How to eat healthy if you HATE veggies?! HELP!

I’m getting ready to start an AdvoCare 10 day cleanse and have no idea how to prepare foods for such a thing. I’m determined to get healthier, but I detest veggies :/

I like corn, potatoes, and fried zucchini…all a no no.

I also like tuna (with mayo) & salmon (rather, salmon patties, mixed with egg and fried) & shrimp (prepared any way, thankfully) nos

Could someone give my SPECIFIC recipes that may help me? I’ll TRY anything, but I know I’m gonna need to prepare it specific ways. I’ve been told that I can use Mrs. Dash seasonings, unsure if that’s true.

Also, what condiments can I use with this diet? I’ve got the graphs that come with the package, but again, I’m an idiot when it comes to dieting and need some SPECIFIC meals.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Why would you pick a diet full of foods you hate?! How is that at all sustainable?!
  • Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Have you ever given green smoothies a try? I usually do half spinach half varous frozen fruit (half a frozen ripe banana and then other frozen blueberries / strawberries / mangos / whatever I happen to have). I usually also put in a heaping tablespoon of protein powder, but that's completely optional.
  • I haven't! That's a good option to have, thanks :)
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    Have you tried different preparations of the vegetables? What about baked/roasted zucchini? You can slice it with some onion and potato. Bake at 350, stirring occasionally to avoid burning. Season with italian seasoning, salt and pepper.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.

    Well good luck to you. I'm sure with that attitude you'll do terrific.
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    Unfortunately, its one of those things where you will have to learn to love all of them if you want to love all of them like you want to do.

    Start with the easy ones like green beans or corn or potatoes and then work up to the more acquired tastes ones like brussel sprouts, dark greens, broccoli, and even just raw cucumbers.

    I love all my vegetables chopped, roasted with olive oil and a spice mix at 400 for 10-15 minutes to retain the crunch.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    lost me at Advocare 10 day cleanse...wat
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    if you like zuchini, try it roasted for 30 mins add a little parm cheese and seasoning salt its wonderful

    side note : I know u said you dont like much else but if you like zuchini you most likely enjoy summer squash prepare with it ^
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.

    Just looking for "better" foods than what you listed won't require a "cleanse" or even a huge, drastic change. Log your calories daily (and I mean EVERYTHING you put in your mouth) and maintain a deficit. There's not reason you can't eat pizza once in awhile if it fits into your daily needs. :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    The salads I have for lunch are actually very yummy!

    Two handfuls of baby spinach, baby kale, and chard
    One sweet bell pepper (red, orange or yellow) chopped into itty bits.
    One mini cucumber, sliced
    Two handfuls of sweet (mini) tomatos
    One handful of sugar snap peas
    and two tablespoons of yummy, vinegar-based Renees Gormet salad dressing!

    Yum, yum!

    And it's only 300ish calories to boot!

    Then I have mixed veggies with hummus dip for my afternoon snack.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Why would you pick a diet full of foods you hate?! How is that at all sustainable?!

    My thoughts exactly!!!

    And HOW did I know this was going to be another Advocare thread...hmm...:explode:
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    Sweet potato is really nice, it can be baked just like normal potato, I had it tonight and it was delicious!
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    Also try roasting sweet potatoes cut like fries with salt pepper and paprika toss with a little coconut oil or whatever you use...
    Dip it in ketchup mix with a dash or two of hot sauce...

    My husband hated sweet potato
    until he dipped it in to sweet and spice ketchup
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    No idea how to do that cleanse, but in my experience cleanses don't provide sustainable change.
    They're great if you're eating well and want a boost, but start by eating well!

    The best way to get to know/ enjoy veggies is by substitution.
    Instead of 3 kinds of fruit in your smoothie, add 2 parts fruit, one part leafy greens.
    Make some meat balls- add onions, bell peppers, and garlic to the raw meat. Hate them THAT much? Put the veggies through the blender before adding them so you won't have to see them or deal with their texture.
    Add blended or finely chopped veggies to spaghetti sauce, soups, casseroles, dips, hamburger patties, etc.

    You don't have to love huge chunks of broccoli to tolerate tiny shredded pieces in your chili.
    Start small.
  • siczlo
    siczlo Posts: 1 Member
    I make a veggie soup. Saute onion, garlic, carrot, celery, Italian seasonings in a little olive oil for about 7 min. Add a low sodium broth like veggie or chicken (or a mix of both). Then add chopped up veggies like zucchini, squash, spinach, and kale. I also add a can of rinsed beans like kidney or northern. If I have left over chicken, I may through that in there. I can only get a salad down once every other day or so. But I can eat this soup daily.
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    Have you considered juicing? you would get all the nutrients you need just by drinking..... you get used to the taste....
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    I think what the lady who first comment was trying to get at is to have an open change you body/ must do something really should do some pinterest recipe searches helped me alot with ideas
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Recipes aside, this "cleanse" you are doing sounds quite restrictive if you aren't allowed toe at certain types of vegetables, and if you are planning to eat only vegetables plus this AdvoCare potion for the next 10 days you're going to have a bad time. It looks like a laxative dressed up as a metabolism booster, which is a load of... crap. Which, by the way, is also likely to feature prominently.