants and several counseling sessions later, he is sleeping and eating normally and his interpersonal relationships are beginning to normalize. Sometimes the need for therapy is for life but usually it's temporary.

    I really wish you well. You're in pain but it can be alleviated. :cry:
  • Honey I suffer from anxiety and depression too. It has made me binge eat and cause so many food problems in my life. I know how hard it is. A lot of people just don't understand. Once I started counseling and got on the righy medications (wellbutrin and abilify) I have turned into a whole new person. Don't give up. There is relief out there. You just need to seek it. Messege me if you ever need tp just talk!

    True, they don't understand - it's so much more to it than just "why don't you eat salad instead if you feel like you're going to binge" well no, because my binges usually mean i'm craving tons of carbs and sweet things (my sweet tooth is the bane of my life) and i have literally no control. :cry: Glad you've managed to get better :) Thank you!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    thanks everyone.. i have seeked help before (prescribed prozac) but i got better and discontinued use. now i'm getting counselling but i'm so sceptical.
    sorry to unload this, i'm totally reaching breaking point and my eating is going crazy.. was simply wondering if anyone understood or had been through something similar

    This is the problem, when the medication fixes the chemical levels in your brain and you feel better, you stop using it. Then the levels go back to where they were and you feel worse again. Get back to the doctor, get back on your meds, and stay on them. YOu need to accept that you will probably need to stay on them to function well and be safe.
  • thanks everyone.. i have seeked help before (prescribed prozac) but i got better and discontinued use. now i'm getting counselling but i'm so sceptical.
    sorry to unload this, i'm totally reaching breaking point and my eating is going crazy.. was simply wondering if anyone understood or had been through something similar

    This is the problem, when the medication fixes the chemical levels in your brain and you feel better, you stop using it. Then the levels go back to where they were and you feel worse again. Get back to the doctor, get back on your meds, and stay on them. YOu need to accept that you will probably need to stay on them to function well and be safe.

    True - sadly my doctor specifically cancelled my prescription (whatever the term is) six months ago because I seemed a ton better, which is true, but now I guess she's trying to get me to see my counsellor instead. I suppose this way I can talk/cry out my issues and get to the root of it rather than drugging myself as my GP is pretty adamant to not put me on meds again!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    having real trouble getting calories up. i know food is fuel and i need it to live but nothing is really helping.

    Oh, hon, I'm not sure if you realize it, but this is a self-harming statement and you should take it seriously. Please go see someone, and please do it soon. Depression is a horrible, sneaky disease that tries to convince you it's not there, so sometimes you have to ignore your own thoughts, take a leap of faith and listen to other people when they tell you they see a problem.
  • I agree, please get professional help. My close family member suffered from depression for 14 years because he thought he could "handle" it. Finally it became so bad that he agreed to go to counseling. He had appetite swings as well and a severe case of insomnia and no energy. He rarely left the house and hated to be around people. After several months, three antidepressants and several counseling sessions later, he is sleeping and eating normally and his interpersonal relationships are beginning to normalize. Sometimes the need for therapy is for life but usually it's temporary.

    I really wish you well. You're in pain but it can be alleviated. :cry:

    Seeking it! I'm glad the counselling helped him, hopefully it'll have a similar effect on me.
    Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • having real trouble getting calories up. i know food is fuel and i need it to live but nothing is really helping.

    Oh, hon, I'm not sure if you realize it, but this is a self-harming statement and you should take it seriously. Please go see someone, and please do it soon. Depression is a horrible, sneaky disease that tries to convince you it's not there, so sometimes you have to ignore your own thoughts, take a leap of faith and listen to other people when they tell you they see a problem.

    I know it's damaging - I honestly don't realise I'm doing it. It's not as though it's my attempt to lose weight! My appetite and motivation simply flies out the window on bad days.
    First step is realising it, right? :smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Is the doctor your general practitioner? I think maybe you need to be talking to someone who specializes in eating disorders.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    thanks everyone.. i have seeked help before (prescribed prozac) but i got better and discontinued use. now i'm getting counselling but i'm so sceptical.
    sorry to unload this, i'm totally reaching breaking point and my eating is going crazy.. was simply wondering if anyone understood or had been through something similar

    This is the problem, when the medication fixes the chemical levels in your brain and you feel better, you stop using it. Then the levels go back to where they were and you feel worse again. Get back to the doctor, get back on your meds, and stay on them. YOu need to accept that you will probably need to stay on them to function well and be safe.

    True - sadly my doctor specifically cancelled my prescription (whatever the term is) six months ago because I seemed a ton better, which is true, but now I guess she's trying to get me to see my counsellor instead. I suppose this way I can talk/cry out my issues and get to the root of it rather than drugging myself as my GP is pretty adamant to not put me on meds again!

    See if the counselor can refer you to a psychiatrist - they can atually prescribe the medications themselves, and understand them a lot better than the GPs do.
  • Yeah. Maybe. I really don't think I have an ED though. Or at least I wouldn't meet the criteria so I would be refused treatment.
    This under-eating is depression related anyway. It's not as though I'm consciously thinking "I'm going to fast today". It's not an attempt to lose more weight.. I'm fully aware I need to eat a certain amount so my metabolism doesn't screw up. I just either forget to eat or I'm too depressed to shift out of bed to eat, or my appetite is non-existent, even after missing two meals.
  • thanks everyone.. i have seeked help before (prescribed prozac) but i got better and discontinued use. now i'm getting counselling but i'm so sceptical.
    sorry to unload this, i'm totally reaching breaking point and my eating is going crazy.. was simply wondering if anyone understood or had been through something similar

    This is the problem, when the medication fixes the chemical levels in your brain and you feel better, you stop using it. Then the levels go back to where they were and you feel worse again. Get back to the doctor, get back on your meds, and stay on them. YOu need to accept that you will probably need to stay on them to function well and be safe.

    True - sadly my doctor specifically cancelled my prescription (whatever the term is) six months ago because I seemed a ton better, which is true, but now I guess she's trying to get me to see my counsellor instead. I suppose this way I can talk/cry out my issues and get to the root of it rather than drugging myself as my GP is pretty adamant to not put me on meds again!

    See if the counselor can refer you to a psychiatrist - they can atually prescribe the medications themselves, and understand them a lot better than the GPs do.

    I will try :smile:
  • agsgmscsb
    agsgmscsb Posts: 4 Member
    I wrote a much more lengthy reply about relating to your situation but decided not to post it, so all I will say is I hope you are feeling much better soon and good luck. :flowerforyou: