Can I just get a printed strength routine??



  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member

    About halfway down there is a "find Your Plan" with a spot to pick male/female, age and what you want...weight loss or muscle building. I find anything by Jamie Eason pretty simple and easily adaptable to home workouts too if that ever became an option. You can print out PDF versions of each days workout. I am doing the 12 week tone and define right now. I really like it! It combines cardio and lifting.
  • lulusmom
    I really, really like the book Body Sculpting Bible For Women, because it has several different comprehensive weight lifting workouts written out week by week AND a corresponding picture and explanation of each lift that you can refer to as you go (until you learn the terminology). The first time I bought the book was in 2005 and I went from 29% body fat to 16% body fat in about 12 weeks. I stand by the workouts as a good solid weight-lifting starting point.
  • Binouchette
    Binouchette Posts: 13 Member
    bump! :)