seniors wanting to lose weight

This is my second time, to join My Fitness Pal. I am hoping to meet other women or men, over 60 yrs. young, who really need to lose weight. Due to health issues, most seniors are limited in what exercises they can do.
I need friends, to encourage me and hopefully I can do the same..


  • djlose50
    I am 62. In the fall I went to the doctor's and was surprised to see that my blood pressure was up and so was my cholesterol. My blood sugar was marginal. My weight was up 50 pounds over the past 12 years and even though I was able to lose 40 pounds 3 years ago - I put it all back on PLUS 10. Every morning, I have been promising myself for 2 years that I would get back on track - cut down on the wine and fattening food and exercise regularly - but every morning stepped out of the shower and did exactly as I had done the day before - nothing different.

    On January 6th I joined the YMCA, signed up for swimnastics and the 10 week fitness challenge. I have committed to 3x/week - one hour/day in the pool. I keep track of my food and excercise on myfitnesspal and so far - I think this will be manageable for the 5 months I need to stay committed to the weight loss part of my goal.

    My ultimate goal is to continue to exercise and eat healthy and maintain good health for the remaining 1/3 of my life. I want my body back. I want my good health back.
  • ElaineCrume
    Saw you're post and thought I'd get in touch. After losing 150 pounds in 2006/7 I have let 40 pounds creep back up on me. I am back in old habits, starting a diet every Monday and usually letting it slide back into the usual in a few weeks or less. I'm not much of a joiner but it would be nice to have an encouraging friend to talk to. I am 68, live in Denver, but my two sons live in Seattle. I work from home (yes, still working at 68) but get on the treadmill behind my desk for at least 30 minutes a day. I hate,hate, hate weight training but know that's what I need to do.

    Good thing is I am in great health. BP, cholesterol, and sugar levels are picture perfect. The doc says I'll live to be 100 but honestly I don't want to if I have to be this fat. I got married again in April of last year to the love of my life, a college sweetheart. I am truly happy with him and he supports me in every way. Unfortunately that includes agreeing that we both need ice cream! His son is getting married this summer in San Francisco and we're going to the wedding. His ex wife will be there, the girl he married instead of me when we were in college. You can see why I want to look fabulous. I am doing acupuncture to help with the loss but not sure it's making that much difference.

    If you want to talk let me know. Maybe we could help each other.