Thanksgiving please comment

matina29 Posts: 64 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi! I am interested in knowing how you will approach Thanksgiving? I do not want to have a free for all. I am not sure I can maintain a normal day's intake. I just worked out. I am going to try! What are you doing???


  • wardba4
    wardba4 Posts: 51 Member
    We had our thanksgiving family feast last eve. I am proud to report it went rather well. I ate what I wanted thanks to habits I have picked up since joining mfp it was great. I listened when my body told me I was full. I don't feel i missed out on anything! I did splurge on desert but after all it was a special occasion.
    Happy Thanksgiving all!
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    I know i'm not going to make my calorie intake but i'm going to to my normal exercises but a couple more (i think) and use small portions for the dinner and we might play just dance on wii when we get done. that game really works! happy Thanksgiving!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Our Thanksgiving was in October (Canada) and I can recall pigging out. It happens I was "off the wagon" at the time so that didn't help at all.
    If I were to have a big feast today I'd have the turkey and load up on veggies and skip the potatoes and gravy.
    Easier said than done I suppose.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've been sick (tummy troubles) all week, and I was hoping to feel better by today, but I'm feeling even worse. No Thanksgiving for me, but if I could I would have just eaten whatever I wanted honestly. I wasn't going to go overboard though. I would have stopped when full, and made Thanksgiving a cheat MEAL, not an entire day. :) Good luck.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I am going to remember not to "taste" before serving the meal. I am going to remember to eat the healthy things first and then eat smaller portions of the less healthy things and have very very small tastes of the "unhealthy" things. I am preparing the meal myself = with some help, so I will not worry about exercise until Saturday after all of my family returns to their respective homes. Then I will do what my body indicates I should do.

    Be truly blessed as you reflect on the many things to be thankful for in your life.

  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I'm an American though I'm currently living in Japan so this is the end of our thanksgiving. I got a little (JUST a little) bit of everything I wanted, telling myself I had to leave room so I could fit everything on the plate. By the time I got to the turkey (it was a buffet provided by the base I'm on) I still had empty space on my plate. I made sure to eat slowly and by the time I was done with a little bit of everything of my first helping (and a small piece of pumpkin pie) I was full. After I went for a semi-long walk with my Mom rather than crawling in bed to chill and watch TV or getting on the computer. I think you should give yourself some points if you can get out and do something physical after such a great meal (don't go run a marathon or anything but try to stay moving and let not the turkey fatigue overcome you! ^.~)

    good luck!
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Going to try to stay at my metabolic burn rate instead of my loss rate because I know realistically I won't be able to say at the 1350 mfp says I need for weight loss. Also going to exercise extra and I already took a long walk this morning.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm not going to PICK at food, I'm going to get my 1 plate of food, no matter how large and stop at that.

    I'm doing an exercise video this a.m. and going walking after lunch. Drinking lots of water too to flush out the sodium.

    And only 1 piece of dessert, if that.

    I'm saving my splurge for Christmas Eve.

    Happy Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    last year, I blogged about the holidays. It's long, but heartfelt.

  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    I am going to someone else's for dinner so I have already guestimated what I'm going to have and logged it in my food diary. This helps me know what I'm dealing with calorie-wise... I even logged the pumpkin pie with whipped cream. LOL I tried to look for the items with the highest calorie content in the database so I wasn't fooling myself.

    I also made a marinated vegetable dish to take so I know one item will be healthy and I know the calories for.

    Getting ready to go do my cardio, so I have that out of the way. But I feel extra motivated today since the middle number on my scale went down today. I'm gonna try to keep it that way!

    Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    Im going to start with a workout and proceed. I think I will be ok.
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    My strategy - eat normally: a filling breakfast, a light lunch (maybe a little lighter than normal), a couple of small snacks and lots of water throughout the day. Dinner is not until 6pm so i need to make sure i'm not starving by the time dinner arrives. At dinner, I plan to take small portions of everything! I will also have to focus on eating slowly and pay attention to the 'I'm getting full" indicators. I will have pie but will skip the whipped cream.

    I did a longer workout this morning than normal and a little weight training for good measure.

    But, with all of my planning, if I go over my allottment for the day, I'm not going to stress because I know I'm doing pretty good the rest of the time. One more thing to my plan - I plan to enjoy being with my family!
  • I am going with moderation. I will have a little of everything that way I don't feel deprived of something good, and no going back for seconds. I will have a bit of dessert or two and then I am sure I will be stuffed.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I work graveyard. so when turkey dinners and all is happening, I will be sleeping. just doing a wheat sandwhich with turkey for my meal @ work. not even stressing.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here so no problem for me..
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    My plan:

    Heavy on the protein and light on the carb rich stuff.
    Put a little of everything I want on the plate 1st go around. If full after I finish that plate that's it. No stuffing until it hurts.
    I already worked out this morning and I will work out this evening.

    I might go over, but I won't blow it out of sight.
  • I have modified my menu with some of the items...some of the sides are:
    grilled vegetables
    baked sweet potatoes
    mashed potatoes (mashed with cauliflower too)
    green beans sauteed (in olive oil spray) with garlic
    Thankful my family has been on this healthier journey with me and will appreciate it!
    Some of the staples will remain however, like stuffing (whole grain) and gravy... I plan on eating until I am full and that is it.
    No exercising today though, will not have the time :(
  • Happy plan this year is:
    Eat a good breakfast; which I did
    I am opting to stay away from the appetizers this year. My brother in-law makes an awesome soup and I am going to have a small bowl of that and consider that my appetizer. I am going to have just a little of the things I enjoy that are on the table and not go back for seconds. I will have my vitamin water with me which keeps me satisfied. Sticking mainly to the turkey and vegetables. You'll know what works best for you....just go with that and enjoy the day.
    Lisa (MamaClev)
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you all I am going to keep your suggestions in mind! I will follow-up with a reply of what I did at the end of the night if you want to see! I am very grateful for the support and motivation, I really need it!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I woke up at 6 and did 60 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training. So Turbo Fire and ChaLEAN Extreme. I am eating light throughout the day. I made my food log a few days ago for today to prepare. I want to count calories still because I am trying to lose these last pounds and the last few taking longer than anything else. I am eating everything I am making today, in moderation and my pumpkin pie and eggnog for dessert and I still have leftover calories that I am leaving most likely. :) I am very satisfied!
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