Sooo is low carb considered bad?

Hi everyone,

I just joined today!! Wooohooo!! I've been browsing around and have come accross a few post that suggest low carbing is bad for you. Do most on this site agree with that? I can't stop telling everyone how amazing I feel since cutting out bread,pasta, rice and sugar from my life. Do we reallly need to eat bread and rice? I mean I'm a flour baby, grew up on it and i could survive a year on warm bread and cheese but since cutting it out I feel Ahmazing!!

I've joined my fitness pal because I never knew about counting calories and want to take my journey seriously but just wondering is low carbing really that bad? I don't count carbs. Basically I eat anyting and everything except things that contain flower and sugar. Am i wrong?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It depends...

    No, we do not need wheat and rice, although they do happen to be good sources of some nutrients we need.

    You say that you don't eat anything with sugar: does this mean you don't eat fruits and vegetables? That is much more concerning from a nutritional stand point.
  • emilycwright85
    emilycwright85 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't think low carb diets are bad for you, it just depends on what low carb foods you eat. I always have the best luck eating low carb, but I try to stay away from an all animal product diet. I just can't make myself eat bacon, sausage, eggs, pork rinds, beef jerky, etc all day! The carbs I get are from sugar free yogurt, some vegetables, and nuts. No fruits or grains (except berries every now and then as a treat).

    And yes! After the first few days, I've felt great!! I try to convince everyone to go low carb!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Bad? No. Completely unnecessary for most people? Yes.

    I love bread, I love pasta, I love rice and other grains...there is nothing inherently evil about them and they can all be a part of a well balanced and nutritious diet. Plus, all of the above represent rocket fuel for my rides and lifting. In my experience, low carbing and training don't make good bed fellows...though I know some endurance athletes who do fine...I am not one of them.

    Also, actual ketosis scares the **** out of me and really doesn't sound very healthy at all...pretty hard on the kidneys.

    Personally, I prefer a well rounded and balanced diet that is rich in nutrient dense whole foods with practiced moderation and portion control...but I'm kinda old fashioned that way. Also, no sugar? Do you not eat fruits and veg? How do you get all of your required vitamins and minerals...antioxidants, etc.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    Low carb is not bad and encompasses a large variety of carb limits.

    That being said not everyone is able to commit to a low carb diet for life. The most sustainable and successful diet is the one you can see yourself continuing for life.
  • ileitch
    If I stay low carb (and off alcohol), I'm a lot less hungry, which helps in restricting calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't think low carb diets are bad for you, it just depends on what low carb foods you eat. I always have the best luck eating low carb, but I try to stay away from an all animal product diet. I just can't make myself eat bacon, sausage, eggs, pork rinds, beef jerky, etc all day! The carbs I get are from sugar free yogurt, some vegetables, and nuts. No fruits or grains (except berries every now and then as a treat).

    And yes! After the first few days, I've felt great!! I try to convince everyone to go low carb!

    Also, in for demonization of nutrient dense whole foods like fruit...low carbers crack me the frack up...

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The problem with low carb is that most people that begin a low carb diet don't continue it because they find it unsustainable. Most people does not mean all people.

    Otherwise, it simply comes down to calories and overall nutrition for heatlhy weight control.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I don`t see anything wrong with low carbing, I love it.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    It's not bad. It's also not necessary.
    If you enjoy the way you're eating and your nutritional needs are being met, stick with it. The best diet is one you can sustain long-term.
    If you find that you're cutting out specific foods or macronutrients simply as a means to reach a short term weight loss goal, then you may want to reevaluate. You're more likely to have long term success if you build eating habits that you can stick to for life. But if you don't feel restricted or deprived from the way you're eating, just do what works for you.

    Edited to add that ultimately, weight loss will come down to being in a calorie deficit. How you choose to maintain that deficit is personal preference.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    The trick is to find something that keeps you happy while eating at a caloric deficit. For some people, the answer is a low carb diet. For others, it's not a low carb diet. You have to research, experiment and ultimately decide what is best for you as an individual.

    The one tip I would give you is that if you do decide to continue with a low carb diet, buy a food scale and get in the habit of tracking all of your macros and calories each day. You have to watch your carb and fiber intake regardless, so why not watch protein (very important) and total calories (very important) as well? This way, if you decide you no longer want to do a low carb diet in the future, you don't have to alter your daily routine whatsoever, as you've already developed all the good habits you need to keep your caloric intake in check on any diet that's out there. Nothing says you have to eat your current macros FOREVER in order for weight loss to be sustainable, and it's a good idea to start developing those good habits now so that you can easily make changes to your nutritional intake in the future.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Low carb or diet anything is horrible. I believe that limiting bad carbs (e.g. white refined carbs) and replacing them with healthier ones (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc) is a better and more sane outlook to have.

    I personally cannot do low carbs - I feel lethargic, moody and end up unable to fully complete workouts. Fueling your body properly and making sustainable choices is the key to being successful in your weight loss/fitness endeavours.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    Low carb or diet anything is horrible. I believe that limiting bad carbs (e.g. white refined carbs) and replacing them with healthier ones (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc) is a better and more sane outlook to have.

    I personally cannot do low carbs - I feel lethargic, moody and end up unable to fully complete workouts. Fueling your body properly and making sustainable choices is the key to being successful in your weight loss/fitness endeavours.
    Please refrain from labeling food bad unless it is spoiled or rotten.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    "Low carb" depends how low is low and what kind of energy you want. Cutting out refined sugar will make your daily log much lower in carbs, and that's a good thing. A general rule of thumb in low carb is to eat how a diabetic would eat...If it's too low carb for them, it's probably too low carb for you. (Obviously I'm no doctor or nutritionist...I've just lived with someone who is diabetic and learned a lot about carbohydrate intake).
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    No, but I would never do it. I love carbs too much.
  • Kayshay29
    Ok thnx for the replies everyone!! I guess I should have been clearer in what I meant by no sugar. Basically I've adopted that natural diet(no sure what it's called) where i can eat anything I want in it's natural state and cheese so all fruits and vegatables are fine by me. I guess the carbs I'm cutting out would be no bread, pasta, rice or refined sugar. I was a triple triple kinda girl before which led to my triple sized waist band. I guess I was wrong because I never considered the carbs in fruits and vegatables really carbs but you learn something new everyday. I really need to do more research on nutrition.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Low carb or diet anything is horrible. I believe that limiting bad carbs (e.g. white refined carbs) and replacing them with healthier ones (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc) is a better and more sane outlook to have.

    I personally cannot do low carbs - I feel lethargic, moody and end up unable to fully complete workouts. Fueling your body properly and making sustainable choices is the key to being successful in your weight loss/fitness endeavours.
    Please refrain from labeling food bad unless it is spoiled or rotten.

    Please refrain from telling me how to express my opinion. You are more than welcome to post studies should you disagree with my opinion about refined, processed carbs.
  • Kayshay29
    Thxn for the tip re:diabetic diet
  • Kayshay29
    Sorry guys this is my first day so not sure how to directly answer under someone's comment. Still learning :). Definately going to look into buying a scale mostly because my eyes are bigger than my stomach, lol.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Low carb is not bad and encompasses a large variety of carb limits.

    That being said not everyone is able to commit to a low carb diet for life. The most sustainable and successful diet is the one you can see yourself continuing for life.


    No way am I giving up bread or rice ..........for the rest of my life. I will measure & log what I I can learn portion sizes & control.
  • lfabbric
    lfabbric Posts: 17 Member
    18 months now keto/paleo with weekly refeeds.

    Love my carbs as well, hence the weekly refeeds.