Something I find incredible; P90X and running.

So the backstory is that I was an avid runner, running 40-50 miles per week. I would run 7 miles a day, and 10+ when I felt good. I trained for my first marathon, but didn't make it. I sustained an overuse injury that has permanently ended my long running days. I was forced to find another form of fitness, so that's when I decided to start P90X. It was really hard for me to give up the loads of cardio I was doing, because I always measured my fitness level by my lung capacity and my ability to run fast and hard without getting out of breath.

So now I'm a little more than 2/3 of the way through p90X. The last couple weeks I decided to take a day to go back to the gym and get in my old cardio routine that was post-running injury (40 min. ellypictal, 20 min running). I can take running if it's not too frequent or long. I assumed I would really be struggling, but it has been just the opposite. Not only can I run as fast and on the same incline level as I did before, without getting out of breath, but even better. I would say I'm in the same cardio-vascular condition as I was in my best running days. This is totally amazing to me. In the past, if I didn't do my routine for more than a week, I would lose cardio endurance. Now its been MONTHS and I haven't lost, but GAINED cardio fitness. I am so happy about this. Just wanted to share, and also am wondering if anyone knows the science behind this? I can only think its due to plyo which is like HIIT, or somehow increased muscles helps aerobic ability.


  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I am not sure of the science behind it, but I think that's awesome! Good to know, because I am in a similar situation, doing P90X and less running, and afraid of losing my endurance. I would say it's because your body is in overall better shape, using all muscles and becoming fitter, not just those used when running. That's great! Thanks for sharing!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Congratulations on your progress on P90X and happy Thanksgiving. Yes, the plyometrics helps cardio endurance a lot. A year ago I couldn't run without shin splints and I couldn't complete a single mile. P90X improved my leg muscles, cardio endurance, and overall fitness. It also prepped me for Insanity. I wouldn't have survived the first week of Insanity without doing 90 days of the X. Glad you are seeing results.
  • lovulll
    lovulll Posts: 9 Member
    I also had to cut back long distance running due to injuries. I just completed a 6.2 mile mud run in September using a similar boot camp training program to the PX90. I did some running, but not a lot. I completed the course is less time than I planned. The muscle confusion training and strength training actually made me stronger aerobically.

    I'm a believer now, just like you!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I'm on my 3rd round of P90X and after not running for 10 years for pretty much the same reasons I'm running again, and will be doing a 10k in April with a couple 5k's in between. P90X really covers all the bases and even the strength routines are a good cardio workout. It's truly amazing because most of my adult life I've been doing bits and pieces of P90X. There isn't a whole lot of new stuff in their, just good old fashioned tried and true workouts, but the way it's put together, the volume of it, and the knowledge that someone else has figured it out and I don't have to I think it was makes it work so well.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Yep--- I am one of the biggest fans of the X and I have noticed considerable improvement in my running too. I am on day 25 of my first round and I didn't do a lot of running during the first three weeks (I did do the Arc Trainer) but I went for a run this morning and it was probably the easiest thing I have done in the last three weeks.... I used to hate the first 10-15 minutes of a run and then I got into the groove.... Now -- the first few minutes doesn't even phase me.... I just go out strong...

    Personally, I think P90X should be the new gym class for kids everywhere... if they grow up "strong" I can't see how anything else would ever be acceptable in terms of fitness.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    With the exception of running 1.5 miles once a month for a practice fitness test, I found that P90X alone allowed me to decrease my run time by a minute almost every month. It was insane but I loved it! The combination of muscle building and cardio exercises was just what I needed not only to maintain (especially if you're in a climate where you can't run outdoors during the winter) but also to improve my overall fitness without much thinking involved (Tony does it all for you!). Insanity is also great for improving cardio.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yep, I had a similar experience. I was avid runner, but got talked in to doing P90X instead of running. I was a little worried about losing cardio, but like you said, after I tested myself I found I hadn't lost anything. I think it has to do not only with the Plyo, but even Tony's "keep yourself moving" strategy. Even on the lifting days he does a good job of keeping your heart rate up as much as is possible. You know, how he's always barking at you to "keep moving" & "don't sit down". I think it helps.

    Good job.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Personally, I think P90X should be the new gym class for kids everywhere... if they grow up "strong" I can't see how anything else would ever be acceptable in terms of fitness.

    We had our daughters on Power 90 all summer. There are many options out there for teens to get active. They don't have to do soccer and wait for all the team sports to get their workout on.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member